Preflower Help!

Brett Brown

Active Member
That was what I was thinking because I am also digging a vegetable garden outside today and I was digging down into this hard dirt and I am at 18 inches deep and I thought I should just stick this thing in the ground were it gets the most sun and just get the tiger bloom or something similar at that hydroponics store because I will only have to get that instead of the veggie stuff now it's too late!!!! I guess now would be the best time to stick her in the ground and just put the same soil fox farms all around it and all the way up to the top and about 5 or 6 inches on the bottom and then it will have all that area to grow out and down! So I should get a whole gallon for the flowering stage? and when I take the plant out of the 5 gallon container you said just put the stock at the bottom of the plant or trunk and just pull it out root ball all together and put it in the same soil but about 6 to 8 inches all around the root ball or more. right now the soil in the 5 gallon bucket is about 12 inches high so if I have dug down 18 inches that is 6 inches I can put on the bottom and I can put as much as I want around it because it is a 10 foot X 10 foot area 18 inches deep or I can go a bit deeper. what do you think? and hop hard can I pull on that root ball because like I said I just gave her a good watering so she is dry on the top but down near the bottom I am going to get some suckion going on when I pull it because of the wet soil and what if it doesn't want to come out? Should I cut the bucket or do you think it is going to come out? Anyway thanks for the advice I think that is the best way then I don't have to bring it inside anymore and just let nature do it's thing!!! but it is light from 6am to to about 8 pm is that going to be a problem? because it is 14/10 right now because of daylight savings. Will it start to flower now that I change the light schedule that drastic or will she wait till it is 12/12 sometime later when it gets darker earlier? Thank You, BB2112!!!!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
I dug a hole 24 inches in diameter X 24 inches deep that should be plenty to place it in about 10 inches of soil at the bottom Fox Farms same as in the 5 gallon bucket. Then I will have about 8 inches all the way around to fill around it with the same Fox Farms potting mix. Then i am trying to download you the picctures of the hole and my plant with the slightly yellow leaves only a few but still i don't want her to get out of controlo and i haven't watered her now this is the 2nd complete day so i will wait and see if they start changing color. (Will They change back if it gets right?)Or will i have to pick them off or let them fall off? Also do you think that hole is deep enough and do you think i should fill it with the same soil as i have in the 5 gallon bucket or should i just use the regular soil with some fertilizer or NPK? Whatever you think will be the best without burning the roots like you said because they are growing all over th inside of the bucket between the walls of the bucket and the soil and also inside the soil but you were right i think it is getting crowded in there because the roots are all the way up to the top of the soil i took my finger and scratched the surface about 1/2 inch or even maybe a 1/4 of an inch and there were roots going up and down and through all the soil it looked like a bad sewing job there were so many roots My god i hope i don't F88k them up when i pull her out of the 5 gal. bucket. Anyway I think i am goinmg to get some nutes from the hydroponics store they stock every kind and the guy said there were two of the best ones were that one I can't remeber called like 20/20/20 maybe or something with numbers and it has a part A and B and they were just way to expensive and they only came in gallons for each which would be about 69.00 dollars for each gallon. So about 140.00 plus. So he said why don't you use their next best brand was dutchmaster they said it wasn't thier brand so i think he was being honest and he said the bloom was like 23.00 for a liter and he said one liter would probably be enough and since I don't live far and they are open from 7am to 7pm Monday through sunday if i start to run out i can always go and pick up another liter. So I think I am going to go with that. He says they have had very good sucess with the guys that work there and they get everything very cheap he said and he sticks with the Dutch master Brand. it's called gold bloom or they have for the same price or maybe a dollar or two more they have the advanced bloom also a one part flowering nutrient that helps with everything, I think he even said it steadies out the PH and it has everything the plant would need to give me a nice harvest. isn't that cool to just be able to shoot the breeze with a guy that can tell you everything and not have to worry about being busted it is a great feeling and if you have a card which I do you are allowed to grow 5 plants in California, as long as they don't gop over the 7 foot block walls that separate the housing. IT'S really sweet having a store like that so close and with this purchase he said i will have enough credits for 5 more classes and if I purchase the Fox Farms soil there I can take the whole season class for free. Nice !!!!!!!! I can use all that info!!!!!! especially on the clones that is something i want to get really good at! maybe buy an easy cloner like 150.00 I think or 200.00. Can't wait but I hope i have your pictures because now my computer is saying I don't have enough room in a folder to store these photo's I even got extra memory. Dam I think all I have to do is delete some stuff. anyway take it easy have a great weekend and i hope to hear from you by tomorrow. to hear what you have to say. Thank You, BB2112!!!! I will check out here and post them(pics) on my next post hopefully tonight or in the morning!!! Lol!

