*** JAC's First Grow*** Jack The Ripper and Mazar x Skunk 1 Grow Tent SCROG**


Hey what's up everyone on RIU. Welcome to my very first grow and post here on RIU or any forum for that matter. Tried making a Grow Journal but I'm having issues with my account I guess and it won't allow me to so here we go. I've been on a while and learned much here. I want to thank everyone for any input from here forth. Well after growing up in Alaska I fell in love with cannabis like many do up there and later in life moved down to good old Southern California. Almost needless to say I was able to obtain a medical recommendation for marijuana so everything I do here is completely legal.

Well after much research on various sites I decided to go with a SCROG method using a grow tent due to my limited space (apartment) and desire for a smaller grow anyhow. After comparing prices EVERYWHERE online was a no brainer.... Hydro shops are just so expensive. Price definetly being a factor for me I found that Ebay was almost unbeatable and you can find just about all my equipment/Nutes here:




Advanced Nutrients Hobbyist Level 250ml Package 250 ml

Silica Blast 1 Qt Quart Botanicare

Hygrozyme 500ml Organic Enzyme Stimulator

SuperThrive - 4 Oz

Using Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil mixed with some perilite in 11" pots lined with Hydroton Clay at the bottom for better drainage.

Also a 10" Inline fan with an 10"-8" and 8"-6" reducers on it. I got it real cheap from a brother in law so why not! Also a fan speed controller from my local Hydro store.

Like my title says I have 1x Jack The Ripper and 1x Mazar x skunk 1 clones that I was able to obtain from my local collective. I'm fortunate enough to have a very high level grower at my disposal who is within minutes. So I can use him and hopefully everyone on the RIU.
I just transplanted them from their little cups in to the 11" pots on the 14th....so they've been sitting under the light, which is set at 50% or 300watts, about 4 days. Everything seems to be going good so far. Any and all questions/comments/concerns are all appreciated. Thanks guys looking forward to a great grow!

Hey what's up guys. Just wanted to post some actual pics of my ladies. Been about 4 days since I got them from the collective and put them in the big pots. I do have some leaf cupping and minor yellowing I'm slightly concerned about also.

Heres Jack the Ripper first day in her new home


And Mazar
6-14 Mazar.jpgIMG_0018.jpg

Alright well I guess down below are some Today pics of the Mazar and JTR....JTR being the one with the Thermometer in it. I also have pics of the slight leaf cupping and some yellow tips I have.

Like I said Im using Fox Farm Happy frog and am not sure if the yellowing is some minor nutes burn for newly transplanted clones? and the cupping I beleive might be due to real low humidity?? As you can see it's about 35% humidity and sitting around 79-81Degrees. Maybe i'm overly paranoid but i do feel the extra light, low humidity, higher temp and more nutes could all attribute to the curling/yellowing? Either way i'm sure they are stressed....I do have outside air being sucked in to hopefully make those higher temps for efficient. Plz let me know what you guys think. Thanks a lot.

Oh btw the light is only running at 75% (450 watts) and is probably about 2-2.5 feet from the top of the plants


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what's up guys, just wanted to add a little personal reminder of when i watered before I forget! This is the only log I have of my activities so gotta keep up! haha

6-16 @ ~8pm Watered with Distilled water Ph=7

Well thats it for now. only watering so far. Gave em a good watering, pots are definitely feeling lighter. Might water tonight. Will heft pots again and take it from there.

I feel everything is going good. I still have some leaf cupping on both plants. I'm not real worried about it. seems to be uniformly on each plant. like I said before maybe low humidity (35-40) with kinda high temps (79-81)? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys

After re-reading various sources I feel that all symptoms are due to slight nute burn because of nutes contained in soil. Just gonna give em some time to do their thing.

Pics above
What's up guys. wanted to give a 1 week update. So everyone can see how the girls are growing. Gave another watering late night on Monday (6-20). Distilled Water Ph=7. Here's a few day 1 to day 7 pics so everyone can see the progression.

Mazar Day 1
6-14 Mazar.jpg6-14 Mazar (2).jpg

Mazar Day 7

JTR Day 1
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JTR Day 7

Plants seem to be growing well. Like I said before they might have had a little nute burn from the soil. Unfortunately the other day i've discovered some "powdery mildew". Which is a real bummer but I should be able to kill it with raising my grow room temp to 100 for 1 hour. https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/441002-fungus-mildew-mold.html (2nd Post).

I did immediately remove the infected leaves by wrapping in a ziplock and trimming off into the bag. Other than the mildew the plants look great. Temps in my area have been extremley high lately (100+ SoCal) so it's been a little challenge to keep my grow room temp as low as I'd like. 88 being the highes for a short time of the day.

Well I'm going to attempt to rid myself of this mildew. Wish me luck. Will update everyone in a few days.
well i guess i'm not sure exactly what Jack strain is supposed to look like but your babies lookin' REAL stressed...a little mutant too :P should grow just fine as you've realized that you're burning your babies with ur not-so-needed nutes. just give them water mang.. and during flowering amp the volume by introducing some nutes. IMO

ur humidity should be lower if ur gettin mold. and raising the temp to 100 for one hour sounds redonk. just gotta get some really good air flow... which ur right next to ur window so that works. just get a fan and angle it towards ur light also aiming towards ur exhaust.. let the air blow between ur fan and babies... should lower the temp to a comfortable 75 for sure. you need more airflow/circulation to get rid of mold.

Keep it goin !!

My 3 Nirvana Bubbalicious grow under 400HPS LOOKING GREAT! pics coming soon.

