What's Your Guy's Opinion On 2012?


Well-Known Member
So, that's nice. I've read fiction books too, by Dan Brown. But comparing one book to another and whether it is scientific or not, is just a crappy argument, dude. How many years of your life have you been fighting this one? I'm not really fighting though, I'm just sharing information with those that don't want to receive it, because that's what people are supposed to do. Helping those in darkness. Now if YOU want to go ahead and make believe that there is nothing here but a rock (earth) and your oppressive government, and some nice crap mixed in every once in a while, then fucking great. However the rest of us would like to believe that Oppression from all corners of the government is just a temporary fact of life and it will be lifted when ignorrant terds are flushed out of the system. If you start thinking about everybody and not just your selfish troll existance, believing in God is not religion, it's an idea and faith, and people want to believe in something nice, not a bunch of useless crap like dinosaurs! Does a 93 year old Grandma lay on her deathbed in the hospital thinking that Aliens or a Tyrannosaurus Rex will take her to the afterlife??? NOOOOOOOOO. No humanitarian genuinely believes that the PRODUCTION of dinosaur evidence is PROPER EDUCATION. why not study UFOS instead? Because it equally doesn't matter.

why are you attacking people?

what would jesus think?

shame on you.


Well-Known Member
If you are talking to me Ryan, I can frankly tell you that I never said the Bible has all answers. If you want some about God, then yes, it does have many answers and suggestions. If you want to read about how an entire city of ravenous, butt-thirsty homosexuals got it's colon blown out by fire from the sky and then tell me that God didn't punish a city for using their cocks for NON-REPRODUCTIVE purposes, then go ahead and lie in my face.
:shock: :shock:


Well-Known Member
Hey Tx, I'm playing devil's devil's advocate. "weird findings" always show up in the news... What about this one? I suppose dinosaur lovers should have been all over this one. What if he was frozen in an iceburg, broke off because of global warming, and floated to NY beach. He is the montauk monster

Again not saying they did not exist...just playing devils advocate i suppose. Im sure we wont agree as to when they existed but they existed non the less. I like to look at things from every angle even those who dont share my beliefs or opinions...makes for fun conversations...

Question everything...


Well-Known Member
I am going to try to explain why Christianity went to europe, and not to the sandy people of the east. I'm sorry, but I must require you to think about Angels a second, they are different than tooth fairies anyway. Damn we need some angel bones. Lucifer is/was the devil. He was/is an angel. Angels are similar to people only in that they have a consciousness to make moral decision. Biblical history indicates that Blah Blah Blah happened and the Devil was blasted from a mighty fart of heaven down to the earth. Satan is synonymous with serpents. I can't con
nect all symbolisms for everybody because of time, but check this guy out.

That smurfy "god" is basically a lord of the snakes. So who should the Europeans choose, lord of the snakes, or the lamb of God, I don't know but it's a simple one for me.
I know what your getting at but again im too lazy to support. :) were going into alot of different topics..Dinosaurs, Bible , Angels, God, History...zombies.

So much fun.


Well-Known Member
Somehow "What's your opinion of 2012?" got turned into the "God is great and kill the homosexuals" thread...


Well-Known Member
ugh i had a big long rant to reply to chronic but i lost it lol

Chronic we both know gay people are a myth...totally kidding...

Actually a lot of people do not believe that dinosaurs existed, fact is that fossils are unreliable, they just had to recall 50 species of dinosaur (or some number in that ball park sorry i read it awhile ago and like i said its too early for me to want to find it) because they were miss categorized.

I have a creationist view of what dinosaurs were but that neither here nor there.

but back to the Mayans...Ancient Mexican Zombies would be cool...
just because they miscategorized some fossils does not mean they are unreliable. what probably happened is they thought it was a certain species that lived at a certain time for X reasons. then later discovered another clue, or reexamined them, or for whatever reason, now think it is actually a different species. or they lived at a different time. or are actually related to a different set of 'animals' than previously thought. this happens all the time in science. what we think today may not be what we think tomorrow. but that does not mean that what we discovered today will not lead to what we know tomorrow, whether it fits with todays perception of the world or not.

ok back to 2012. its bullshit. and even if its not, whatever... nothing i can do about it bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey Tx, I'm playing devil's devil's advocate. "weird findings" always show up in the news... What about this one? I suppose dinosaur lovers should have been all over this one. What if he was frozen in an iceburg, broke off because of global warming, and floated to NY beach. He is the montauk monster
Actually i remember this one, it was disproved by DNA testing i think it was a mutt/racoon or somthing...monster quest?


Well-Known Member
would you really want to spend eternity in a heaven that only "good" people are allowed to enter?

sounds kinda snobbish to me.



Well-Known Member
Yeah but this thread has officially made my sleep deprived ass entertaining! Chronic gets Rep for making my day better! lol.


