1Puff2Puff3Puff's hydro/soil Grow Journal, (Finally did it!!)


Well-Known Member
Well the big girls are comming along nicely!! As i said before 1 of the 2 sexed ANOTHER GIRL!! Still waiting on the last one, if it does sex in about 2 day i will kill it, its falling far behind the other and my next have is close to read to flower!! Applied Nutes, seseme and epson salt to the girls in flower. Applied nutes and epson salt to babies vegging. 3 of my flowering girl are in full swing of flower almost doubling in thickness daily. My vegging babies are getting big, and almost have double in hieght. Meant to take some pic right after flower b4 i put them back under the light... oops i forgot, so here are the best pick i could get, i will do some solo shop next update. Getting an air conditioner this week end to give the girls some better conditions, also thinking of getting another light, so it will be needed. How much do you think my bill will go up, its about $35-$40 dollars more a month already, i was thinking of getting a 800+ btu, cause its not like i wont be using the home a/c, just dont know if its enough especially with 2 lights, thinking about another 1000w's, but hubby may only let me go with 250w-600w. I dont know i really dont wanna get out of control and go to jail.... maybe i wont get another light..... Anyhoo the pics are of

3.Blue Mystic
4.Blue Mystic
7. New Girl Rotonda
8. Rotonda again
9.Group Shot (vegging)
10.Group Shot (vegging)
11.-16 Group Shots (flowering)

I thinking of buying that camera Nat, has, i would really like to show you all how they are comming alone, first i have to see how much this a/c is going set me back...

Well enjoy... Comment and Feedback WELCOME!!!



Well-Known Member
wow, shiiiit you are looking good. hope your getting some help from the other half. if not you sure do have your hands full and are doing one hell of a job !!!

had to throw a baby papaya pic at ya...
....the one in the middle is a keeper........for sure, mark it. (BM13)..:mrgreen:

ill update mine soon...not happy.:-| love the papaya but not the NL, late nanners in the cross. ill explain in my journal soon.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhhh look at the purty baby, so you think the middle a girlie girl... woot!! Ahhoh nanners, i got some of those in my bagseed grow, they smoke fine but ugly, and as you told me before the pollenate... Nah, hubby dont help, he just smokes and does all the heavy lifting, lol... But i enjoy it, it is DEFINATELY a hobby, but in a couple of weeks its going to get alot harder!! Cant wait to check out your updates, talk to ya soon!!


Well-Known Member
ahhhhhhh i love the updates and pics and lloooking at them while im drunkkkkk and high haha:mrgreen:. damm ur man dosent have knowledge on the growin i thought he would but dam its jus like me my roomate and i do this but he dosent do a dam thing but split the rent and elec other than that i do everything but i have to split it:cry: it kinda sucks but shit its my first grow until my mother branches out more so i can get consistant clones i will be gooooooooood, well sorry for rambling haha. I love ur plants looooookin sooooo good, oh also i got a 100x scope from radio shack my palnts are like 2 of them have amber and the rest are clear!! i hate waiting:-|

well talk to u laterrrrrrr puffffff:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOL!! Thanks for stopping by, yea couchlock takes 4ever but it worth EVER smoke!! I wish i could get drunk the liquor just doesnt agree with me... Yea my hubby is totally uninterested, except when i do something wrong and he screames dont hurt his girls. He does stuff open the door when the light come on and i am at work, other than that...nadda. He got some guy at his job growing and we going to swithch some clones soon and take my girls, when i grow some seed only crops. But i am totally cool with it i love growing and now i dont just have to sit and watch him play Poxnora... Everquest and Van Guard, i got into, i cant get into Pox..... Now i am rammbling...

Enjoy ur high man!! Talk 2 ya L8er!!!

ahhhhhhh i love the updates and pics and lloooking at them while im drunkkkkk and high haha:mrgreen:. damm ur man dosent have knowledge on the growin i thought he would but dam its jus like me my roomate and i do this but he dosent do a dam thing but split the rent and elec other than that i do everything but i have to split it:cry: it kinda sucks but shit its my first grow until my mother branches out more so i can get consistant clones i will be gooooooooood, well sorry for rambling haha. I love ur plants looooookin sooooo good, oh also i got a 100x scope from radio shack my palnts are like 2 of them have amber and the rest are clear!! i hate waiting:-|

well talk to u laterrrrrrr puffffff:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hahaha play all that, that must have beeeeeen boringgg haha. Ur guy sounds so much like my roomate hahah, i do everything with the nutes and since i have a 30gallon of water and no ppm meter i over nute them and he screams at me haha, i find it funny bc i do everythinggg and i feel good about how MY babies are turning out hah:mrgreen:. damm welll its not liquor that does it for me its all these microbreweries around colorado man these are the best tasting beers!!! espically the Flying dog brewery, try them out u will like them i promise o ya hunter s thompson helped start it out and all there logos are the fear and loathing in las vegaas like drawings its so fuckin cool loookin haha wellllll im still drinkin them as we speakkkk:hump: welll im gonna go and watch my babies get thicker and thicker, o im gonna get batteries tom to take picssssss finally

talk to u later puffff:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey 1puff i am going to be critical but only in a constructive manner ok.

