The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Congrats billy boy, you got any picys for me mate??....whats the smell like??
No pics m8. Ill get some up 2morrow. It stinks m8, really bad. 4 ona blocks in the close. It smell like tropical fruit, can't tell you which one, just tropical. lol Like tropical juice you get from asda

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Whoops, forgot a had a harvest drying, crispy crispy, hopefully it didn't go too far though :) strangely a box of trim maybe 1cm deep dis still damp, but all the buds are well dried. Filled a jar though so that means roughly 2.5-3 ounces to last me 4 weeks.

Was having a smoke last night with a mate and his gf's older 17yr old brother (indeed, older, would appear my maate likes em tight haha) popped over and had a few smokes with me. He's the dodgy geezer that's breaking inbto every car he see's, little ragamuffin, we'd been smoking what my mate had bought off my previous dealer, £10 a gram, twat! so i insisted on chipping in and brought out a small tin of cheese. Fair play in that he could tell from the sight that it was propperly dried and cured, but pikeys being pikeys "mate, looks good, but man, i can get the bare dankest cheese mate, the best" to which i asked him what type, to which i said exodus to which he replied mate, that stuff's gone before it's even available. I was high so was just sat there chuckling, not sure what he must have thought of me haha, needless to say i didn't stop rolling, one after another :D punish the chavs! you gotta be pretty fucking FANTASTIC in the head to consider cannabis a punishment :)


Well-Known Member
ahahahahah "mate, its gone before its even available!" that is a genious little side step!

the other night a mate come over and we were smoking some lowryder and some "tutti fruity" (fuck knows what it is, was nicely coated in trichs and did the job) and we got to that stage where you just sort of mumble and chuckle to each other. Then he tells me this story about 6 SAS soldiers who fought off 300 (it was all in the pronunciation) "gorillas" and I was like what. the. fuck. I just sat there thinking about this for about 20 minutes before saying "how the hell were there 300 gorillas in one place" lol, I know what youre thinking, YOU DUMB FUCK, but in that mindset and the fact he said "GORILLAS" not "GUERILLAS" there is a slight difference. safe to safe a shit load of mockery followed. needs to speak properly the sly bastard.

fucking 300 gorillas, lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol. I was laughing at the irony that he was gaffing off about how he could get me great cheese that would knock me away when what he had just looked at was actually exodus, and he just didn't know better, chavs are chavs, need to sound good to make that sale :D the one line i will never forget from my dealer was when i asked if he knew what strain it was, "kush mate, yeah, kush!"

I had a booboo like that the other day, was chatting with someone who in my defense, had never ever had a single non-serious conversation with me, always chatting about laws and this and that. So he turns around to me while i'm drinking a cup of tea and asked me very seriously if i knew why anarchists only drank herbal tea, answer being that anarchists don't believe in proper tea. Me thinking it was just a statement started gaffing off with the knowledge i have about tea and it's origins, quite correctly, everyone else just started laughing their faces off at me. Anarchists don't believe in "property", doh, caught me off guard there :D


Well-Known Member
lol why do you know so much about tea and its origins?! just out of interest.

yeh they're wiley little salesmen arent they haha. they can lie through their teeth to make that sale

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If i hadn't lost my job for not being talkative enough, i'd be there right now setting things up :( I might sound interesting online when i've time to think about replies and such, but in real life i'm a very quiet person, i keep to my own devices and let others do the talking. I like to sit on the outside and analyse what's going on. Most people just take this as he's a weird cunt inne :lol:

we've been having some real dodgy weather down here of late, i don't hold high hopes for that site once the feet start trampling through. If i went i'd errect my tent ontop of a inflatable boat :) It just makes so much sense!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh, i can be chatty at times, but yeah, i'm like E in entourage when he takes shrooms :D


just seens this

Judge Neil Ford QC said it was a "desperately tragic case" and it was clear that Snook did not intend to cause Mr Farley any harm.
Clear he did not intend any harm, an accident you might say. But we'll send him to prison for over 2 year anyways. Case closed.


Well-Known Member
if its strong weed i go silent for abit while the voices in my head tell me im monged lol after about 20 min im back to being talkative again though lol.

Don i seen on one of ya pics you dry in your tent ... how long do you leave it in there and do you notice any difference from drying in your tent when tents still used compared to drying in dark ?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i normally don't but the last lot was too big for the clothes drier. to be honest it dried in 5 days whereas it would normally take a bit longer. shrinks a bit but then if your not selling wet gear that doesn't matter its still the same volume. yeah drying in a warm but dark place with a slight indirect breeze on them is what peeps tell you to do but in all honesty your drying dope. the quality affecting bit is the cure in my opinion. but then again opinions are like arseholes man. every fuckers got one.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Anyone else wonder why i want out of this society so much? :D

That lil graph alone indicates how fucking depressing the average persons life is. What an utter waste of a life, sickens me that we're all absolutely happy to do this without a thought for "why am i not just out there enjoying my life?" 45 years of work so you can have 16 years of most likely a shitty boring pension because you're old and can't do shit you used to and wished for.