F*ck jail


Well-Known Member
well my drug test was at 8 and i didnt wake up until 8:20 i called to bullshit an excuse because he didnt like the "my alarm didnt go off" last time i used it. so im sitting here pounding water. i know all the tricks and everything, drinking mad water before the test is the one that works the best i think. i hate those damn drinks.


Well-Known Member
well my drug test was at 8 and i didnt wake up until 8:20 i called to bullshit an excuse because he didnt like the "my alarm didnt go off" last time i used it. so im sitting here pounding water. i know all the tricks and everything, drinking mad water before the test is the one that works the best i think. i hate those damn drinks.

i think you will do well. you will be here tomorrow to post. freedom is still yours. :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Agree..I've passed a piss test drinking ready-clean, failed a hair sample test useing that damn shampoo...needless to say..I didn't get that job.....


Well-Known Member
You have to drink tons of gatorade, or mix water with salt. You will die from water intoxification if otherwise. I have had to take many drug tests and used to drink water, and nothing else. My head would start hurting, and then I realized I felt faint. I literally ate some salt, and felt normal. It is very easy to die from that. Drink gatorade, your body needs salt, and gatorade tastes good too. Lots of gatorade, and vitamin b-12 or a vitamin B complex pill 4-6hours before the test. The vitamin b makes your pee turn yellow, for 6 hours. So essentially you will be pissing straight water but it will be yellow, and all is well.....


Well-Known Member
he just wanted positive thoughts. i think it's too late for advice. he either passes now or he doesn't. let's all send out good vibes. :)


New Member
For further drug tests, go to you health food market and pick up a bottle of sonnet #7.One coffee cup full will clean you out. I was on paper or in the joint from the ages of 16-23.I was in for posession of paraphnelia with intent to grow, so you know they pissed me as much as possible.I never failed one and got off parole 6 months early.SONNET #7


New Member
not a home remedy.Ive taken enogh drug tests to write a book on. Alot of people want to comment without having lived through it. I only speak what i know to be true.Good luck though bro, it makes me nervous to take one no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Sending you all my good thought :-)

On a side note - I'm suprised we don't have a sticky thread on passing drug tests.


Active Member
It's a bit too late for this, but you can prepare in advance if you know it's coming. You just need to drink shitloads of water every day, not just on the test day, the more days you do it in advance the better. I have a friend currently doing that for interviews over spring break.


Well-Known Member
he just wanted positive thoughts. i think it's too late for advice. he either passes now or he doesn't. let's all send out good vibes. :)
thanks all, i appreciate all the responses about everything even though i have my "pass the test" method down. if anyone read my post "crazy luck" what im about to tell you will show that i am draining my pool of luck very quickly. so i chug mad water, drive to the courthouse, sit in the waiting room for the P.O, almost piss myself because i have to go so bad (plus drinking that much water makes you trip out, you feel weird as shit), and he called me back. typical questions "are you clean, any arrests or tickets etc. etc..." then he says "were going to do a screen today" tells me to sit in the lobby and wait for him. i go out, wait a second and he walks out with the cup and gloves. 2 seconds after he walks into the lobby the fire alarm at the courthouse goes off and some guard yelled "everyone evacuate" P.O looks at me and says be prepared for a screen next month, have a good day."

Everyone's positive vibes collided to make one super huge giant vibe, which in turn set fire to the courthouse. i hope that motherfucker burns to the ground. anyways thanks again for sending em my way. i had to go straight to work from the courthouse, but when i get home ill burn a super fat dutch to pay homage to all my fellow rollituppers.


Active Member
Doesn't it not take as long to get out of your system if the person isn't a regular smoker? I quit after Thanksgiving trying to get a new job, and I smoked about a week or two ago, thinking it was just straight salvia, but there was weed at the bottom of the pipe. >.< How long would that take? (Plus I only weigh like 140)


New Member
For stoners you guys dont know much about thc and how its stored in the body. THC is stored in fat and has a 7 day half life in the body. Meaning that if you smoke a joint it will stay in your system for up to 7 days, if you smoke after again (lets say on the 5th day since you last smoked) you now have 9 days before your clean. The more you smoke, the more your body is saturated with thc in your fat cells. Heres where you have a problem, if you drink as many gallons of water as you want your only diluting urine while your body is still breaking down fat and releasing it into your blood stream which eventually makes it through the kidneys and then to the liver, which is then passed in the urine sample resulting in a failed test.
The way the blockers work is that they prevent the liver from processing any new chemicals or food materials by coating the liver with a gum type material. It will only let the stored water that you are instructed to drink with the kit remain to be used. You are instructed to pee several times after drinking the kit or solution to pass the dirty urine through your system to be followed by pure water which contains b vitamins and colour to resemble urine, thats incase its beeing sent to the lab for a lab test. Your standard dip stick test doesnt care about the added content because its only job is to detect thc.
I did a few years on probation and had to piss up to 3 times a month. I even failed a few times by using generic crap and had to do time because of it. I dont recomend gnc products at all. I do recomend a drink called 420 cleanser, it is the most trusted and reliable drink on the market and was scientifically designed. It is pricey around $60 dollars for the big bottle. But its worth it when freedom is on the line. I would spend around 300 a month on that stuff 5 years ago.


Well-Known Member
careful though. one time for drug n alcohol group i drank about a gallon on my break cuz the instructor wanted a sample cuz i was ''too talkative'' . went back to group after i drank all that and i was all shaky n twicthy . guess the water intox did it. passed the test though and i hit up about 20 lines of yayo the night before and i always smoke. water helps.


Well-Known Member
my opinion on the whole drug test thing is . as long as you stop a week vefore n drink a lot of h2o your fine. just make it so you piss clear for a few days straight. gatorade. water anything liqiud. crankberry juice helps tons


Active Member
WEll damn, nice dude! As I was writing my post you posted the outcome, haha!

"We don't need no water let that mutha fucker burn!"


Well-Known Member
But shit dude....now you have to stress next months test as well....

I liked getting them over and done with ASAP.....I know that feeling of sitting in the PO waiting room and having to piss like a racehorse-- horrible feeling!! Then you go pee in front of the PO and it takes you like 10 minutes to finish lol.........

They know whats going on....they know who they want to violate and who they just want to collect money from and get through probation....

Fuckin system--it's a joke. Easily manipulated though.

Can always drop a few bleach crystals from underneath your fingernail(s) too.....