The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
experienced one after another pure evil so i happily decided fuck it. More grief than they're worth. Had a girl i used to be incredibly close to for a number of years send me a text the other night saying 5 years ago on this day xyz, i repleid sorry luv that was a couple of weeks ago. If ya gonna try and stir up old memories to get me to talk to ya at least get the damned dates right :lol: tit.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replys guys, i have been reading everything that comes my way since they sprouted just under 2 weeks ago, thing is i think i`m too late for a proper set up. I`ll explain what i mean, this is a super economy grow so started with the seeds and a bag of compost and taught that was it.... so apart from haveing too many plants in one pot, well i say pot should say its 5 galon plastic drum cut in half, i have other things i didn`t quiet realise like the height and bushiness of these plants the nutrients and pretty much everything after the fact.

@ Onthe ball if i get them to 3ft and flip the lights to 12/12 how much more growth do you think i`d get considering i`ve 4ft flat to work with..
its too hard too say dude i started out like you did , if its a sativa dominant strain your gonna struggle for space as they strech even in flower.

Best thing you can do when u run out of space is tie things down with enough string u can grow like a bonsai plant.

take a look at my ghetto grow thread. ull see about space issues poor light streching lst plenty of my mistake to learn from.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so if they get to say 14 inchs and i flower then its possible to get a harvest and stick with my 4ft? will look into the tieing down and stuff thanks alot, will post pics later so will help with the diagnosis.


Well-Known Member
never caught a fuckin thing, but who cares ? its better than having tae go tae work. god bless the welfare state.


Well-Known Member
only thing i tied today was my boot laces.......;memo to self:need to get velcro fastened boots , coz ahm jist too fuckin lazy.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, Killed her right good i did :D Just after she went into flowering, around when the pic was taken, things went to shit, turned out i'd been feeding her water with a ph of 3 or something :lol: buy cheap, stamp on it curse the manufacturer and buy a propper one, fuck buy cheap buy twice.