1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

sweet apart from the dog how funny that mine did exactly the same thing yesterday lol. err more watering me thinks hahahah ;)
man i dunno if she's going to make it. :( still gutted.
Get the rosemary out of the grow cab and stick it next to a window Don, they grow great outside....it doesn't look dead to me mate.
its on the window getting indirect light, im thinking ill whip it back outside its got plenty new growth at the top
dead hot chili peppers? they looked alive to me still, bru ;)
you not heard of zombie dave grohl? :lol:
It was vegged quite a while as it was the original seed. I got a cut going in to my mother cab as a new keeper.
chuffed its considered worthy of keeping fella!
ohhhhhh, that is one sad picture of the doggy dog donnie, im sure she will recover with some ice water and a nice cold beer..lol
that science lab kit looks super fun!!!!! i want one! what are you going to do???? Ihope your ok.
it must be hot where you are at...me too!
take care
yup its a pretty sickly pup alright, im trying not to dwell on it. lesson learned. this shit is always throwing me curve balls.

the tube is for extracting thc from bud or trim etc pack it n force butane through what drips out is pure knockout drops. its a magic carpet ride. im going to make some nuggets by whipping it up. i might even do an article for the now very lacking faq. if someone hasn't already
laters dr
Hey don I thought you where done with bho? I would have sent your old tube back if you needed it. Did you ever smoke that budder that the fairy sent.
so did I man :) then I spoke to a few people and there's a demand for it so i'm making it lol and besides ive been working on upping my tolerance a bit. but in all honesty i want a new piece for the bong to do oil hits. the old tube i said you could keep man, its a little on the small side, was always a chore to keep filling it up.

and hell yeah i did toke that nugget man. one night i was on the sniff. still knocked me even on the china :shock:
Alright Don, totally gutted bout you'r DOG mate, especially after doing a great job on re-veging her man. I had to pull a H.B earlier that was showing male flower's all over and only a couple weeks in :)
The Cheesequake x Qrazytrain's are beasting seedling's though :) Getting some first sign's of new growth on a couple liver's snip's. Can't wait to get them growing properly again, Ive got one flowering at about week 4 but its a fine mess. I was lst-ing it for cut's, then decided to flower it but never pruned it first, so its all twisted and growing from everywhere! Pop-corn fest i think.

p.s that tube. That's not for insertion is it ? :cry:
later's bro.
hahaha i hope it never goes near my poop chute man, things fucking barbed for gods sake lmao.

funny you should say that my cq x qt are the same really from the go they grow thick n fast. think its the trainwreck in them.
bho - back hole orrifice. uugh!
bung hole open :shock:
the bho I smoked gave me a sore head, I could taste the butane. but Jigfresh said he cleans his somehow, you gonna do the same ting Mr Don?
well theres different scales of purifying it, you can heat it gently a couple of times to expel as much butane as poss, of course using good butane will affect the taste drastically aswell.

i think jigfresh used a vacumm pump thingy but i think they were quite pricey for what they were, ill be whipping it to make that ear waxy stuff so i'm not too fussed, see how it goes.
bho enema, hold tight lol if u can
de3ffo not the place to be forcing butane through :lol:
''de3ffo not the place to be forcing butane through'' lmao

when you lot are out sicking my drunken mind i no its time for bed lol

love that bho tube m8 already checked the site out n no im not buying no honeybee anymore lolol
hahaha ever tried filling up footballs with butane? makes for a fun game.

aye im going to use the two plants at 6 weeks to make a boat load of oil or maybe one for oil one for bubble hash not sure yet depends on how much there is, but for the price of the tube i thought you cant go wrong
Good day Sir, well i was sure it was'ntfor that reason ( the tube ) haha. Been thinking bout what to do with the trim ive gathered over the last few, and was originally giong to make butter, but some of the DOG, and Liver's trim is the kind of swag you would leave on 'covered in frost'. There's also the 10g os shake in there thats mostly all broken bud n trim. So was wondering the best way to make some keif hash or something. Going to check the forum for tips, im sure H.C has a good way dilled in on the old hashish manufacturing! lol :)

Stay Lucky Bro.
alreet gadgey,

well if your not wanting to splash out you could do dry sieve but id fullly recommend the 5gal knockoff bags on ebay man cheap as chips.
I use the 1gallon and they are great. May be supersize the bags at some point in the future. I think the biggest bucket I have is only 12litres. I assume you need like a 20litre bucket or something???
Ah Ha, i was asking about the sizes the other week and was recommended to get the 5's but 1gallon sound's big enough for me ? Just dont want them to be too small but if they'r good for you D, then i'll re-think that order. Glad i spotted that post as ive itching to get the bag's for week's just did'nt want to get the 1's to later have to get the 5's lol.

cheers's guy's

So i was just checking out the bag's. I was looking at some 1 gallon in set's of 5 ( the colored one's ) and also the 5 gallon ones on the link page that are around the same price as the 5.g one's, but only 3 bag's with the. Will there be a great difference aslong as the final bag is fine ??
Still, think i'll go for the one's for now and prob. pay for the more expensive 5 bag set, and prob. regret it too lol. Learning eh! tut, tut ;)
Oh right, yeah my memory's trying to remember lol that ws a wile ago now wernt it

Year n a month ago. He plead to the lesser charge of careless driving at the last minute. Judge banned him for a year and fined him a poxy 160 bar. At least hell never taxi again. Still no real compensation for loss of using his right.side or his nut caved in.

The law is an ass. I tell you peeps can get away with near killing someone, and growing dope is considered a major offence
man thats fucked its pretty much saying its ok 2 do that (make someone loose there right side feeling) or go rape a woman (or heaven forbid a child) and its ok just a slap on the rists. sell some drugs and there banging u up. no justice anymore, people need the power back viva guy forkes mentality coming soon i hope
Ahhh, thanks Don. I didn't realize it was a plaster mixing attachment. The hell I'm gunna buy one of those expensive ass washingmachineagitatorthingamabobbers. . . me and my trusty drill will do just fine.
aye man, fucker even had the gall to send his pal over to say im sorry we never meant any of this to happen. the plod had to get between us. i was foamin. no mate your empty bullshit apologies mean fuck all to me or the lad you've fucked over.

no justice but what we meat out. people aren't scared of the law anymore.