Brett Brown

Active Member
Finally I got the pics downloaded, here is the whole in the ground for the current plant 24inches wide X 24 inches Deep IMG_3934.jpg and here is the pics of my plant with the few yellow leaves they have dispursed they were in the center of the plant and some of those have come back after the good watering maybe I wasn't IMG_3932.jpggetting all of the roots wet even though the water was coming out of the holes that i drilled in the bottom of the bucket. Anyway here they are IMG_3931.jpg Let me know what you think of both or all three I should say and Thank You again you are too kind!!!!! BB2112!!!! Have a great Weekend!!!!!!!! let me also know what you think about the soil around the root ball if i should use the soil from the hole or fill it around the whole thing and under with the Fox farm potting mix!!! with worm castings I believe is the one i got, Yes it is!!!! Thanks, BB!! If you look closley you will see one the one not blurry photo (sorry) that one wasn't as critical anyway and you will see now all over the plant about 9 or 10 slightly yellow leaves or maybe you will see more but there aren't that many concidering how many there used to be about wtice as many and all in the low center of the plant and now they are pretty much dispersed to all the bigger fan leaves. well talk to you soon, BB!!


Active Member
yellowed leaves stay yellow even if the problem causing the discoloration is fixed. You know the issue is solved if you dont see anything getting worse. I never pull off a leaf unless is pretty much dead and falling off by itself anyway.
run a knife around the edge and sides of the bucket to get it offa the sides. Its actually best to water the soil a bit so it all sticks together when you pull it out. Since there are holes in the bottem you dont have to worry about suction from the bottem of the bucket.
That is one epic hole, looks plenty big enough. If you have enough Fox Farm soil, I would use as much as I can when transplanting and filling in the hole. Just fill it in with the plant and extra soil and give it a good watering with some bloom nutes. Ur perdy lady looks awsome by the way. Nice and healthy, though she looks hungry for a little nitrogen.
I think that answers everything. Let me know if i missed anything. :-)
totally jealous about those grow classes though lol. Maybe you'll be able to teach me somehting new. Cali really is where this industry is developing and becoming more sophisticated. Its mind blowing sometimes.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Now my clones it has been 7 days since I put the cuttings in the rock wool and I went and bought a tray and a dome made for this, I followed every step on the brocher they gave me at the hydroponics store and I also watched a few video's and followed them to the "T" and it says in 7 to 14 days you should see some roots but what I want to know is at the bottom of the clone where the stem goes into the rock wool after these 7 days the stem is starting to get thicker or sweeling is that normal? I haven't seen any roots yet I don't think, I see a thing that may be a root on one the tip maybe!!!!! But I still have 7 more days to see if anything pops out. I ask you about that sweeling on the stem because the last time i tried the cloning and i didn't have any of the right equipment it was all hand made and just not quiet right and i didn't have a warming pad, the same ting was happening but the thing i used for my medium was soil and I had those larva that hatched and were eating the roots. (those little white worms about 1/4 inch long and less that a 1/32 of an inch round. In fact they looked like roots so i let them keep munching on what i thought were roots untill I loked closely and saw them move and then I looked the worms up and saw that they were eating the roots. So is that sweeling normal? It's not alot just a tad bit of swelling. i will try to get some pics. If you know for sure that, that isn't good then i won't wait the 7 days to see if they grow. So if you get a chance let me know and her she is planted in the ground. I didn't even need to cut the bucket it slid out very easily in a big root ball in the shape of the bucket obviously but the roots held the soil in very well and she went in very easily. I am now going to buy the blooming nutes and that should help with the yellow leaves! Oh yeah I did water her right after I put her in the ground so she didn't burn in the sun with just the luke warm soil that I bought. Dam it took 3-50Lb bags of that fox farms soil to fill that hole. Anyway she is in the ground and it went nicely. Thank you, for the tips and answers to my questions and how much is she going to grow if she is 30 inches now to the top of the plant or longest cola. you said times 2 or 3? times she is now so even if she grows 2 x times her size niow she will be 60 inches more or 60 inches total? that's 5 feet. maybe I should have done this a little sooner, because if she goes 3 times then she will be 7 1/2 feet tall that should be big enough or even the 5 feet tall. if she gets there. Well take it easy talk to you soon. Thanks, BB2112.

