Would you ____ for $____? game


Well-Known Member
This is a game where I post a hypothetical situation that you could choose to do for a hypothetical amount of money. The next poster answers yes or no, gives some or no reasoning, and then offers their own situation and amount of money for the next poster. Got it?

I'll start with one:

Would you stop smoking weed for 5 years to save the lives of 3 people you would never meet? and you will receive 2lbs of dank at the end of the break. For every day that passes its like .5 in the bank.

I'd keep smoking and do my little part to control the population...

Would you cut off your thumb for $1,000,000?
If it was my left thumb yes, but not my right.

Would you have sex with your grandma for 200million dollars?
Dead one or alive one? Guess it doesn't matter, cash right?

Would you let a man blow you for $300,000?
smoke break: probably not.
cut off thumb: nope, need it.
fuck my grandma? i'd fuck anything for $200 million.
blowjob for $300k? sure. i'd just close my eyes and enjoy early retirement.

would you beat the hell out of an old person for $50k?
smoke break, no
cut off thumb, depends how expensive robot thumbs are
fuck grandma, no
blowjob, close eyes and go to happy place

old person, if its my boss sure, if its a nice old lady nah

Would you eat chocolate pudding out of dick cheneys asshole for a million
lmfao I fuckin' love this thread!

For one million, fuck no!

Would you get hit in the front teeth with a baseball bat for all the dental work paid for plus 5 billion in the bank?
^ no

Would you have a 3way with Whoopi Goldberg and Ted Danson for $300k?

Sure why not as long as Ted doesn't touch my cock!

Now this one is bad, would you eat out a woman while she was getting an abortion and chew on the dead fetus like bubblegum for 5 min for 1 billion? if you don't chew on it for 5 you don't get the money!
Sure why not as long as Ted doesn't touch my cock!

Now this one is bad, would you eat out a woman while she was getting an abortion and chew on the dead fetus like bubblegum for 5 min for 1 billion? if you don't chew on it for 5 you don't get the money!

Of course! you guys r making the money values wayyy to high....for One BILLION?? Id shoot my mother in the face for that kind of cash.

would ya give a hobo a handy for ten k?
I kicked the fuck out of that puppy for 60k dude.

Would you give a speech to high schoolers telling them all lies about pot like the government does for $500?
I kicked the fuck out of that puppy for 60k dude.

Would you give a speech to high schoolers telling them all lies about pot like the government does for $500?
Nope, couldn't do it.

Would you jump out of a car doing 60mph for $10,000?
Would you jump out of a car doing 60mph for $10,000?

Hmm.. well considering I live in Canada, up it to $20,000 and I would

Would you live alone in a 1 bedroom house on a Russian mountain for 5 years with no technology or communication to anyone and just basic survival tools? That means no marijuana unless you can find some growing wild or something. In return you would get 12 million dollars and a nice place to live anywhere in the world you choose.
Not enough. I live comfortably now. MB for a billion.....

.....Would you get nailed to a cross to save the entire human race from an angry god???...lol...i know i sure as hell wouldn't