Durban poison?


Active Member
Hi, I'm new here and have been wondering about my plant. All I know regarding the plant is that it is supposedly Durban Poison. I am seven weeks in from seed, and the plant is only 14" tall. The fan leaves only have 3 leaves per stem. The plant is a female. I have four 26watt fluorescent lights(the ones = to 100 watt incandescents). The lighting is on 16 hours a day. Usually it is sprayed with water/miracle grow 4 times a day. Should I chalk it up as a loss, or can it be salvaged? Thanks!


Active Member
I don't know. I am just not sure where I should be at currently. I also apologize for the first post. The plant is eight weeks along currently...

I guess I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing anything wrong? I know the lighting isn't ideal, but it's what I have currently. I've also noticed the leaves on the top of the plant are quite a bit more "wrinkled" if you will, compared to the lower leaves. The lower leaves are also a lot lighter green than the top leaves. The top leaves appear to be growing very fine hairs or something of the sort, and almost have a purplish grayish tint...


Active Member
16 hours on, 8 off. When I started, I was running 12 on 12 off, then it showed it was a female, so I got concerned, looked and read I should be running 16/8 or something crazy like that. What I do know is this. My plant looks tiny compared to the other plants I've seen on this forum so far...

Also, the fan leaves are growing staggered from each other off the stalk.


Well-Known Member
I usually grow for 12 weeks, and my plants only get around 24' tall.. around the 4-5 week mark they are 12".. I grow in soil and I use CFL's..


Active Member
Everything I've read tells me these plants flower for 8 weeks? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, I will want to start flowering now... I don't want to get much taller than 24"


Well-Known Member
the staggering of your leaves is weird, but i'd say to go ahead and put it in 12/12 and let it go. its probably going to double maybe even triple in size before you have harvestable buds on it.


Active Member
And to also point out, some of the leaves half way up have a white outline.... I'll switch the timing tomorrow. I've been doing some more research here, and since I'm paranoid about the plants health, I'm thinking I have a potassium and phosphorous defficiency. Guess I should just ask, what should I order to feed this plant so it gets the proper nutrients? The miracle grow I'm using is nothing special, just house plant food...

Also to add, the soil is has .1 - .08 - .06. Is that sufficient?

Did some more research indicating maybe my water PH is causing the "defficiency" so I'm going to get a test kit for the water and see what it looks like.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about all the nutrients stuff. I just water mine and turn the lights on and off when they're supposed to. you'll have to get more advanced help for that.


Active Member
Maybe I should move this somewhere else? I don't know. I do appreciate your help though. Also, should I snip the very top off? I'm interested in producing enough to keep myself happy until I can whip up another one(not likely to happen at first, but I'll work my way up to self-sufficiency...)


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should move this somewhere else? I don't know. I do appreciate your help though. Also, should I snip the very top off? I'm interested in producing enough to keep myself happy until I can whip up another one(not likely to happen at first, but I'll work my way up to self-sufficiency...)
The staggering of the leaves is completely normal. I suggest just keep it simple. Just let the plant grow, just give it the basics. Light, water and soil. If you think you are overloading in nutes then just quit using them and see what happens. Then look at what you have going for you, one less thing for you to mess up with. Just keep it on a stable light schedule whatever you choose to do, this, you cant mess up right now. You can keep letting it veg if you want or you can start flowering, there is no wrong decision at this point. Watch the plant and learn what it is doing, then on your next grow decide on one and only one thing to do different, stick to it and let the plant grow. If it works well then great, if not, time to try something different.


Active Member
Righto. I'll just let it go and do it's thing. Backed off the fertilizer in the spray bottle. The plant actually looks different today. Not as "wrinkled" on top. Not sure if that's normal or not, but I guess I will just watch and see what happens.

I am also wondering if I can make a clone of this plant?


Active Member
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I'll have to get some rooting gel and get prepped for it then. Gotta say, I love this place!


Well-Known Member
The fertilizer you are using isn't for flowering, so switch ferts to a "bloom" fertilizer. Also, if you were feeding miracle grow alot, you probably have nute burn, not deficiency. So just dump a shit load of water through the dirt. So if your plants are in a 2 gallon pot, pour 2 gallons of water through it, letting it all run out. That will get the fert salts out, then water again with a light fertilizer mixture, or if you get better shit, follow their directions. I use Botanicare's Pro Soil line and love it so far. I also use their Clearex to flush. Surprisingly, you really have to mess up to kill these things. Every mistake just makes you get a little less bud and it will be a little worse. So just do your best and try again. Also, seeds are easy to get. Ordering online is easy and relatively safe.


Active Member
I'm not about to be ordering seeds online. I don't know anything about the seed sellers, but I do know that I live where it is not exactly approved of, so I figure the less paper trail, the better. The fact that I'm even posting here(though I love the info and stuff) makes me nervous... I'm paranoid, what can I say?

guess it's a good thing all of these posts are made up with help of other internet sources?


Well-Known Member
Everything I've read tells me these plants flower for 8 weeks? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, I will want to start flowering now... I don't want to get much taller than 24"
yes plants do take 6-8 weeks to flower, I was meaning I "veg" my plant for 12 weeks usually, gives a bigger plant, which means more buds. Plants usually double in size during the flowering cycle, so your plant will get up to 2 feet tall.. A nice sized plant which can yield sometimes a little more then an ounce depending on how you grew em, but usually close to an ounce if you had a nice grow.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I am with you on posting. As you can see, I just started and have done it very few times. I have ordered seeds and received them, but it made me nervous and every now and then it makes me nervous that that info is out there somewhere. Like most growers in America, it is a serious risk that for most isn't worth it no matter how much the like to smoke. For some reason, we are different and have an urge to produce it ourselves. Good luck and keep a low profile.


Active Member
Well, I've gained three and a half inches in six days. I switched out three of my CFL's for 24watt 2700k spiral bulbs. I started using miracle gro blossom and flower fertilizer(15-30-15) a few days ago and it grew an extra quarter inch a day. I'm not sure what it is, but things have sprung up from a lull. Either way, if it keeps growing like this, I'll more than meet my quota. Not sure if I have enough soil for it though. I have a 2.5 gal. bucket that I filled up with potting soil, and i'm hoping like hell it's big enough. One thing I did notice though, I am seeing some roots bust through the top of the soil. Is this normal, or is something wrong?

I should also note that I noticed some red lines going up the sides of the stem/stalk?