Why Do Some Seeds Not Come Up!


Active Member
Hello , I germanated 5 orignal berry seeds all looked great the little root came out nice on all of them so i put them in little jiffy pellets and 3 days later i got a little spout coming up "Yeh"now it has been 4 days since then And no more sprouts "DAMN"they are in a humidty dome , i am spraying them daliy help i dont want to loose them thanks .Cajun


Well-Known Member
Be careful, a LOT of people say that FF has imbalanced nutrients, and that LW can burn plants. Especially seedlings.

It sounds like you're drowning the piss out of them bro.
When you germinate with the paper towel method, all you have to do is plant them in soil, and lightly water them.

Using a humidity dome will do a few things...
1. It will reduce the amount of water the soil needs, keeping a constant moisture level around the soil will keep it moist enough for roots to feed.
2. It will cut off air circulation, fostering mold and anaerobic bacteria. These could colonize the young and fragile seedling and kill it there. "Damping Off"

Using peat pucks will do another few things...
Keep a lot of moisture in, which when adding water daily, and keeping inside of a humidity dome will almost surely be an obscene amount of moisture, ready to kill anything that lives inside of it.

Next time plant it like the bean sprouts you did in first grade.
Good luck!


Active Member
Happy frog works awesome for starting beans. Just put them in the dirt, I have done this atleast a dozen times with great results. I don't even mess with the paper towel method anymore . I have never had such good germ rates.

Alex Kelly

Active Member
Overwatering bad lol but remember Cajun before plants have roots they get all of the water/moisture they need from their foliage so humidity is more important than very wet soil during the beginning of your plant's life. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
99.8% germination rate for this technique::

-rockwool/grodan cube
-soak rockwool/grodan in r/o water ph'd at 5.5-6.2 (take your pick) for 1hr
-grab your seed
-put seed in pre-fab middle hole (if none, make one) of the rockwool/grodan
-walk away

*just keep the cube "MOIST" , and presto :)


Well-Known Member
Keeping a seedling that has emerged from the soil, in a humidity dome, will highly raise risk of damping off.
Keep the lid of the dome on until they emerge from soil, then remove.

Alex Kelly

Active Member
99.8% germination rate for this technique::

-rockwool/grodan cube
-soak rockwool/grodan in r/o water ph'd at 5.5-6.2 (take your pick) for 1hr
-grab your seed
-put seed in pre-fab middle hole (if none, make one) of the rockwool/grodan
-walk away

*just keep the cube "MOIST" , and presto :)
I second this. *Although I germinate my seeds in paper towels before putting in rockwool. Makes sure you don't squeeze the cubes when you take them out of the ph'd water just some flicks of the wrist to kinda "whip" the water outta there. If you squeeze the rockwool you will not only be squeezing out the water but the oxygen and air bubbles as well which your baby needs. There are certainly other ways that work just as well find what works for you. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I second this. *Although I germinate my seeds in paper towels before putting in rockwool. Makes sure you don't squeeze the cubes when you take them out of the ph'd water just some flicks of the wrist to kinda "whip" the water outta there. If you squeeze the rockwool you will not only be squeezing out the water but the oxygen and air bubbles as well which your baby needs. There are certainly other ways that work just as well find what works for you. Good Luck.
Fisrt off. The paper towel method is effective but it has its downsides. You have to manipulate a popped seedling which doesnt always rise from the dirt. And paper towels breed mold on your starts before it pops which effects the health of the plant.
But if your not comfortable with other germination methods then you should do what works for you and try more advanced methods when your ready or in the next grow.

And for the last time. Alex kelly DOES NOT GROW. HE DOES NOT GERMINATE AND HE DOES NOT TOP. Hes just a fuckin little deuchy kid who picks fights that arent even his. It will be a happy day when I can either see him stop posting in the advanced or congratulate him for actually growing something.
He is right about the grodan "flicking" but he stole right out of recent propagation thread.

