Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?


New Member
LMAO, this is hilarious. An idiot posts this ridiculous thread, and out of all the smart-assed answers he gets, mine seems to be the only one deleted. We all know why that is, so guess what... ROLLITUP can SUCK MY ASS!!! I'm outta here folks! Peace, and good luck not getting ripped off in this one-sided shithole of a site!


Well-Known Member
I would give them breast milk over miracle gro lmao.
If you are serious by that you should quit growing till you read a book on Botany. Hate on Miracle-gro all you want, but it is a decent plant food when you use as dose says.
Brest milk has NOT any NPK (tiny P) or the other significant amount of the micro elements.


Well-Known Member
hey it ain't a bad idea considering the mineral content, but ordinary cow's milk would be just as good and cheaper at that!


Active Member
What about using Cannabis breast milk? Just suppose....

....you take your mother plant, and squeeze her nipples.


Well-Known Member
What supermarket sells breast milk by the quart ?
Do I go to the mall and look for pregnant women ?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if sperm would have any effect? Be a weird porn idea, some chick squeezing her nippulars onto some green then having some guy squirt all over it, talk about a money shot LOL

I don't think I'd smoke that one


Well-Known Member
well sure lets try sperm as long as we are trying other bodily fluids? I wonder why no mod has deleted this thread yet, Seems to me to be an atempt at trolling for an emotional response from unsuspecting victims~~ although there is a possibility that maybe the OP really considers this a topic worth discussing...
well its an etertaining thread to say the least.

I simply wonder what will be next, so far this month I have seen a thread asking about using gatorade, about using mushroom tea, breast milk, someone inquiring about growing a "meth tree". At this rate the next thought provoking thread will be about using the blood from tampoons to increase trichome production....


Well-Known Member
....and with that, we're done. Shut 'er down. Lock it up. Good night! T-shirts for sale at the exit.
well doesn't that seem like the progression, first pee, then breast milk, only a couple other bodily fluids that a person can enquire about.

I can already see the conversation playing out... "well I used blood meal before so why not go directly to the source"


Active Member
Next stop, Crazy Town! Where everyone pukes on their pot plants and eats their own feces.

Hey there's an idea. Shit on your plants, save money on compost and manure!


Well-Known Member
I read this last night on a ww grow guide, it stated that giving birth control in the last 3wks of flower, swells up da buds a lot, something to do estrogen... If I finf it again, ill post the link.


Well-Known Member
I read that using gatorade will make your buds flavored:) and apprently using mushroom tea on your plants will make them more psychedelic/
Have heard that using anabolic steriods on your plant will make them HUGE, im talking HUGE. Just be sure to feed the plant plenty of protien while your dosing it with that anabolic steriods. Testosterone Cypionate I hear is the best. If you don't want your herb to give you a headache every other watering put some tylenol in the water.

If pot makes your paranoid I hear using zoloft stacked with xanex in the watering cycle will keep Paranoia at bay. If you have trouble sleeping crush up ambien and put it in the soil or directly in the resevoir.


Well-Known Member
@ medimary, why are you giving this advice? I will find the link to where it states about the birth control, but you shouldnt do that. Noobs will kill their grows listening ro your advice.


Well-Known Member
@ medimary, why are you giving this advice? I will find the link to where it states about the birth control, but you shouldnt do that. Noobs will kill their grows listening ro your advice.
unless noobs can detect sarcasm...in which case they will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
estrogen is a female hormone, testosterone is a male hormone. why do you think one would be good for plants and the other not good?


Well-Known Member
Gives patlpp and ruiner a pat on the back...:)

Good job guys+ rep
you guys are smarter than the average bear. Hey boooboooo:D