Brett Brown

Active Member
IMG_3942.jpgSorry I forgot the pics, here she is now,IMG_3940.jpgThe second picture is pretty far away so she looks really small. Actually they both look alot smaller than she is in person. Anyway I will try to give you a look at the clones asap. C-ya, BB2112.


Active Member
wow, she already looks so happy sitting in the ground in the sun.
The swelling is normal for the clones. The part of the stem that you have under the soil is gonna become part of the root system now.
As a general rule of thumb, plants get 2-3 times larger when flowering. Don't be suprised if you end up with a 7ft plant.
If you get bored, get some cinderblocks or bricks and tie some of the top branches down. This will help keep the plant shorter and encourage it to grow more tops by letting more light deep into the plant.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Yes I have heard of doing that rather than topping the plant, What should i use for tie down string that won't break or cut through the plant? like yarn? Also how do i know I am watering her enough because now there is no weep holes at the bottom only the good earth. but can I over water it? if i over water her it will soak into the soil what she doesn't need correct or not correct? and when I am giving the plants nutes for blooming or flowering, how often do i give her nutes now? the guy also said that in the bloom nutes they have less nitrogen than the regular nutes so they wouldn't stretch and you want them to stretch but i could have heard him wrong because we were talking about the clones. He said I could give my clones the bloom nutes and that will encourage the root growth and he said i had to use it at 1/2 or 1/4 the strength or I could kill the clones. So I just am worried about the amount of water to give her and how often top give the nutes at this stage . Thanks BB2112


Active Member
Yarn, twine, rope, just about anything that wont cut through or damage the branch (like fishing line) like you said.
With the plant being outside, its going to be very hard to overwater. Keep track of how much it rains and water accordingly. Every third watering should still be good for giving ferts.
Dont worry about stretching, thats only really an issue if growing inside. The less stretch you have, the denser the buds, which is what I like so I guess it's up to personal preference.
Keep an eye out for cats or make sure they cant get into your yard. My security tiger loves to munch on the buds and pull leaves off.
kitty.jpglol little monster

Brett Brown

Active Member
really the cat likes to eat the leaves, then maybe it wasn't the kids next door playing in my backyard that broke off a small branch that I topped that slit into two more colas. now it is back to one but I think there is another growth coming out of where it was snapped off but there are alot of cats around here maybe I should put up a barrier so they can't get in!!! yeah? oh and it says on the botinacare bottle of bloom nutes to use it with every watering. it was just really hard to see I can't believe how small the writting is on the back (the directions) I don't even wear glasses and I can't see them without magnifying glass. Anyway cute tiger must be a little baby tiger. looks ferocious!!!!! lol thank you, BB2112 P.S. should I follow the directions and use the nutes with every watering ? it is a one part solution if that makes any difference or should I use it every 3rd as you said or in other words should i follow your directions or the back of the bottle because they are saying that these nutes are for a different plants not pot plants!!!!! he said it was his next best nute. I have seen that brand before (Botnicare). C-YA!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
Also I am getting a little nervous now that she is in the ground because she is getting alittle more yellow I think I am over watering her because that plant food (Miracle grow) I was giving her before and the liquid Karma have alot of nitrogen over 24% not combined so I must be giving her too much water. I started giving her a bit more water when i started with the lights because the soil was drying out faster I think with the lights and the sun and it got direct sunlight almost all day and it has been pretty hot. So I gave her an extra watering because the top of the soil was almost always dry but it was probably wet underneath and didn't need watering, I am going to lay off for a few days and what is a sign of not enough water? limp leaves? or? Thanks!!!, BB2112.

kbo ca

Active Member
yellowed leaves stay yellow even if the problem causing the discoloration is fixed. You know the issue is solved if you dont see anything getting worse. I never pull off a leaf unless is pretty much dead and falling off by itself anyway.
run a knife around the edge and sides of the bucket to get it offa the sides. Its actually best to water the soil a bit so it all sticks together when you pull it out. Since there are holes in the bottem you dont have to worry about suction from the bottem of the bucket.
That is one epic hole, looks plenty big enough. If you have enough Fox Farm soil, I would use as much as I can when transplanting and filling in the hole. Just fill it in with the plant and extra soil and give it a good watering with some bloom nutes. Ur perdy lady looks awsome by the way. Nice and healthy, though she looks hungry for a little nitrogen.
I think that answers everything. Let me know if i missed anything. :-)
totally jealous about those grow classes though lol. Maybe you'll be able to teach me somehting new. Cali really is where this industry is developing and becoming more sophisticated. Its mind blowing sometimes.
you can get yellow leaves to green back up