Well-Known Member
I concur, 2012 is bullshit.

ugh i had a big long rant to reply to chronic but i lost it lol

just because they miscategorized some fossils does not mean they are unreliable. what probably happened is they thought it was a certain species that lived at a certain time for X reasons. then later discovered another clue, or reexamined them, or for whatever reason, now think it is actually a different species. or they lived at a different time. or are actually related to a different set of 'animals' than previously thought. this happens all the time in science. what we think today may not be what we think tomorrow. but that does not mean that what we discovered today will not lead to what we know tomorrow, whether it fits with todays perception of the world or not.

ok back to 2012. its bullshit. and even if its not, whatever... nothing i can do about it bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
would you really want to spend eternity in a heaven that only "good" people are allowed to enter?

sounds kinda snobbish to me.

In a nutshell...(jk) but ill remember to put in a good word for yous guys...i mean im sure theres a pool or something that i can bring guests too right?;-)

Man some days i love RIU and others i hate it...this is one of the "i love you" days .lol


Well-Known Member
IMO, subjectively your question is a good one. But I think an unknown truth is that it's easier than we think, and if God is without limits, he could transmute all our "flaws" if he wanted to. Just my 2 cents ;)
would you really want to spend eternity in a heaven that only "good" people are allowed to enter?

sounds kinda snobbish to me.



Well-Known Member
all good people going to heaven? didnt that just pass(rapture)? looks like were going to hell


Well-Known Member
I am going to try to explain why Christianity went to europe, and not to the sandy people of the east. I'm sorry, but I must require you to think about Angels a second, they are different than tooth fairies anyway. Damn we need some angel bones. Lucifer is/was the devil. He was/is an angel. Angels are similar to people only in that they have a consciousness to make moral decision. Biblical history indicates that Blah Blah Blah happened and the Devil was blasted from a mighty fart of heaven down to the earth. Satan is synonymous with serpents. I can't con
nect all symbolisms for everybody because of time, but check this guy out.

That smurfy "god" is basically a lord of the snakes. So who should the Europeans choose, lord of the snakes, or the lamb of God, I don't know but it's a simple one for me.
Judaism(2000BC)>>>Hinduism(500BC)>>>>Christianity (20-45AD)>>>>Islam(595-610AD)

That god you have thrown out is a Hindu god and would not have been really know about come the time of Christianity. They spread to the east and the rest of Asia . and a better reason why they would denounce that image of god would be because Hindus have a Polytheistic religion meaning they have many gods.

you would have to argue with the Jewish image of god, but that is the same image as Christianity without Jesus .

how was your argument trying to prove why Christianity did not originate in the middle east .. <<< not bashing just cant connect your dots.

ok i guess we are done.. ffd is our god lol well at least on RIU l. didnt see all that before i posted.


Well-Known Member
In a nutshell...(jk) but ill remember to put in a good word for yous guys...i mean im sure theres a pool or something that i can bring guests too right?;-)

Man some days i love RIU and others i hate it...this is one of the "i love you" days .lol
just curious... lets say one of your family members simply chooses not to believe in jesus and the bible. then he dies. then you die and go to heaven. how could you truly feel the perfection of heaven, if you know the person you loved is being tortured? not only that, but they will continue to be tortured forever. how could you truly enjoy heaven?

i just dont get the whole idea of it all. its obvious to me that they 'bribe' you with the promise of heaven if you just really believe, and dont harm others. but if you dont believe, OH BOY are you in trouble! forever! and look, we even have this book that tells you what REALLY happened! its so simple... all you have to do is believe

sorry that was a little bit of a rant haha. i mean no offense =]


Well-Known Member
all good people going to heaven? didnt that just pass(rapture)? looks like were going to hell
If anyone (including zombies) states that they know when the rapture will happen its automatically false.

Only the father knows.

Now when the zombies come....


Well-Known Member
just curious... lets say one of your family members simply chooses not to believe in jesus and the bible. then he dies. then you die and go to heaven. how could you truly feel the perfection of heaven, if you know the person you loved is being tortured? not only that, but they will continue to be tortured forever. how could you truly enjoy heaven?

i just dont get the whole idea of it all. its obvious to me that they 'bribe' you with the promise of heaven if you just really believe, and dont harm others. but if you dont believe, OH BOY are you in trouble! forever! and look, we even have this book that tells you what REALLY happened! its so simple... all you have to do is believe

sorry that was a little bit of a rant haha. i mean no offense =]
Totally cool bud i do not mind questions as long as it doesnt degenerate into an argument or "you simple minded fool!" :)

Legitimate question, forgive me for not quoting as im lazy and dont have the bible on hand. Heres the quick version.

You wont remember them, if my mother goes to hell i simply wont remember her for the express reason of that would bring utter unhappiness and the Lord does not want that for you.

It comes down to a simple choice believe or do not.

I would not mind elaborating more however i do not want to get too far off topic. Nor do I want to preach at anybody. ( I only do that if some one is interested)