Which Dispensaries Should I Take My Overages to?


Well-Known Member
I just wanna know where I can take a pound or 2 of extras and have no paper trail? I know I know I said the pound word I am sorry. I know many of you law abiding citizens never wanna here the word pound but ya just did. " would be taking in, in moderation "


Well-Known Member
you really don't understand how law really works do you??

do you have to have laws telling you how to act?? "authorize" as you said it.

we don't need a law telling us what can exist and there is no law saying it can't.
the dispensary and cg/pt models can co-exist and benefit everyone.

i will have 5 pts one day - and i plan to not only provide them with quality meds for good prices but also help out and donate to clubs and dispensaries alike.

ALSO NOTE: patient to patient tranfers are legal - if i'm a patient i may be compensated for my skills and services. clones, meds, time, labor.

why do i see people arguing about "selling" - not a single place i know of, not even dispensaries "sell"... it is a transfer and someone is receiving a good and the other is receiving compensation for creating that good.

Disregard anything in that post man...I was f'd up on xannies and after reading it today I feel like a fucktard. *kicks self in nuts*


Well-Known Member
I think you are still fuked up cause you did not even post the s.o.b. tomcat did. lol


Well-Known Member
I think you are still fuked up cause you did not even post the s.o.b. tomcat did. lol
*puts head in palms, sigh*

It's been a long couple few days. I quit drinking 6 or 7 days ago and ran outta herb 4 days ago...let me tell ya, benzo's are no substitute for the sticky. Getting my wife to alternative solutions tomorrow for one of their $100 consults. Can't remember but it mighta actually been u that referred me there.


Well-Known Member
It was not me I have gone to Dr.Bob and therefore could only refer to him.

What are benzos?


Well-Known Member
Snap! Maybe that is what you need to do? You will be a new man once the storm is over... snap away.

The last thing you wanna do is let the fire build inside or you will be like me... pounding on a drunks door that is holding a baby on christmas eve with a nail puller in your hand. Oh yea cops were called. But I am getting totally off subject huh.


Well-Known Member
Snap! Maybe that is what you need to do? You will be a new man once the storm is over... snap away.

The last thing you wanna do is let the fire build inside or you will be like me... pounding on a drunks door that is holding a baby on christmas eve with a nail puller in your hand. Oh yea cops were called. But I am getting totally off subject huh.
lol that's good action there :)


Well-Known Member
Dude it was even snowing! I was on fire and it is very scary for all parties when that occurs.

When the laugh begins it is over.


New Member
^^^^ well, it is a pretty damn large injustice... being tossed in jail for as non-violent of a personal act as one can partake in...

Get it fucking straight man... you should be a little more considerate about suggesting some people 'deserve' jail... especially weed, man...

Reality check bro... that shit just ain't cool.
If they deserve "jail" then they deserve it.. if you want to stay out of the harassment then don't try making more of the laws then they intended it for. I follow the laws, grow, keep my mouth shut and enjoy smoking my strains and you know what?! I am legal and never harassed in 3 years since getting my card and you know why? I keep my mouth shut, and follow the laws as stated by the state.

Don't make it out like the cops are harassing someone or some company just because they want too. Truth is that they are bending or breaking the laws that someone snitched or reported them, it just the way society has become when they get something. Give them an inch they want a foot etc...

I see too many card holders spouting off to anyone they see.. "Ya I got my card now I have 60 plants in veg now!!" this does two things, lets everyone know you have drugs that they might want to steal or break in for (cash, guns and other goodies probably there too) and three pisses others off that might have to pay for weed and dont want to get legal (snitch on you). Shut your fucking mouth, grow your weed, follow the laws and keep your mouth shut and enjoy the weed. Simply rules to live by, but yet so hard for people to follow.

You guys preach the right way to do things and all I see is people trying to get away with more and more, sorry that's the way I see it.

Reality check.. shit I been living in reality for many years unfortunately it deems you to be an asshole or fucking prick but so be it.


Well-Known Member
r1tony - you seem to be a mature punk, hmm usually they do not last long? First and foremost I will be telling you that you are indeed a piece of shit. Secondly I will tell you that you are very inhumane to say someone deserves jail for weed. Third I am not one of the monkies that smoke your strains. Fourth I hope you are not as dumb as I think cause we don't need more dummies in the world.

Do you suck a politicians tit? you sound like you might. move to china and share your views with them at least there you will not get laughed at.