If you don't top or fimm those plants early they will always stretch in that manner.
I have my main plant only 8" away from the 400watt hps to stop this from happening during flowering so i get bud from top to bottom.

This is also one of the reasons that i fimm,so i get short fat plants.
Me and my pics can guarantee you that the old myth of fimming or topping plants reducing yield and potency is nothing but a myth.

If you want tight fat bud from top to bottom this is how you get it with minimal light i.e. i only have one 400 watt hps and a couple of cool blue shop fluro tubes and a crappy 6.99 oscillating fan.
Anyway i hope i haven't offended you,i am just trying to give you the best advice i can so you get more buds.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey there Masta, hows it going? I think when i get the 8000btu a/c they will be golden, i am noticing the leaves tips turning upwards. Glad you stopped by, see you soon!!
Nice thread, I haven't had the chance to read through it all yet but I will. I noticed you were getting an a/c, I got a 10,000 btu and love it. One suggestion that I wish I payed attention to. When looking make sure to find one with 2 hoses off it. One for exhausting and one to take in air through your a/c and cool off your room. With this you need no exhaust fan out of your room, or one coming in your room except the one on the ac. This will let you lock your room tight with nothing going in or out except through your ac. I still have one fan blowing through my hood cooling my light and going striate out. Your control of everything will be MUCH easier from the cost of running your ac to the ability to control your rooms environment, air as well as CO2 not letting anything good escape and reducing the amount of bad coming in.. I hope this helps. Great job so far in everything your doing, I will be reading on and joining you again soon. Have a good one and keep up the great work..:peace:


Well-Known Member
heres the 2 im flushinggggg for a week or so.
there both from the same "master kush" seeds they dont have a damn similarity, i mean the smaller one does have a lil purp all over the edges thats bout it haha.

also heres a pic of the other babies i started like 2 months ago haha i diddnt think the ones in flowering would take this longgggg but shit all are female except 1 that hasnt presexed. theres like 7 babies 3 "master kush" 1 aurora b and then rest bag seed, one kali mist that i no haha

tell me what u think




Well-Known Member
No nat, no offence at all, this is what i am here for, what i need to be a better grower.. At this point am i at a loss? Is it too late for these ones? That is the percise reason i never considered it, all the reading on it effecting the yield and potiecy. I also read you get the same amout as you would get with not topping. Looking at your journal, everything i have read is WRONG....
I have to do it with my hybrid, i hate to experiment on them.... thats way i have grown bagseed first. Damn i messed up, now i got to read up on this fimming and topping...

I got to think about what i'm going to do.
Thanks for Feedback/advise...

Hey 1puff i am going to be critical but only in a constructive manner ok.

If you don't top or fimm those plants early they will always stretch in that manner.
I have my main plant only 8" away from the 400watt hps to stop this from happening during flowering so i get bud from top to bottom.

This is also one of the reasons that i fimm,so i get short fat plants.
Me and my pics can guarantee you that the old myth of fimming or topping plants reducing yield and potency is nothing but a myth.

If you want tight fat bud from top to bottom this is how you get it with minimal light i.e. i only have one 400 watt hps and a couple of cool blue shop fluro tubes and a crappy 6.99 oscillating fan.
Anyway i hope i haven't offended you,i am just trying to give you the best advice i can so you get more buds.:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Jeeeze Bronto i had to get my febreeze bottle and see... that thing is huge, i love the one shorter one with little colas everywere. Next grow LOoking Good!!! its going to be tasty, and all girls for the most part...niiiiice!! Bet you can wait to start that flush so you can see if that kush smoke alike.... thats all that matters...lol


Well-Known Member
That bud looks REAL fat, so you used airbaskets to grow that whole plant like Natmoon? Thats so cool, wish I knew about all these "little" things before I began mine though. All good no regrets. Its looking killer bro.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Saine, i am glad you stopped by, i'll make sure i get the double hose one. Man if my grow turns out half as good as your i will be happy!!

Nice thread, I haven't had the chance to read through it all yet but I will. I noticed you were getting an a/c, I got a 10,000 btu and love it. One suggestion that I wish I payed attention to. When looking make sure to find one with 2 hoses off it. One for exhausting and one to take in air through your a/c and cool off your room. With this you need no exhaust fan out of your room, or one coming in your room except the one on the ac. This will let you lock your room tight with nothing going in or out except through your ac. I still have one fan blowing through my hood cooling my light and going striate out. Your control of everything will be MUCH easier from the cost of running your ac to the ability to control your rooms environment, air as well as CO2 not letting anything good escape and reducing the amount of bad coming in.. I hope this helps. Great job so far in everything your doing, I will be reading on and joining you again soon. Have a good one and keep up the great work..:peace:


Well-Known Member
No air baskets, Nat was just telling me about toppiing, and that the air baskets didnt increase his yield it was the topping. Got another 1 & 1/2 hours b4 my light come on, i can wait every day they like double in thickness.....

That bud looks REAL fat, so you used airbaskets to grow that whole plant like Natmoon? Thats so cool, wish I knew about all these "little" things before I began mine though. All good no regrets. Its looking killer bro.