The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i just found a old fag packet at the back of my curing jar cupboard with a spliff or 2's worth of bubble hash in it ! ... i havnt made any for about 8 months so this should be fun lol :)


Well-Known Member
went to pub all day yesterday and most of the day today...reckon if drunk oaround 25 pints of fresh orange aln lemonade...although ive done in a q of charlie and around 30 valium. so much mush for the healthy approach!!


Well-Known Member
hi i am first time grower could some one please tell me wat is going on with this pic wat are the pod like things here and am i doing this correctly :cry:thanks
you've got a hermie thats self pollinated so you've got seeds growing in those calyx my friend. the seeds will just be hermie as well so time to start all over I'm afraid.

went to pub all day yesterday and most of the day today...reckon if drunk oaround 25 pints of fresh orange aln lemonade...although ive done in a q of charlie and around 30 valium. so much mush for the healthy approach!!
lol an i thought i drank a lot yesterday

them little airpots del, are they 1L?


Well-Known Member
you've got a hermie thats self pollinated so you've got seeds growing in those calyx my friend. the seeds will just be hermie as well so time to start all over I'm afraid.

lol an i thought i drank a lot yesterday

them little airpots del, are they 1L?
ive cut them all down a bit mate to fit my growing style............:mrgreen:


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Morning guys, Japanese beer is bad beer. It's like the opposit of chinese food, you can drink and drink and drink and you're fine so drink and drink annd drink and BAM you're unconscious in your seat.

Derby, the photo cracked me up. Bet you wish you'd worn shorts and sandals now ya stupid posh cunts.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nah :D the way this world works, there are no "national beers" it's all jut licensed and produced anywhere, this stuff comes from Faversham :lol:


Well-Known Member
hahaha what a rip!

decoys lois, DECOYSSSSSS

decided to try ride my mates bike last night and crashed it into a bush of nettles with a metal railing in it and landed on my neck, gotta move like a robot now lol. fucked my knee, sunburnt, hungover, shit day, gonna watch tv and chop that lowryder all day.


Active Member
WOW the whole reason of me growing with cfl is to reduce heat do you think im better off with a hps come flower b/c im yet to get the red cfl yet
if uv great heat extraction n smell fucker id go with em but i was really surprised thers nuthin stealthy bout em which is wot i got em

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
one big joint and i think i'm about fit enough to take on the world, well phone a mate and tell him to come pick me up and take me to kfc or something :D


Active Member
the misses has text to say she's driven past a massive hydro store & do I want anything. Fucking right I do! Thought about getting some cha ching as I've seen a few people use it on here but its about £50! Thought that might be taking the piss a bit (anyone used it? is it worth it?) so she's getting me some superthrive & an ONA block :)