Active Member
The owner is out on $250,000 bond, being charged as operating a "dope house".
Utilized space was not legally a dispensary, it was for private members, a club. With dues you had to have be a card to be a member.

Its not illegal to exchange ideas, clones, or medicine, between certified patients.
Big turnout at Alcona County court house.

A week before she was warned to close down by county police officers or face proscecution.


Well-Known Member
The owner is out on $250,000 bond, being charged as operating a "dope house".
Utilized space was not legally a dispensary, it was for private members, a club. With dues you had to have be a card to be a member.

Its not illegal to exchange ideas, clones, or medicine, between certified patients.
Big turnout at Alcona County court house.

A week before she was warned to close down by county police officers or face proscecution.
Since catching real criminals requires too much actual police work, these lowlife prosecutors have to find a way to make newspaper headlines somehow so that they can unjustly pad their resume with the 'low hanging fruit' for their next promotion. All this cost to the taxpayers to fund this bullshit which hunt where there is no victim to speak of is injustice at it's finest.


Active Member
Anyone wishing to protest the MMP abuse in Alcona Co, please join us, the NE Michigan Comapassion Club in demontstrating on July 12 in front of the Harrisville courthouse.


Well-Known Member
The people who act like the MMJ act is THEIR LAW fukin kill me,who is anybody to come on this forum & bitch about dispensaries, or people selling overages through loopholes !,i could see people not being happy about pratices that were disruptive,uncouth or detremental but were not talking about theese things,were talking areas of the law where nobody has the answer.

Now some sanctimonious groups are crying because some enterprising people are using the law for personal profit,bo fukin hoo,the god damm criminal justice system has been using taxpayers as their personal atm machines for decades,then stealing everything we own under the guise of search & seizure laws as well as using loopholes in those same laws,now in some way its wrong for the public to make a few bucks,i call bullshit.

One thing you all can take to your grave as truth is this,our government can & will gleefully use any loophole in the law to take what they can from you the public,in the days of governments needing cash they will take all you have using a loophole as justification,then use the cash taken from you to further extend their seizure efforts under the same loopholes.

Before anybody here starts preaching bullshit saying others are doing time for my freedoms think twice,ive done time behind the walls in Jackson as well as a stint in M.R in the late 70's & early 80's so i know all about doing time & loosing everything due to this states bullshit drug laws,not to mention being one of the 1st cases in Mich to have all assets seized under brand new seizure laws ,leaving my wife without a home,car or bank account while i went & laid down,i even ended up loosing my 1st wife over the bullshit so i'd say im more than qualified to speak about the law,i plan to use the law & its loopholes how i see fit,and to remain legal at the same time.

Dispensaries, co-op's , compassion clubs & the like all fit the needs of the community,buying from a club may not be in the best interest of all but to some people its a life line,some people do not want a caregiver,ive spoke with many people who are terrified to do back room deals to get bud, to them paying $10 to $20 a gram is worth it for peace of mind alone.

Now lets look at people who do not or cannot smoke,these patients require medibles & or oils,in these cases quality assurance is much more of an issue over smoking,many people who need medibles & oils only deeply appreciate the quality assurance & variety that the clubs provide.

People should be able to bring their overages to any club for reimbursement,a man asking $250 an ounce as repayment for his investment in equipment & his time & effort are worth atleast that much,hopefully that payment will allow the seller to lead a better life.

For the guys who are pitchin a fit about loophole profiteers like me.

Are you guys so used to getting fucked over by the government that your satisfied with the few scraps they throw you,where big business & big government make all the real money,just look to canada to see how the government ,with the help of big business are taking all profts from medical mj,all that will be left is black market scraps.

I'll tell ya straight out that im not satisfied with leftovers,for the 1st time in my life im able to pay my expenses legally from the sale of medical mj ,your damm right im going to take advantage of it,show me one other supplier of medicine in the world who's CEO drives a hoopty,or takes public transportation,show me that & i'll work fow wellfare wages,until then im paying myself what my 20 plus years of experience growing mj are worth & its worth much more than $250 an ounce.

While pharmacologists learned their trade in college's using our public tax dollars loaned to them, with little or no interest ,then graduated & are now making ultra bucks designing synthetic bullshit & get paid a kings ransom we are supposed to work for a pittance,all the while just sitting back waiting for big business & our elected officials to figure out how to take all the profit for theirselves,again i think not.

