The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im going to use a fan controller aswell, so it wont over kill and it will possibly help with keeping the noise to a minimum as it isnt running on full
One thing too note about fan controllers, most are shit. Ive been through a few and they make your fans hum like a bitch when running at low speed, the hum drives you mad. To eliminate the hum you need a variac controller, stay away from primair they are really crap the thermostaic sensor is just naff. Evolution controllers are really good but aint cheap.


Well-Known Member
What nutes you usin bro??, cos my taps 7.6 and the canna nutes take it down apart from the rhiz to like 6.6 ish so i would be way out if i didnt ph, i think the lucky fukers who dont have to ph tap must be like 6.5 to start off with, does the canna N raise it??
just Canna A + B, rhizo and canna N. you use 12ml/gal of rhizo for quite a bit though dont you? thats acidic I think and brings it down a bit but I dont go higher than 2ml/L cause im a cheapskate haha.

fucking dog rough this morn, woke up to a bed splattered in sick, mustve been a good night!


Well-Known Member
"In effect you will be turning the A* into a kind of failure. You might be setting an impossible standard at the top."

fuck. king. hell, youd have to be fairly insecure to think an A* is a failure just cause theres one tier higher. the exam boards are having a shocker this year though, probably just trying to deter from the fact theyve messed up a shit load lol.


Active Member
sound will do,temps...jus got one o those home temp cards that you stand up haha too cold/cool/just right/too hot lmao

too hot starts at 75f so does kinda work n temps say just right lol


Well-Known Member
hows it goin sambo
yeah not to bad m8, drinking far too much but just refuse to pay the sillly prices for the shite weed every1 in my area sells even if you had a pocket full of cash you would still struggle to find anything worth buying and when anything good is around its gone quick, my m8 chopped that 1st batch i told ya about just waiting for it to dry, then next weds the good stuff comes down the livers n pyscho.

hows the baby? he been keeping ya up? loved the pic m8 proper lil cutey fucking good job he takes after the missus and not u hay lol


Active Member
UMM one more question bruvv

These americans have these ' BULB ' adapter plugs or ' Y SPLITTERS ' they plug them straight into the mains
do we have any 3 pin ones? so i can run a CFL without the use of a big e40 hanger like a couple on the side to promote more bud?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Banned in the EU due to fire regulations i believe, folk used to stick 2 100w incands in em. Might be able to find em imported from HK etc on ebay.


Active Member
yeah not to bad m8, drinking far too much but just refuse to pay the sillly prices for the shite weed every1 in my area sells even if you had a pocket full of cash you would still struggle to find anything worth buying and when anything good is around its gone quick, my m8 chopped that 1st batch i told ya about just waiting for it to dry, then next weds the good stuff comes down the livers n pyscho.

hows the baby? he been keeping ya up? loved the pic m8 proper lil cutey fucking good job he takes after the missus and not u hay lol
hes gud man sleeps for 7-10 hour at night tis great,he loves his titty durin th day,gud wee guy.....
lol hes got hairier back n arms than me,hes got ma limbs n mums face ayes haha

atleast uv got lotsa nicenice on the near horizon man,iv bn on the whisky this week too suppin away waitin on me order


Active Member
UMM one more question bruvv

These americans have these ' BULB ' adapter plugs or ' Y SPLITTERS ' they plug them straight into the mains
do we have any 3 pin ones? so i can run a CFL without the use of a big e40 hanger like a couple on the side to promote more bud?
check out the clip on cfl holders dude ther for wee ones like up to 80 watt but i hear they give off more lumen to input eh


Well-Known Member
i saw some guy shake all the male pollen into a large ziplock bag... he then pulled one branch from his female down slightly put the ziplock bag over the side branch - seal it as much as possible... then shake the bag... in theory this should pollenate only that one side branch.. also he sprayed down the rest of the branches with a very fine mist of water as apparently water kills pollen... you should end up with one side branch full of seeds :)

EDIT: if i'm rambling and that doesn't make sense i think i could find the video again.. easy to understand when you can see it done..

One thing i'm aware of is that some fans will not work at their best if they were not designed to use a fan controller in the first place, full power being what they were designed for, I'd have thought it would be fine none the less but it is something i've heard mentioned a bit. I decided to get up unreasonably early for the size of my headache, and now i've a whole day to kill, damned rain, what to do what to do. Blokes are looking right ready to throw down, time to read up a bit more on best way to do it wihtout accidentally seeding entire plant :D


Active Member
i saw some guy shake all the male pollen into a large ziplock bag... he then pulled one branch from his female down slightly put the ziplock bag over the side branch - seal it as much as possible... then shake the bag... in theory this should pollenate only that one side branch.. also he sprayed down the rest of the branches with a very fine mist of water as apparently water kills pollen... you should end up with one side branch full of seeds :)

EDIT: if i'm rambling and that doesn't make sense i think i could find the video again.. easy to understand when you can see it done..
would it work in a inside out johnny pulled down over the branch ?lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just had my first experience of supermarket till's not working quite right :D Got to my acr and thought hmmm, that was cheap, looked at my reciept and saw that the langoustine had been going through at half price, ran back in and bought another lot :D langoustine and parma ham, £15 worth :D went into curry's or wherever it is and they wanted £11 for a simple US->UK plug adapter, told em they were having a laugh and walked straight back out. Just got home and my bhunch was correct, when mr spanish left the conutry he left me with an adapter and it does indeed conform to an american plug as well :)


Well-Known Member
langoustine and parma ham, you are undoubtedly a man of exquisite style and refined taste good sir........... my local supermarket just sells coal and corned beef...the coal tastes better.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol dura :D I alas managed a rather high end delicatessan for 3 years and well, everything in life is just shit as a result, know i'm gonna dig into it all and just think meh, could be better :D I think largely it's just to do with a huge lack of self discipline :D