The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Ok sure say this happens in the deep south, middle of Alabama racist central town full of white racist....Well what happens when an out of towner who is white stops in and takes a picture of the sign and basically snitches...lawsuits follow...

how would there be a lawsuit if ron paul had his way and public accommodation laws were never passed?

that is not a "realistic scenario".
This just happened to be one of the new articles today, how convinient since we are kind of on this topic now.

Omg guees what not only does ron paul allow racisism in restaurants but hes a racist wominizer and has no idea how to run a restaurant, as evidenced by this headline in the New York Post:

omg ron paul is the anti-christ and prolly also a racist who will sell us to china look at that demon giving waitresses money!

Tell you what guys lets get real for a second here - haven't you guys ever seen the sign that says "We have the right to refuse service to anyone we desire"? (or w/e -----Yea its on every business you go to that serves the public --- and they do throw people out all the time, and they will call the cops sometimes and the cops will throw them out. Its 2011 - there will not be signs that say 'no negros allowed' give it a rest.

Hell yeah!!!! No-tax tips!!! Spread that news and he just swung the entire service industry!
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it' George Santayana

I for one will not forget ...The very reason we HAD to have the Civil Rights Vote of 64 was because of the racism and hatred that ran plenty in this country and because of that ill past you have what you have ...Laws to stop you from even trying and I for one will be damn to see it Phuck Ron Paul glad he won't make in out the primary..I for one will cast a vote for Herman or Mitt to assure such...Obama2012
no one ever said that would happen.
Well you hit the nail on the head, no matter what RP's stance is on private property rights, the country isn't going to revert back to Jim Crowe laws anytime soon. No matter how hard you try to tell people they can't be racist, they will be racist, its human nature to look for differences amongst one another. Look at children, they single out the odd kids at an early age.
i believe i posted that before civil rights were implemented, businesses that were supposedly "open to the public" had signs in the windows disallowing blacks from entering, yet had no problem staying in business.

do you dispute this historical fact?
How many businesses had those signs? 10, 100, 10,000? Just how many?
Well you hit the nail on the head, no matter what RP's stance is on private property rights, the country isn't going to revert back to Jim Crowe laws anytime soon. No matter how hard you try to tell people they can't be racist, they will be racist, its human nature to look for differences amongst one another. Look at children, they single out the odd kids at an early age.

people will be racist.

we don't have to condone this. we can condemn it.

and we rightly do just that, despite ron paul's objections.
Then don't do business there. Problem solved.

nope. if i don't patronize that business but enough other people do, the problem remains.

and why are we even considering a candidate who brings the conversation BACKWARDS by about 50 years? shouldn't we be projecting 50 years forward? ya know, looking for long term solutions?

just a thought.
nope. if i don't patronize that business but enough other people do, the problem remains.

and why are we even considering a candidate who brings the conversation BACKWARDS by about 50 years? shouldn't we be projecting 50 years forward? ya know, looking for long term solutions?

just a thought.

Why is it my or your duty to police right and wrong. i think with media being what it is todat a person opening an "excluse" business would do better to say "Latinos Only" than to say No Whites or Blacks. And they could do well. Do i think it's right? idk, depends on why they are doing it. They sometimes have very good reason, such as a Latino History gathering or whatnot. Why would they WANT to open their doors to the likes of the KKK or the Black Panthers? Common sense UB. We can't legislate morals nor racial equality. Neither one is a winnable fight. All they do is breed more intolerance(Because now whites are mad at minorities because there are scholarships for every other race. While there is one white-male only scholarship i know of, one is not helping much), common sense-less legislation(Brings to mind the Chicago fire-fighter case. Why hire less qualified candidates for no reason other than to make your quota for minorities), blocked paths to happiness(The previous two are good examples i think.), etc.

Not the kind of world i enjoy living in. Therefore i plan to vote Ron Paul 2012!
Don't think it's been posted here yet but if it has then i think it's worthy of a second post.

Why is it my or your duty to police right and wrong.

two quotes come to my mind: 'all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing' and 'i am my brother's keeper'.

i guess, since we can not and must not police right and wrong, we should release all the murderers, rapists, and pedophiles, right?

i think with media being what it is todat a person opening an "excluse" business would do better to say "Latinos Only" than to say No Whites or Blacks. And they could do well. Do i think it's right? idk, depends on why they are doing it.

this is completely off topic. we are talking about businesses to which the civil rights act applies, ones that claim to be open to the public.

i may disagree that augusta national does not allow women members, but that is their right as a PRIVATE, NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC establishment.

They sometimes have very good reason, such as a Latino History gathering or whatnot.

private businesses do not NEED a reason, they are private.

Why would they WANT to open their doors to the likes of the KKK or the Black Panthers? Common sense UB.

common sense is knowing wht you are talking about with respect to the topic at hand, the civil rights act of 1964. perhaps you have noticed that private businesses are NOT restricted from letting in those they allow, while PUBLIC businesses must allow all but the unruly and disruptive.

