Which laws are on the books that are unconstitutional? So many claim love for the founding fathers and the constitution and call foul like "that's not what the founding fathers would have wanted!"... Seems to me too many people just scream "gah it's unconstitutional!" when they disagree with legislation. The most obvious example being so-called "constitutionalists" who hypocritically oppose a woman's right to choose - despite the ruling protecting said right enumerated by the constitution.
The founding fathers created the SCOTUS to interpret the constitution. The only interpretation that matters is the SCOTUS. That is how the founding fathers intended.
you may know a lot about phoney baloney keynsian charts but you arent very familiar with the constitution. and abortion? thats your big issue? its been legal here since forever. many americans, probably most, dont want to pay for it because of morality issues. its sad, when the biggest thing youre worried about is killing babies.
scotus was sort of an afterthought for the founders. the supreme court can and should be over ruled by congress. especially when you have idiots like breyer who think foreign law should be part of scotus decision making process. thats fucking ridiculous period. his ass should be in jail. it was never intended to be the be-all-end-all that it is today and they were pretty clear on this in federalists papers.
patriot act, which gets more ridiculous everytime its passed.
you will find eminent domain abuses all over the place.
search and seizure violations everywhere. indiana court just said its against the law to stop police from illegally entering your home. total violation dating back to when the british would take up rooms in houses.
around here they have road blocks that stop every car going down a highway. total fucking violation.
the commerce clause is consistently violated. our congress distorts everything to fall under commerce so they can control it. totally unconstitutional.
forcing anybody to buy anything (obamacare) is a violation of the constitution. sure there will be judges that side with obama, and they should be impeached because it is very clear to thinking people that this is uncontitutional.
the fed seems to be out of control and fucking up everything too. wouldnt surprise me if there was a whole bunch of shit they are doing that is unconstitutional
and the list is way bigger than that but thats off the top of my hungover head.