I spent 20 plus years hiding in dirty ass nooks & cranny's of homes & shithole buildings learning to make my medicine with no help via government loans,and my education came at a cost to my freedom so i'll not be made to feel bad by any hollier than thou type, for once there is a loophole that favors me,while others wait for government to address the loopholes & take all profit away from growers im building my bank account with it & happy to do so.


Well-Known Member
I just wanna know where I can take a pound or 2 of extras and have no paper trail? I know I know I said the pound word I am sorry. I know many of you law abiding citizens never wanna here the word pound but ya just did. " would be taking in, in moderation "
The word pound only describes 16 ounces ,which if i remember correctly both you & your wife each have 5 patients,then with you both being legal it takes the limit up to 30 ounces.

Ya gotta remember 12 x 2.5 is 30,your legal.

Anyhow youll be hard preesed to dump more than a few zips at premium prices at any club,most have a buy cap of $250 or less,the co-op i own a percentage of caps out at $200 a zip for top grade.

My advice is this,take samples along with all your med cards to every establishment near you,ask their policy on overages,most will want you to leave the meds then come back in a week to collect donations,i do not reccomend doing business with those clubs,if your meds are top choice nuggs you will find a home for them that pays up front,even then i doubt youll be able to leave more than 3 or 4 zips at one time.

Knocking on doors is the only way,people are secretive to where they leave meds,who wants competition.


Well-Known Member
Well then they shouldn't cry about being busted or harassed if you want to stretch, bend, misinterpret, contort, switch or what ever the current laws of the state.
What a load of crap,were not living in communist moscow 1972,we live in the united states & the last time i checked we were all INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY,there are areas in which many of us tread that the laws do not address but does that make it illegal,hell no not in my eyes & not in constitutional laws eyes either.

Remember what i wrote about accepting government scraps & being happy to get those scraps,its very sad to me where anybody sides with the government on anything to do with ANY area of the law where the government hasnt established full & total control.

Are you so used to everything in your lives being 100% regulated by uncle sam that when you come upon something there isnt a statute or law covering you automatically cower,Then have the stones to tell those who are not afraid to blaze a trail for you to follow not to cry when they get busted.

Sad,only sad.

If its not lawfully deemed as illegal then it is legal & the constitution we live by backs that up.


Well-Known Member
The word pound only describes 16 ounces ,which if i remember correctly both you & your wife each have 5 patients,then with you both being legal it takes the limit up to 30 ounces.

Ya gotta remember 12 x 2.5 is 30,your legal.

Anyhow youll be hard preesed to dump more than a few zips at premium prices at any club,most have a buy cap of $250 or less,the co-op i own a percentage of caps out at $200 a zip for top grade.

My advice is this,take samples along with all your med cards to every establishment near you,ask their policy on overages,most will want you to leave the meds then come back in a week to collect donations,i do not reccomend doing business with those clubs,if your meds are top choice nuggs you will find a home for them that pays up front,even then i doubt youll be able to leave more than 3 or 4 zips at one time.

Knocking on doors is the only way,people are secretive to where they leave meds,who wants competition.

Hey man I will start off by thankin you for your time in the forums and beyond.

This is my deal...I grow mad overages I ain't trying to brag or seem like a cum suckin pig but I do, and I have for years. I am getting older in this rollercoaster and think it is about time to get my medicine out into the public via medical community more-so then the company I currently provide for.

I wish to take my overages to CC but like how the one in stanton reads they will charge $500 a year for processing.. I have no problem with that at all. I do have a problem of them having my information if I choose to take my product to em. I have a problem with that because of the Federal raids that seem to fall upon the CC and dispensaries. I fear if the Feds raid the place I drop my shit off to.. they will soon be at my door then I will be in court. - That is alot diffrent to me then having cops over to take a look at my grow.

As for the pounds aspect we are talking like 5 oz's at a time until I am out. Not a couple pounds at once. One more thing, I am not loaded yet. I grow for myself and 1 patient. I am just about ready to unleash the sea of green "lol" but I need to have all my eggs in a basket first. One of the major eggs I need is a place to take my overages so my patients in the future have their free meds.

This is the only challenge I am foreseeing. Why only do half the law? I am growing legal now, now I need to take my extras to a legal tenderer that will compansate me for my time and everything else that goes along with the job of a marijuana farmer/ caregiver?