Chronic Monster
Well-Known Member
Id watch grandpa feed grandma the cock meat sandwich for 5k.
Would you cut off half your penis for 25million??
Would you cut off half your penis for 25million??
try and stop me
would you watch your grandparents fuck for 5k?
Not enough. I live comfortably now. MB for a billion.....
.....Would you get nailed to a cross to save the entire human race from an angry god??? know i sure as hell wouldn't
aint no big donkey c*ck f*cking me for 20,000!
Would you shower fully naked with bodies pressed against eachother with Michael Moore for 1000 bucks and an ounce?
would you t-bag a bear trap for $500,000
Would you, for no money, be the sole executioner for a death row inmate sentenced to death ... sitting in the chair? And no, you can't review their arrest file prior to doing the deed?
Would you remain abstinent for the rest of yer life (this means no orgasms of any kind) for $10,000 a week for the rest of your life?
would you set yourself on fire on capitol hill to get cannabis legalised worldwide for the true benefit of mankind? or any other goverment icon.
^nope.cum shot to the eye is the leading cause of blindness in the U.S (true)I may not have a lot of money but there is no way I'm taking hershey squirts in the face for $25,000...
Would you let a dude cum on your face for $200,000?
would you stop smoking bud forever if it means it is legallized everywhere,for everyone,except for you?(and by legallize i mean,no goverment control over it, like the world wouldnt give a rats ass what people do with cannabis)
would you take a round house kick to the sack,from Chuck Norris,for $10,000 and season 1 of Walker Texas Ranger lol?
Only from the dead chuck. He is dead right?
I'd keep smoking and do my little part to control the population...
Would you cut off your thumb for $1,000,000?
if theres no stds id close my eyes and eat the giant clam for 15 grand
would you risk a 10% chance at death (like roulette) for a million dollars?