Well-Known Member
Brett you gotta remember that the plant you're growing is a weed. It's root system will hunt like crazy for water when it is in the ground. If you are getting a good solid rain 1-2 times per week there is no need what so ever to water. If you put it in some good nutrient rich soil, which I've heard fox farm is, then it's basic nutrient requirements will be met. Everyone on this site babies their plants way way way too much. When it comes down to it it's a god damn weed and it will grow like a mother tucker regardless of what you do to it. You've done your part by getting it nice and strong and putting it in a sunny spot with great dirt. Let mother nature and the plant do the rest of the work. The only time you need to water outside is if you decide to feed it. Seriously though I have ALWAYS grown using a Keep It Simple Stupid motto and my girls ALWAYS turn out great. Relax and let nature do it's thing.

When I grow outdoors I put them in the ground early June and I don't go back and check on them at all until it's harvest time. I make sure to dig a big hole and fill it with good dirt. Then I plant the plant and give it a good watering so that it takes. After that I don't go back until harvest and I never have problems.


Active Member
When I grow outdoors I put them in the ground early June and I don't go back and check on them at all until it's harvest time. I make sure to dig a big hole and fill it with good dirt. Then I plant the plant and give it a good watering so that it takes. After that I don't go back until harvest and I never have problems
couldnt agree more. It's hard to stop yourself from worrying and doing too much to the plant. I learned quick that the less I mess with it, the better. That soil will do a lot of the work feeding the plant. I water with ferts every time, but I grow hydro, they have no soil to leach food from. Your plant won't need to be watered with ferts every time. Every other week should be fine since the soil it's in is so rich.

Brett Brown

Active Member
yeah that's what i thought that I was worrying way too much and I decided to stop giving her water except when i give her the nutes and that will be the only time because you dilute that stuff 1 to 2 tea spoons per gallon of water so it is pretty much water except what it takes from the nutrients so. Thanks i will just let nature do her thing as You said too 420garden thanks to you both. I figured I was trying to hard because I didn't do much when she was in the bucket and she did great then after I put her in the ground i got a bit worried . Anyway thanks all for the help. BB2112!!


Well-Known Member
Now that you've decided to stop stressing about it you can start showering your plant with your new found laid back positive attitude. She'll absolutely love the confident energy you're gonna be bringing her way instead of the worried mother approach which no one really liked when they were a kid.

Brett Brown

Active Member
ok Thanks I think I am fine now with the worrying and I will do as advised!!! Thank You, All, BB2112!!!!
The only question that worries me is giving her the nutrients now that she is buried in such a big hole(the Plant) 24 inches in diameter and 24 inches deep but i filled it back under and around it with the fox farms soil that i planted her in a POTTING MIX not a potting soil. I am just wondering If I am supposed to dillute one or two teaspoons of Botinacare pro bloom nutrients 1-4-5 made for flowering plants, I purchased it at a hydroponics shop where they sell stuff for pot plants and he knew what i was growing cause o told him and he said get this one if you want a 1 part solution for blooming or flowering. I just wanted to know if she is in such a big hole and her roots right now are in the form of the 5 gallon bucket so they are probably still compressed to that shape, How much water mixed with the nutes am i supposed to give her to be sufficient and make sure that she is getting enough nutes. I can't tell when it has traveled down to the bottom because i don't have the weep holes in the bottom as i did with the 5 gallon bucket? So if you could please help me out anyone, I would appreciate it very much, Thank You, BB2112!!!!! 12:11am Friday the 1st of July!!!!


Well-Known Member
I would mix the bloom nutrients as recommended on the bottle which is, if I am not mistaken, 2tbps for every gallon of water. I love botainicare it is the only organic nutrient solution I will use anymore. My girls love it. If you give her a gallon of nutrient water once every 8-10 days she should be just fine. You might not even need to feed her that often. Fox Farm is pretty good soil from what I've heard.