

Active Member
Good info, I quess I should have mentioned something also.
I have been through treatment twice. It is a bitch trying to detox.
Last year 39 days out of my life locked in a treatment center.

One must be very diligent about controlling it, I have not so far been successful.
But once you take in the heavy sweet smoke there is no turning back.
So I grow once again this year.

The other factor that was pointed out is the legal ramifications.
They really come down hard if your caught, it is not like MJ, you will be seeing prison.
I have struggled with addiction for years and im now subscribed to methadone,have been for a while but Im ready for dettox soon,should there be a place at re hab.

I ont lie,heroin/opium is my rug of choice but I now know not to smoke more then 2 days on the trot,yes many years wasted of my life but fortunately methadone has helped.

Im reading this with interest as its been along time since ive smoked good gear,I would like to do some of these,may be enough for say 3 gram ish?foil smoke able?
How many would I need at what sort of temps do they like?
Im thinking I could use my grow room but from what ive read that might be to hot,I do however have flourescent tube 58w T8 I could use.

Im thinking go do like a gourilla grow but need to know best temps and light cycle,its early summer here..

Take care all and do watch what your doing as it will grab you by the balls and own you for years.

PS nice to see people are not embarresed ;-)


Active Member
i just boiled some poppies till the water turned close to black lol drank it up then after awhile my body felt heavy did 't feel like moving at all :) i know i did't feel the full effect of it but still was quite nice :)
Be carefull,its a love drug an so nice.
Try smoking a fag or spliff when you feel like that,it will intensify it.
Try shagging too!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
420420 Props on the green thumbs ...
Or should I say 'Green FINGERS' as you seem to have all 20 of them !! :)
Love the pics as well ... quite artsy ... thank you for taking the time in putting this together and posting.
On the compound .... itself .... dangerous stuff .... easy to get hooked ....
(But I am NOT YOU)
Please take Opiates ... seriously ... or they will FUCK You UP for a long time.
And we DO not want you fucked UP cause ... U are a hell of a DUDE !

PS .... Your Poppies look so good .... I am going to reread the thread and learn how to
do this myself .... just to share this experience in growing.

Outstanding accomplishment !



Well-Known Member
420420 Props on the green thumbs ... or should I say 'Green FINGERS' as you seem to have all 20 of them !! :)
Love the pics as well ... quite artsy ... thank you for taking the time in posting.
On the compound .... itself .... dangerous stuff .... easy to get hooked .... (But I am NOT YOU)
Please take Opiates ... seriously ... or they will FUCK You UP for a long time.
And we DO not want you fucked UP cause ... U are a hell of a DUDE !

PS .... Your Poppies look so good .... I am going to reread the thread and learn how to
do this .... just to share this experience in growing.

thank you buddy very much for stopping by :) i won't get hooked on it just a few plants :) i know everyone says its not a good thing to try but oh well can't be that bad LOL just a plant indeed and growing quite well here surprisingly :) the other 2 flowers lost there petals today :) growing like nuts :) and will keep you all posted on the updates :)


Well-Known Member
Powerful nights sleep, never woke, not even a little. I have never used poppies just for sleep, but this is seriously a excellent medication for insomnia. Used ocassionally though.

Although it kinda sucks because I just dont get the high like when you smoke it.

These were 2 year old poppies, was wondering Cannabis when you use the fresh poppies how was your high.

Please explain a little more in detail.

When I smoke opium, at times you even wonder if your high, but it just is a real sleepy dreamy state. Just okay with everything, and not worrying about anything.
In excess you just kind of blink out till later.
One experience I remember, my eyes kept rolling back, it took great effort to stop it, after awhile I just gave in and fell back on the bed.
That sleeping throughout the night only works on subtle doses. If you take larger amounts you will find that you don't sleep at all, you are just suspended in a twilight state, not asleep and not awak. You have very lucid and sometimes colorful dreams that you can often control. If you take a bit more than that you will sink into and then climb out of sleep over and over again. This is a very wonderful place to be, it can last for many hours but when morning comes you are not at all rested and you could be in a sort of hang over - which is instantly corrected if you take some more.


Active Member
cannabis420420....um, i think you did that wrong buddy....you should be scoring them vertically, the full length of the bulb


Active Member
cannabis420420....um, i think you did that wrong buddy....you should be scoring them vertically, the full length of the bulb
The vessels that the latex run in run vertically. So they should be incised horizontally. The only thing I would have done different is I would have stayed toward the top and worked down on following insicions.