Where are these TOPPED PLANTS?

where is this CAP Co2 CONTROLLER you use?

Lets see that GRODAN DOME you got?

Sorry if this cruel to some people, I dont usually act like this, But this little faggot has been under my skin for way too long.

4 Pre fems paper towels:

20 KKK and Mango:

I will be trying UB's method very soon

Alex Kelly

Active Member
Oh brother here you go again hoag (eye roll)... still not seeking your approval or belief that I grow, because I don't of course, just check my signature ;). Why do you keep doing this? I'm just giving my.02 on how to germinate seeds and I didn't "steal" that from anywhere I learned that from reading Al B Fuct's thread https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/15030-batch-clones-rockwool.html and I liked the thinking behind it so I was attempting to spread the idea to other growers, sorry hoag... Every time you do this I quote the same idiotic posts that you continue to make all over this forum. I have them saved now so I can bring them up at any time. Keep going and I'll do it again and then you'll leave the thread without posting any response, like you always do. And if I really don't grow, you should be embarassed by how much more thoroughly I know and understand cannabis and basic plant biology. Don't you get tired of constantly being called out on the incorrect information you continuously hand out? And I've never had a mold issue on any plant, ever. "And paper towels breed mold on your starts before it pops which effects the health of the plant." What? ""HE DOES NOT GERMINATE AND HE DOES NOT TOP."" Haha you're such an idiot. Good Luck.


New Member
The paper towel method is rookie season bullshit. What to get advanced germing, plant your beans directly into the medium and grow. Thats about as advanced as you can get when it comes to germing beans. And to answer the original question, some beans are simply not viable.....

Alex Kelly

Active Member
Well I do paper towel method kuz it's extremely easy and it works for me. I have planted seeds directly into my rockwool cubes before and had a much lower success rate and I've seen others have the same problem. Usually 100% in paper towels but as you said here and there some beans are simply not viable. Never experienced worse than 9/10, but as I said find what you like and what works for you and go with that. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I like the pic of the seedlings in lil egg cartons...lol...they remind me of little chicks. Little peep chicks you get at Easter. Lol
I crack myself up


Well-Known Member
Fisrt off. The paper towel method is effective but it has its downsides. You have to manipulate a popped seedling which doesnt always rise from the dirt. And paper towels breed mold on your starts before it pops which effects the health of the plant.
But if your not comfortable with other germination methods then you should do what works for you and try more advanced methods when your ready or in the next grow.

And for the last time. Alex kelly DOES NOT GROW. HE DOES NOT GERMINATE AND HE DOES NOT TOP. Hes just a fuckin little deuchy kid who picks fights that arent even his. It will be a happy day when I can either see him stop posting in the advanced or congratulate him for actually growing something.
He is right about the grodan "flicking" but he stole right out of recent propagation thread.

Where are these TOPPED PLANTS?

where is this CAP Co2 CONTROLLER you use?

Lets see that GRODAN DOME you got?

Sorry if this cruel to some people, I dont usually act like this, But this little faggot has been under my skin for way too long.

4 Pre fems paper towels:

20 KKK and Mango:

I will be trying UB's method very soon
I don't know what kind of beef you two have, but as far as what I just read, this guy is a moron.
Your seedlings look like shit, and you can't even read a signature.
Also that is the ugliest most complicated paper towel method I've ever laid eyes on. Seriously, just bury the fucking seed in a napkin and spray it.
How hard is that?

Oh and I have 100% germ rate. Even on my very first seed ever.


Well-Known Member
All right. Lets see 'em.

and I hate this little faggot because he tried to reintroduce me and legally flying's controversy.

Do you really want tips from someone who has never grown anything? If so, good luck getting advice from immature people who have no experience but from what they troll on forums.

Hell ya I saw his signature, Thats why Im calling him out. Hes a loudmouth bitch


Well-Known Member
Nice man. Im likin your babies

Heres one of my pre-fem Super silver's:

And some more growth after the "cat" attacked. None are dead yet at this point:
