Fisrt off. The paper towel method is effective but it has its downsides. You have to manipulate a popped seedling which doesnt always rise from the dirt. And paper towels breed mold on your starts before it pops which effects the health of the plant.
But if your not comfortable with other germination methods then you should do what works for you and try more advanced methods when your ready or in the next grow.
And for the last time. Alex kelly DOES NOT GROW. HE DOES NOT GERMINATE AND HE DOES NOT TOP. Hes just a fuckin little deuchy kid who picks fights that arent even his. It will be a happy day when I can either see him stop posting in the advanced or congratulate him for actually growing something.
He is right about the grodan "flicking" but he stole right out of recent propagation thread.
Where are these TOPPED PLANTS?
where is this CAP Co2 CONTROLLER you use?
Lets see that GRODAN DOME you got?
Sorry if this cruel to some people, I dont usually act like this, But this little faggot has been under my skin for way too long.
4 Pre fems paper towels:
20 KKK and Mango:
I will be trying UB's method very soon