Socko two days from topping.


Well-Known Member
Well I topped her two days ago. If anyone is going to flame me for doing it so early dont even bother posting because you may just get shown up.

Thats how shes doing now. I really think it might be working.


Well-Known Member
Oh im so attached to this little plant I was like a surgeon making that cut.. so small. Im gonna be mad if its a dude.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. It appears as though two little green nubs are starting to grow out of the sides. You can see them in the left picture under the point of incisiontheres a flat cut and a mm or two under that there are pointy nubs. Im watching them and I should know today or tomorrow wether they are indeed split stalks.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. It appears as though two little green nubs are starting to grow out of the sides. You can see them in the left picture under the point of incisiontheres a flat cut and a mm or two under that there are pointy nubs. Im watching them and I should know today or tomorrow wether they are indeed split stalks.

they will be 2 new tops.


Well-Known Member
I can not stress this enough. Only use this method if you are fully prepared to kill your sprout. Most people wait a month or at least untill they have a few more levels of leaves.

I am personally trying a quasi bonsai technique and any cuts on a young plant such as this should be done VERY carefully and precisely with very very small clean scissors. Later on in my process I will be using an exacto knife for the cleanest possible cuts.

I would also venture to say you should wait another day or two to see how Socko takes the punishment.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
haha nice . . mince is a short 3 or four inch plant at 3 weeks cuz i cut the first 6 fan leaves off cuz something went hella bad . . but now its growing hella nice with alot of leaves . . its ike a small bush


Well-Known Member
you just better hope that little o' Socko and its buddie are both Female and not male.
its going to suck if you only grow 2, and u even topped em, and they come out Male :(
thats why most ppl grow a few more than 2...there is always a 50/50 chance that yer plant could be male.


Well-Known Member
Yeah unfortunatly. However if I do get a male i will be throwing it into veg and keeping it there so i can get free seeds whenever i want them.


Well-Known Member
wow, thats a good idea godkas...never thought of using males as my seed supplyer.
man thats great, cuz i ordered Big Bud, and if i get a few males, i will keep one plant alive, so i can get like 100 or more big bud seeds.. KICK ASS !


Well-Known Member
Lol naw I am going to flower clones before I flower any of my plants. As long as that male stays a vegetable I have nothing to worry about.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well if you keep the males for seed purpose remember the male wont produce seeds you ll need a female to have the male pollen fertilize then the pollen female gives you the seeds and be carefull a male can pllanate a female plant up to 2 miles away so if pollen gets in your grow areas or in your ai duct system you may be screwed for quite awhile. On the other note of croping no dont crop your as early as he did not a reccomended thing to do.If socko lives and does well Id be surprised .Id be surprised if he doesnt end up hermie from early stage stress..Have fun and Ill watch for the ending to such a hard life story lol


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree fletch. The method I am using was confirmed by a 2001 (hightimes) article. Socko shows no signs (other than taking the time to heal) that she is going to die. In fact two hours after I topped her she was happily back angled up at the light again. I saw no leaf coloration change other than the first day.

I have yet to see if it will preform the way I intended but if it does I dont think it will be any worse for the wear. The stalk is now really beefy and has taken on a bark-like color mixture of green and brown. Still just as springy if not more. When pressed on the stalk bows rather than buckles.

Id say if she sprouts her new stalks she will be A-OK

And youth should have nothing to do with it. In fact I'm circumcised. I wouldnt be too happy if I had to get that done as an adult. Much better to do when you are young and healthy.