So the final weight came in at 84.9 so a gram over 3oz The buds are really nice and dry after being in the jars.
Tester/Grower Name :Ryzla101
Strain :Super critical
Method Smoked :Joint
Dominant smell of bud : Fruity
Associated smells of bud : Fuel
Dominant flavour : Berries
Associated flavours : Sweet
Harsh/smoothness : (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) 8
- cough factor? : No
Profile : Percentage of head to body 20% head 80% body
Potency : (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and 10 being extremely potent) 8.5
Duration : (approx length of buzz, from first hit) 2 hours
Use : Daytime/Bedtime All the time good for pain relief and relaxing.
Munchies? : Yes
This is some nice B+/A- weed, wouldn't go as far as saying its a one hit wonder, but It does pack a punch, a half gram joint will get me baked for hours, usually with breaks in-between tokes. Good for any occasion doesn't nail you to the floor boards but puts you in a nice relaxed, cheerful mood with occasionally periods of staring into space thinking about interesting things. I smoked with a couple mates the other day, they all really enjoyed it said it was the strongest they had smoked in a while. Over all I am good for a couple months really happy with the results.
Cheers guys for following the grow.