$900 Electric Bill


Is this sketchy? Normally the bill is around $80 but after we fired up the bill jumped to $900. Located in a very bud friendly Southern California City but still concerned of who can see the bill and if it would throw up a red flag. I know of growers who steal there electricity to stay under the radar but that seems likely to get you into more trouble in the end than the grow itself. Please let me know what you think and if I should be doing something to lower my bill.


Ebb n Flo

Active Member
$80 a month to $900??!! dude thats crazy! you must be running HID lights throughout the entire house! how many HID's are you using? and yes.... jumping from 80 to 900 definitely throws up a red flag to your electrical company. often times when this happens they will send someone out to check meters and investigate.


Four 1000 Watt Raptors, AC and with the PS3, TV, and the 1000 watt Surround Sound running pretty much all day it added up quick. My partner keeps telling me if I was the electric company and I was getting payed on time would I think twice about a huge bill? But I'm not so convinced...


Active Member
Don't trip, going from 80 to 900 is nothing. our state has its head to far up its ass to notice that. lol

If it jumped to 1500? maybe a bit of suspicion, either way I assume you're legal, being in cali and what not :)
Just make sure its all legit and your rec(s) are posted.


Well-Known Member
They might send someone over...but they also might just make a call, just tell them something like your grandma's stayin' over and she's been slaving over the stove and cooking constantly...Something like that. I wouldn't worry much though, your friend's probably right.


Well-Known Member
Calis power must be expensive....I run my entire 2000 sq ft house ..5 people live in it...have 5 -1000s, AC, fans, ect...only pay $450 in the summer $600 in the winter

Always pay your bill on time you should have no issues


Well-Known Member
yea ide say as long as u pay the bill on time you should be fine. i doubt ur electric company cares how much power you use, it only matters if they are getting the money for it. who would tell someone to stop giving them 900$ a month.


Problem currently being I only have a normal rec and my partners 199 plant scrip just expired and he has yet to get an ID to renew it, so right now if anything were to go down we would be up shit creek without a paddle. Also, three nights ago there was 5 cops lined up down the street discussing a raid on a house in our neighborhood. Needless to say we were sweating bullets and I've been losing some sleep... Our set up is completely incognito with IR Blockers but that electric bill just seems like a loose link in the chain. Maybe I'm just paranoid but still even after hearing your guy's replies I'm not positive were in the clear.


Active Member
is there a way YOU can get the script for the plants if he gave you money? I mean lets be honest our CA dmv's are absolute shit lol. Thats what I would do if I were you.

lol@ colonuggs, its not just our power thats expensive, average rent in orange county is around 950-1100 for a 1 bedroom studio apartment, if that says anything. lol that and 3.90 for regular gas? ugh don't get me started ;)


Yeah he actually offered to pay for my scrip but it seemed to put me in the position of the fall guy, and I forgot to mention this is mainly my partners operation I'm helping with as an apprentice for 10% then 20% after our first run. Pretty much I just see myself being the one to get fucked if things turn sour and right now the money would not be worth any jail time at all, period.

dirk d

Active Member
dude are you out of your mind??? wtf. go get f'ing legal. your living in so cal not fing texas man. wow. and your only getting 10%. lol. im sure if you dont smarten up ill see you in dumbest criminals on tv. not trying to be a dik just trying to figure out what the hell your thinking?


Active Member
Yeah he actually offered to pay for my scrip but it seemed to put me in the position of the fall guy, and I forgot to mention this is mainly my partners operation I'm helping with as an apprentice for 10% then 20% after our first run. Pretty much I just see myself being the one to get fucked if things turn sour and right now the money would not be worth any jail time at all, period.
With such a large operation I'd say 10 or 20 percent is a bit too little 25 would seem more appropriate. I think you should get that script that he offered to pay for....look at it this way, if you get rolled with out one your doing time for sure, if you do have one and they still roll you, then you wont be spending ANY.


Well-Known Member
I'd say just pay your bills on time. If you don't then yeah people will notice but you can stay under the radar and low key if you just pay your electric bills on time.


hahah its all good dude I appreciate the criticism, story is long time friend got into this about a year ago and offered to pay for my own set up down the road if I help him out now so the pay is really just to keep me around with free rent, bud, and food but it all seemed fishy to me so posted to get some feedback.

Gary Busey

New Member
No one should steal their electricity.

Just pay your bill and you'll be fine.

Is this sketchy? Normally the bill is around $80 but after we fired up the bill jumped to $900. Located in a very bud friendly Southern California City but still concerned of who can see the bill and if it would throw up a red flag. I know of growers who steal there electricity to stay under the radar but that seems likely to get you into more trouble in the end than the grow itself. Please let me know what you think and if I should be doing something to lower my bill.



Active Member
hahah its all good dude I appreciate the criticism, story is long time friend got into this about a year ago and offered to pay for my own set up down the road if I help him out now so the pay is really just to keep me around with free rent, bud, and food but it all seemed fishy to me so posted to get some feedback.
No worries I hear ya, if thats the plan it sounds good, you seem like a person who doesn't take more than they need and thats respectable on its own. But like I said, Don't trip, I'm sure you guys will be fine.

Gary, your picture is the shit, I laugh everytime I see it. lol


Active Member
dont be the fall guy....80-900 would get noticed any where i would think....Go get a script for christ sake bro...Then just do it on ur OWN u cant trust people when it comes down to it....


Active Member
Holy Shit m8! I run 8 600 watters for a total of 4800 watts on 12/12 and I run 5 T5 fluro's 24/7. I use 2 air conditioners and fans for air exchange. I am home most of the day. My highest electric has only been $450. I would guess that if they did'nt get the money they would investigate but who is to say. I would rather be safe than sorry. If you could afford it and get legal, hire a electrician and see if there is not something wrong with your wiring or dist. box. You are using way more electricity than one would think.

Hope all works for the best!

PS- I average 225-265 a month in summer and 270-300 in the winter.