Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

I do so much weird shit its hard for me to think of something nasty but heres a gross one...okay so I dont know why but I cant not becuz Im an asshole but I just cant tell someone when they have something n their nose, it embarasses me to tell them, so a few weeks ago I was with one of my lovvaaas and well it was horrible cuz he had something in his nose the whole time (eww Im remembering that this is the nastiest thing ever I had blocked it out) and I couldnt say anything but then I couldnt look up and I like to have my eyes open and so I am trying to hurry things along and the more he gets into it the thing in is nose is moving and getting more like its going to come at me then he cums and then he relaxes into my chest and puts his face just below my shoulder and like nuzzles and is there for a sec (Im in block out mode right now cuz if I would have been thinking i would have freaked the fuck out and thrown up) when he raised up his nose didnt have anything in it and Im wiping all over my shoulder ewwwwwww.....ok now i have to forget that again..
lmao.. that is fucking disgusting. Pardon my language but if some bitch purposly pissed on me, I would flip. Pink Sensa huh? What style?
When I was younger my step moms best friend, owned a indonesian shop on the island of kauai. Her and her new husband owned the store. Her new husbands EX wife moved all the way from NY and opened up an art gallery right next door. The Ex came in their shop one day and my step moms friend pissed on her husband... While she was screaming and yelling the whole time. Like pissing on her territory shit. I was only 14 so I was floored.
lmao.. that is fucking disgusting. Pardon my language but if some bitch purposly pissed on me, I would flip. Pink Sensa huh? What style?
Oh no I only do that submissive men who want me to no doubt it turns me on but I think its the humiliation that turns me on well yeah and the dirty naughty tabooishness of it turns me on but I wouldnt even bring that up as I thought to someone who I didnt know was into really freaky fetish stuff I can compartmentalize!!!

I cant be a freak all the time....most of the time I just want my tight wet wet p*ssy played with then 3 hour rounds of marathon sex with my hyper flexible legs that Y back over my shoulders when Im on my I love to use words...ha ha
And I dont really get offended by much but ya for some reason Id rather have other things done to my snatch to get it wet, than having it spit on.

You mean you dont like having a guy spit a huge wad of nasty saliva on your pussy like he's spitting a goober out of a truck window? lmao

since when did lame porn sex become the ideal of 'good' sex... what a shame seriously
I do so much weird shit its hard for me to think of something nasty but heres a gross one...okay so I dont know why but I cant not becuz Im an asshole but I just cant tell someone when they have something n their nose, it embarasses me to tell them, so a few weeks ago I was with one of my lovvaaas and well it was horrible cuz he had something in his nose the whole time (eww Im remembering that this is the nastiest thing ever I had blocked it out) and I couldnt say anything but then I couldnt look up and I like to have my eyes open and so I am trying to hurry things along and the more he gets into it the thing in is nose is moving and getting more like its going to come at me then he cums and then he relaxes into my chest and puts his face just below my shoulder and like nuzzles and is there for a sec (Im in block out mode right now cuz if I would have been thinking i would have freaked the fuck out and thrown up) when he raised up his nose didnt have anything in it and Im wiping all over my shoulder ewwwwwww.....ok now i have to forget that again..
Omg that is so gross... Boogers have been first date enders for me. :spew:. I always do booger checks, I would die if I ever had snot in my nose and someone saw.
When I was younger my step moms best friend, owned a indonesian shop on the island of kauai. Her and her new husband owned the store. Her new husbands EX wife moved all the way from NY and opened up an art gallery right next door. The Ex came in their shop one day and my step moms friend pissed on her husband... While she was screaming and yelling the whole time. Like pissing on her territory shit. I was only 14 so I was floored.

No no thats not what im into lol ha aha I really more like for a guy to watch me pee and kiss me while I pee, If I have to pee on him then he has to take a shower and that takes away from time that could be spent licking my puss or fucking me..
Omg that is so gross... Boogers have been first date enders for me. :spew:. I always do booger checks, I would die if I ever had snot in my nose and someone saw.
you are for sure one of those friends that would make me look and make me tell you if you had anything...ha ha
When I was younger my step moms best friend, owned a indonesian shop on the island of kauai. Her and her new husband owned the store. Her new husbands EX wife moved all the way from NY and opened up an art gallery right next door. The Ex came in their shop one day and my step moms friend pissed on her husband... While she was screaming and yelling the whole time. Like pissing on her territory shit. I was only 14 so I was floored.

What the hell lol.. that is very odd. Crazy women! haha

Oh no I only do that submissive men who want me to no doubt it turns me on but I think its the humiliation that turns me on well yeah and the dirty naughty tabooishness of it turns me on but I wouldnt even bring that up as I thought to someone who I didnt know was into really freaky fetish stuff I can compartmentalize!!!

I cant be a freak all the time....most of the time I just want my tight wet wet p*ssy played with then 3 hour rounds of marathon sex with my hyper flexible legs that Y back over my shoulders when Im on my I love to use words...ha ha

Alright, I wasn't sure someone with this fetish might turn me on... but if you keep talking like that, we may have to make another thread. I kind of hear you on the Humiliation thing... Most people get off on the feel of power, whats a better way to feel superior other than the humiliation of complete dominance (pissing on someone).
Personally, even if a girl asked me too, I don't think I could do it. I'm into pretty much whatev's but I respect females too much to treat them like the toilet. But if your both into it, right on.
Nothing kills the moment for me more than, GAPING ass on porn. :spew:.

I'm not a big fan of it either! I've seen exploding, gaping ass turn inside out!

Who the hell pitches the storyboard to the director? What does he say to the camera guys? "Ok fellas now when you have maximum cornhole gape, ensure that you shine the spotlight in there and pan over with the camera".

I don't understand all the butt piracy in the biz nowadays. Once in a while it's nice to see a surprised look on the girl's face, but ass gape? :-?
One thing you can do, if someone has a booger, or some other odd item on their face, if while talking to them you touch the same place on your face, (ie, touch the edge of your nose where the booger would be if you had it) and in most cases the person talking to you will do the exact same gesture. Try it sometime, like wiping the side of your mouth, or fixing your hair behind your ear, they'll probably do the exact same thing. Strange, eh?
on topic tho
i gotta say the nastiest thing ive ever done was while going down on my ex there would always be sum random toilet paper stuck in her snatch
toilet paper is not tasty unless it is being used to parachute farmies

she was terrible though and for some reason i was with her for 5 years (mind you i am 21 so thats a longgggggggg time)
she never fulfilled one of my fantasies (such easy ones as looking me in the eyes while having sex or a different sex position other than missionary or her on top...hell i got her to do doggy style once and she just fucking layed there, didn't even get in the right position) and i don't think she even masturbated once in her entire life. she was such a total NOOB when it came to sex and my greatest mistake so far in my life was wasting my high school and college prime time years on her, DAM YOU LOVE!!! DAM YOU TO HELL!! people told me it was stupid fallin in love so early
/end rant

:p :P
well i couldnt find a date for saturday night,, so i figured i just go dig me one up. It went alright except everytime she tried to give me head her jaw kept falling off!! two words;
duct tape
I was fucking this old bitch.. she was around eighty or so.. and talk about loose! I was starting to think the money wasnt worth it when i figured it out.... stick a ham in her pussy and then pull the bone out just before ya fuck it!! lol.... you fuckers are sick.. the ones laughing... and the ones not.
I once had a gurl rip major ass when i flipped her over from doggy to missionary we were both so shocked we just laid there and laughed for a minute....then we continued.