We can't legislate morals nor racial equality. Neither one is a winnable fight. All they do is breed more intolerance

we have legislated progressively towards racial and gender equality (remember those amendments that allow blacks and women to vote?).

are you saying you are more intolerant to women and blacks? that is what i hear.

(Because now whites are mad at minorities because there are scholarships for every other race. While there is one white-male only scholarship i know of, one is not helping much)

it must be tough to be a white male in america nowadays. as a fellow white male, i feel your pain. it is soooooooooooo tough.

common sense-less legislation(Brings to mind the Chicago fire-fighter case. Why hire less qualified candidates for no reason other than to make your quota for minorities)

fact: minorities are ALWAYS less qualified :razz:

Not the kind of world i enjoy living in. Therefore i plan to vote Ron Paul 2012!

yay for centuries old logic that no longer applies!
two quotes come to my mind: 'all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing' and 'i am my brother's keeper'.

i guess, since we can not and must not police right and wrong, we should release all the murderers, rapists, and pedophiles, right?

this is completely off topic. we are talking about businesses to which the civil rights act applies, ones that claim to be open to the public.

i may disagree that augusta national does not allow women members, but that is their right as a PRIVATE, NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC establishment.

private businesses do not NEED a reason, they are private.

common sense is knowing wht you are talking about with respect to the topic at hand, the civil rights act of 1964. perhaps you have noticed that private businesses are NOT restricted from letting in those they allow, while PUBLIC businesses must allow all but the unruly and disruptive.

we have legislated progressively towards racial and gender equality (remember those amendments that allow blacks and women to vote?).

are you saying you are more intolerant to women and blacks? that is what i hear.

it must be tough to be a white male in america nowadays. as a fellow white male, i feel your pain. it is soooooooooooo tough.

fact: minorities are ALWAYS less qualified :razz:

yay for centuries old logic that no longer applies!

LOL! It spin and drivel as well as the out and out lies that really make people want to give up. But when someone reads this thread in it's entirety, they are going to laugh at the ignorance and spin as well as the Red Herrings that you throw out there UB.
Sorry guy ...The points on private and public businessess can not be countered for there is no argument what the law states...

A law that has been long, and at times hotly, debated having myself and other members make our points clear. It is obvious that UB will not likely change his mind and that is his right. He's an intelligent, capable adult.

i'm simply saying that it is pointless for me to debate how a law applies to businesses, private or "public" when it is exceptionally clear that i believe it is an unjust law and should be repealed. It is my belief that ALL businesses, not accepting gov't funding or aid, should be private. If one chooses to take advantage of the fact that there is a fund or grant or good interest through private groups that support racial diversity and acceptance to encourage economic growth(funded by those that choose to do so, not a tax on all) then and ONLY then should any sort of equality law apply. If a private citizen offers someone $XXXX but places a stipulation on the way that money is spent then i have no problem with that. They can take it or leave it. But when someone tries to tell me how to spend MY money that i have earned, then i stand opposed.

i, personally, would look for the lowest rates out there and see who i need to deal with.
A law that has been long, and at times hotly, debated having myself and other members make our points clear. It is obvious that UB will not likely change his mind and that is his right. He's an intelligent, capable adult.
i'm simply saying that it is pointless for me to debate how a law applies to businesses, private or "public" when it is exceptionally clear that i believe it is an unjust law and should be repealed. It is my belief that ALL businesses, not accepting gov't funding or aid, should be private. If one chooses to take advantage of the fact that there is a fund or grant or good interest through private groups that support racial diversity and acceptance to encourage economic growth(funded by those that choose to do so, not a tax on all) then and ONLY then should any sort of equality law apply. If a private citizen offers someone $XXXX but places a stipulation on the way that money is spent then i have no problem with that. They can take it or leave it. But when someone tries to tell me how to spend MY money that i have earned, then i stand opposed.
Well sorry that you feel that way, but the courts have decided that the constitutional interest in providing equal access to public accommodations outweighs the individual liberties involved, so I guess you just have to suck that up..and I think you really need to learn the difference between a Club/Organization and a Business..If you so want the right to tell people to stay out of your building because of what or who they are..just make it a Club/Organization, but you can't do any interstate commerce or deal with the general public or you back to square good luck with that ( hope you got some heavy donors )..
Well sorry that you feel that way, but the courts have decided that the constitutional interest in providing equal access to public accommodations outweighs the individual liberties involved, so I guess you just have to suck that up..and I think you really need to learn the difference between a Club/Organazation and a Business..If you so want the right to tell people to stay out of your building because of what or who they are..just make it a Club/Organazation, but you can't do any interstate commerce or deal with the general public or you back to square good luck with that ( hope you got some heavy donors )..

And you prove my point exactly sir. Thank you.

You attempt to mislabel my desire for liberty as racist, silly, uneducated or unwise just like the mainstream media and pocket-politicians do to Dr. Paul. Smear tactics at it's finest, but smear tactics nonetheless that avoid or attempt to cloud the issues at hand. Yet you make my exact point. If one chooses to make their business exclusive then they will suffer the financial hardships involved. The market WILL work it out. WITHOUT infringing on the rights and liberty of others.