New 4,400w Room With Co2

you and your dam edits haha! everything is looking DANK! you dat whodatttttttttttt!!!

how do you guys embed those youtube vids? i got one for you that you may like since you were listening to twista.
you and your dam edits haha! everything is looking DANK! you dat whodatttttttttttt!!!

how do you guys embed those youtube vids? i got one for you that you may like since you were listening to twista.

EDIT: lol haha :lol:
EDIT EDIT: hehehe
Thanks for the kind words LG :-) Now that I think about it, I do edit allot haha.

For youtube vids I just copy the url from the page with the vid, then paste that into the film reel icon in the quick reply part at the bottom of each page... make sense? If not let me know so we can figure this thing out lol thats kinda a spoof from a dave chappelle stand up... I'll try and find the clip.... Hope you work it out LG lol


BTW looks like the space bombs loved the tea and as far as structure I def found my keeper... Now Im concerned about potency :-)

Wish you guys could smell this BnS, bubble gummy freshness with hints of fruit. The ?purp is also starting its trich journey hehe really picked up production in the last few days,, its out frosting the BnS already! Im gonna have some nice nugs coming out of her this time around.
well if you send me some seeds once theyre done ill be able to smell it haha! good thing the Space bombs liked the tea, i guess theyre heavy feeders. from the pics it didnt seem like the BNS was a heavy trich producer just yet but im sure it will start stacking them up soon enough. cant wait to see how the Purp finishes in the hydro.


This isnt the clip I was talking about but its funny as hell.

god my head hurts after this one!
Still some small things to do on aunt flow #2 but shes running for now... Cant wait to get some plants in her!
Bro you always are looking into the future thats what keeps you one step ahead of the others, i love what you are doing here bro and i know i cant relax because as soon as i do you will be coming up with something new...
Still some small things to do on aunt flow #2 but shes running for now... Cant wait to get some plants in her!

Nice looking thiing that , what is it ? im sure you told me but stoners memory...
You need to do step by step build mate cause you've got some skills that im think should be shared... No joke bro ... From your shack to ya scrog and now Diy Hydros ...
Get a thread so i can copy/learn some of your techniques:)
As all the above has said keep it coming bro you're keeping everybody watching..
:leaf: Da green Dre
very nice! like to see some more hydro from you, its going to be dankkkk!
hehe I hope so! thanks ;-)
Bro you always are looking into the future thats what keeps you one step ahead of the others, i love what you are doing here bro and i know i cant relax because as soon as i do you will be coming up with something new...
haha thanks allot stinky :-) Im busy as ever.
how many different setups you got going?:dunce:
haha I lost count :lol: nah I just got these 2 hydro systems and my water only soil in the flower room, the veg room also has a small hydro system in it and Im gonna have to build another to work with the new one I just built.
Nice looking thiing that , what is it ? im sure you told me but stoners memory...
You need to do step by step build mate cause you've got some skills that im think should be shared... No joke bro ... From your shack to ya scrog and now Diy Hydros ...
Get a thread so i can copy/learn some of your techniques:)
As all the above has said keep it coming bro you're keeping everybody watching..
:leaf: Da green Dre
thanks allot for the kind words Dre, I appreciate it.
Its just a rdwc system but its I guess more of a rrdwc / rapid recirculating deep water culture... I put some bigger than normal sump pumps for the job and it really gets the water sloshing around... Im hella busy but I will promise you this, if I hit 1gpw or over in this system I will do a detailed build with ALL of the info in, pump sizes shopping list exc...

Ya man show us how this hydro system work please
Step by step tutorial please....please....please....
I will put something basic together that will show it closer... Im gonna use pics from my last one seeing as they are pretty identical. Thanks for stopping in.
Any reason you have the pumps output into the tubs so low? btw, nice work!
My thought was putting it at the lowest point will prevent stuff from settling at the bottom and possible out the way of the roots but the root systems are gonna be big. They are 1/2 inch feed lines. Thanks for the complement rosecity :-)

I'll have an update tonight... All my space bombs rooted nicely and need to be transplanted, 4 of the smaller stockier phenos are going into the new rrdwc system.

:peace: for now folks. Thanks again for stopping by :-D
BnS~ day 29

with seed

SB~ dat 16


?purp~ day 20


Tall eagle clawing bco kush with the small seeded one next to it and another next to that.


holla :-)

man that BnS has some nice growth going on,she makes me think of the grapegod i was growing,
and that purp? scrog,is really a keeper for sure,she is a frosty one,at an early age.
that tall pheno of bco kush...what happend? you might have to put her outside?is she done stretching?

glad the breeding is going good.
Niice whodat u got it bangin in here for sure I'm just gonna pull up a chair n check things out.
Beuatifull ladies BTW awesome!
Welcome to my journal DL thanks for coming in. Thanks for the kind words too :-) :peace:
man that BnS has some nice growth going on,she makes me think of the grapegod i was growing,
and that purp? scrog,is really a keeper for sure,she is a frosty one,at an early age.
that tall pheno of bco kush...what happend? you might have to put her outside?is she done stretching?

glad the breeding is going good.
Hey G.
The bns is doing good but one plant is asking for more food so I'll top dress with more supersoil and start feeding it teas. The ?purp sure is doing her thing :-) The bco was a mix pack of various kushes so Im not quite sure what each one is., but the tall one started doing that claw thing when her top went above the light, its in the same soil as everything ells though so Im not sure what to make of it... Maybe the temp difference from below the light to above it is too much? or it being above the "sun" is making it act strange? IDK you tell me lol.
Thank you for haveing me sir. On the real one could only hope to see that one day...
Sorry about the tall lengthy one bro I've had I happen its exactly what u said.
To much heat from directly beneath the lamp. Least its just one mang I lost a whole damn crop like that!
Anyway, man many props and I'm not tryna bust all in ur thread bro I do have one one quick question tho if u don't mind.
Ur rrdwc. I love it its the only way to go.. How many pumps are u running? Meaning do u have both an output and and intake on that?
Thanks ahead for the knowledge keep it rockkin.
Thank you for haveing me sir. On the real one could only hope to see that one day...
Sorry about the tall lengthy one bro I've had I happen its exactly what u said.
To much heat from directly beneath the lamp. Least its just one mang I lost a whole damn crop like that!
Anyway, man many props and I'm not tryna bust all in ur thread bro I do have one one quick question tho if u don't mind.
Ur rrdwc. I love it its the only way to go.. How many pumps are u running? Meaning do u have both an output and and intake on that?
Thanks ahead for the knowledge keep it rockkin.

No worries DL ask away.
I have 3 pumps in the system, 2- 633 gph sum pumps one for each plant res and 1- 185 gph pump for the top feed lines. I also have a nice air pump too its a 65/L min with 6 lines coming off of it... 3 for each plant res. Incase your wondering, the drains are 1" and there are 2 for each plant res draining into a 4" pipe leading back to the main res and starting all over again.
And dont think your "bustin in" no way, my thread is welcome to everyone, just no drama thats all I ask :-)
Yessir and thanks gettin back on the grow that's a tite setup never seen one like it many ideas now thanks for the knowledge. And yea bro its all about the growing mang alwayz was that's how its bein kept from here on out u know some peeps just ain't happy unless there's drama never understood it. Gonna learn a lot from ur grow. For sure many props man.