Want Fatter Buds not Sure How - 2 Weeks To Go

don't get your panties in a bunch, Do a search on this website or on internet about using molasses in the garden and you will get a ton of articles.

Sorry, No panties to knot. I did a search and there was no definitive proof so came to this forum to discuss but have been side tracked by an Almighty Troll.

You chat some crap ..... I never discounted it or rippedon the benefits, I said I dont know and asked for clarification, you fool lol
Im not a noob, I live in the UK and have been to the Dam 3 times. First was in 1991. .... No, Ive never asked a coffess shop owner if they use Black Mollasses, have you?????

haha .... I do like the way u use the term 'noob'. Only a fool would attempt to use that term in a pejorative sense, you are a troll trying to make people who ask genuine questions feel stupid. Well my friend, I believe there are no stupid questions just stupid answers. And your answer was as stupid as it gets.


Uh, really?
For my 2 pence: Cervantes is well known as a foremost weed guru and respected by many. Ive not read his book but I wonder how many coffee shops in Amsterdam use black mollasses, just a guess but I would say none .make of that what you will. Ive never used it nor has anyone I know. Also, surely if it was 'that' helpful it would be marketed and sold in hydro shops, Ive never seen any at the numerous hydro shops I frequent, have anyone else seen this product.

"hydro shops" tend to want to make good profits, molasses isn't exactly a high dollar item now is it? I would seriously advise you to go do some heavy reading, because almost nothing that you've said anywhere in this thread made the tiniest bit of sense. Except where you corrected Da Jews spelling.
Uh, really?
For my 2 pence: Cervantes is well known as a foremost weed guru and respected by many. Ive not read his book but I wonder how many coffee shops in Amsterdam use black mollasses, just a guess but I would say none .make of that what you will. Ive never used it nor has anyone I know. Also, surely if it was 'that' helpful it would be marketed and sold in hydro shops, Ive never seen any at the numerous hydro shops I frequent, have anyone else seen this product.

Yes Wolverine really .... are you that retatded that you ignore the part where I qualify my opinion by stating its a guess? I never said I knew. Whats your point?
the point is take that monkey floss out of your butt. You made a highly retarded comment about molasses.

Maybe, maybe not ...... Im still waiting for that link to an actual product..... 6 trillion* webpages on the net, find one that supports your argument instead of resorting to puerile name calling.

*(made up stat)

Show me proof that any coffee shop in the Dam uses black mollasses, why do you find that so difficult to do?
Tooo funny ...... oooooo am i supposed to be shook because you (a stranger) calls me a noob. lol .... grow up my friend
and oh know ..... i didnt even know molasses is useful in the garden...thats terrible. :mrgreen: shoot me now.

btw.... you only knew that because you read it somewhere too. Also, I think you mean "you're" and not "your", If youre gonna start calling people noob then it would be prudent to do it with the correct punctuation and spelling.

It's funny that you correct his spelling of "you're" then mess it up yourself! I think you forgot an apostrophe! LOL!
Blackstrap molasses contains several different kinds of sugars, some of them complex sugar. It also contains "residue" which analysis typically shows as humic acid material. The concentration of blackstrap molasses tends to favor either bacteria or fungi. Low concentrations favor bacteria and high concentrations favor fungi.
When making compost tea mid level concentrations (0.5-3%) can create a bacteria bloom so strong the mix goes anerobic. If the concentrations are high enough the fungi use the complex sugars and out compete the bacteria so going anaerobic isn't as much of a concern. I think the take away is use either very little or a whole bunch.
How do these concentrations work in soil? I'm not sure. I have used the 1 Tbls/gal very successfully. What I am trying to achieve is getting the micro-biotic systems up to speed to help convert the nutrients into the most usable form for plants. Most of them need to be acted on in some way by bacteria and/or fungi to readily available.
Actually Nullis dissed Cervantes. NoGutsGrower Is the one who you agree with.... For my 2 pence: Cervantes is well known as a foremost weed guru and respected by many. Ive not read his book but I wonder how many coffee shops in Amsterdam use black mollasses, just a guess but I would say none .make of that what you will. Ive never used it nor has anyone I know. Also, surely if it was 'that' helpful it would be marketed and sold in hydro shops, Ive never seen any at the numerous hydro shops I frequent, have anyone else seen this product.

If anyone here knows of a Black Mollasses plant feed please post a link here.
p.s . ..... Im careful about labelling experts as 'full of shit" without hard facts but ............ just being an 'expert' doesnt make you immune from being wrong or chatting shit. Ive heard many PHD graduates chatting shit on many many things

I dont know if you've noticed but there are TONS of products in them shops that are just glorified Mollasses.
Sweet, Carbo-Load, Honey ES on and on and on........... Almost Every full feeding schedule from pretty much all nutrient producers includes a "sugar" product.
Maybe, maybe not ...... Im still waiting for that link to an actual product..... 6 trillion* webpages on the net, find one that supports your argument instead of resorting to puerile name calling.

*(made up stat)

Show me proof that any coffee shop in the Dam uses black mollasses, why do you find that so difficult to do?

How about any of them using the full Advanced Nut product line? Which is in fact, most of them.........
Uh, really?
For my 2 pence: Cervantes is well known as a foremost weed guru and respected by many. Ive not read his book but I wonder how many coffee shops in Amsterdam use black mollasses, just a guess but I would say none .make of that what you will. Ive never used it nor has anyone I know. Also, surely if it was 'that' helpful it would be marketed and sold in hydro shops, Ive never seen any at the numerous hydro shops I frequent, have anyone else seen this product.

"hydro shops" tend to want to make good profits, molasses isn't exactly a high dollar item now is it? I would seriously advise you to go do some heavy reading, because almost nothing that you've said anywhere in this thread made the tiniest bit of sense. Except where you corrected Da Jews spelling.

Ever heard of NorKali company called Hydro-organics? Earth Juice? They have a whole organic line of nutrients called hi-brix. They also have an award winning product call hi-brix, molasses for plants. I use their molasses for alfalfa/compost teas. And I think it is great. I have used the two-part hi-brix line with absolutely no complaints either. Also, if you do some research, you will find that tons of companies have molasses in their products.
Surround those babies on all sides with CFLs and reflectors. Let the LED do it's magic above. Looks like they are getting frosty!
Those buds look bulky look like you will be getting a good yield man good work. I am hoping my Snow Ryder's will be the same fingers crossed.
Ever heard of NorKali company called Hydro-organics? Earth Juice? They have a whole organic line of nutrients called hi-brix. They also have an award winning product call hi-brix, molasses for plants. I use their molasses for alfalfa/compost teas. And I think it is great. I have used the two-part hi-brix line with absolutely no complaints either. Also, if you do some research, you will find that tons of companies have molasses in their products.

No shit. Talk about missing the point... You should re-read my post and put on your reading comprehension hat (but put the hat on before you re-read my post).
Also, you may want to calibrate your sarcasm detector as well.
autos and low wattage leds...MMMhhhhh...what could be the problem, i cannot see, cannot see :o

i was looking for the other smart man in the thread who realized this.... and compost tea / micro-organism fertalizer AND molasses. the micro-organisms break the molasses into basic carbohydrates that the buds need to form.