Hey thanks for the Input man. I agree they are definitely stressed. Changed environments pretty drastically. But I've never given them nutrients. Just plain distilled water because of the nutes in the soil already. So the burn is not from any added nutes. What I have is Powdery Mildew. Idk if its the same as mold, but either way they both thrive in the higher humidity, but my humidity has been pretty damn low though, rarely getting above 40%. My airflow and circulation has been excellent. I have a 10' Inline fan, on a speed controller, for a tent that's less than 50 cubic feet. So i'm able to have multiple air exchanges every minute. Plus a clip fan constantly going inside the tent pointed toward the ladies. That's why I was pretty surprised to see the mildew in the first place. But I think i'll be able to get it all under control.

Watered last night with distilled water Ph=7. Plants are looking beautiful. I FIM'd the Mazar for a couple reasons. Aside from just really wanting to try it, she was getting much taller than her sister JTR. Not having pruning shears I washed my hands and plucked it right off! That was two or three days ago. It looks as if I'll get 3 nodes from it. That's pretty sweet because I'd planned for just two. I thought I had plucked a little too much off. Either way it's all good. Here's some close-ups. Best I could get for now.
lol bro maybe its cuz you have seedlings start off in "Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil " I woulda loaded with hella more perlite if I were going to use that soil on seedlings.. I hear that soil has the reputation for burning seedlings and should only be used once plants mature up a bit.
lol bro maybe its cuz you have seedlings start off in "Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil " I woulda loaded with hella more perlite if I were going to use that soil on seedlings.. I hear that soil has the reputation for burning seedlings and should only be used once plants mature up a bit.

Well I started off clones actually. I still agree it's a hot soil though. I have quite a bit of perilite actually. About a 2:1 soil: perilite ratio. Thanks anyways for the Input.

After some super hot weather in my area my house AC decided to be worthless. Knowing I'd have to call the onsite manager and have him check it out I had to take down the grow-op for a few days. That was on Monday 6-27. Had them under some cfl's in the bathroom for about 3 days. So after getting the AC fixed I set it all back up. Bummer I had to do that, it definitely stopped growth basically during that time. Set me back about a week i'd say. Been 18 days since I've brought my girls home.

Fertilized for the first time today. Would have given nutes a little earlier but the whole AC incident.

Gave 1/4 strength of: Advanced grow, micro, bloom, Voodoo Juice, Silica Blast, and Superthrive. PH=6.5 I don't have a PPM meter at the moment is why i started so low. I do have the PH test strips with ppm and it looks to be around 400-500ppm roughly. Hopefully the girls like there first feeding!

I also put my screen up. WHICH IS SUPER GHETTO! I was going to build a screen similar to the one's in https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/438789-lbhs-scrog-tutorial.html but my car motor decided to seize and all I had was the chicken wire, with no frame. So sadly I just used some duck tape and attached it to the corners of my grow tent. It will work for this time but I will definitely change for the next go around.

Here's some yesterday pics.

Here's some recent pics from the last few days or today. Both ladies are looking nice. The Mazar is growing much faster and looking much healthier then her sister. You can see how many more shoots have reached the screen and that i've pulled through. The JTR is way bushier but only the main stem has been tall enough to pull down through the screen as of yet.

Now I believe JTR is a Sativa Dominant strain correct? With Mazar being Indica dominant? I have found some contradicting info and just wanted to be sure.

I'm installing a 12,000 BTU window AC in my room tomorrow which should really make things nice as far as temps go. I've been running my light at 450 watts (75%) due to heat issues so I'm hoping the AC will allow me to bump it up to 100%.

I'm not exactly sure when to start flowering cuz I am unsure of the "stretch" factor during the first couple weeks of flowering. What do you guys think? Another 2 weeks or so? I know they double to triple so I really want to avoid overcrowding.

I'll keep the Pics up to date and any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.



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Well here's the girls at 4 weeks now. All in all everything has been going pretty well. As you might be able to see on the Mazar (left) I have a little necrosis and yellowing. The PH meter I purchased was giving incorrect readings leading my PH to be a little high. Should be getting a replacement Friday.

After Installing my Window AC i'm able to keep my temps in my grow room as cold as i'd like. Which is awesome because I will definitely be turning the light up to 600 watts and putting it as close as I can. Fortunately with the AC i don't have a limitation on what height because it gets so cold. Right now it's about 8" above the plants set at 75% (450 watts).

I do think i'm going to flower real soon though....like i've said before I am concerned about the stretch factor involved during the first couple weeks and do not want to over crowd the screen.

Well that's it for now....going to make the switch soon and also think of putting a secondary support system for the buds.


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Well here's the ladies at 5 weeks. PH problems are catching up with me I think..... Still haven't received the replacement PH meter I was supposed to. It's be three damn weeks. I've been relying on strips/solution and shake method. I'm not too unhappy for how things have gone so far for my first grow.

I also had skipped a feeding a week or so ago because I got paranoid and thought I overfed previously but I think there actually deficient right now. I'll feed tomorow and see how they respond and end up flowering a week from tomorrow regardless. Other than that hope the ladies look happier next time you guys see em!!!



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Well here's the girls after a good 36 hours of darkness. Glad to be flowering after 6 weeks. I feel they're not nearly as big as they could have been but for my first grow and not having a PH meter this entire time i can't complain too much....

Pics look odd because they were taken with my phone and for some reason it appears greener in the center of each pic.

I have my 600 watt hps running at 100% and it's a perfect 75 thanks to this Window AC unit. That's some serious light for a 6.6 sqft tent (2'7"x2'7"). So i'm really hoping to see some dank, dense nugs coming out of these beauties.



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hi mate looking good! it will be full in there by the time the stretch is over, keep it up i cant wait for the results, my setup is just about the same as yours so i have been keeping an eye on yours, i have 5 chem dog in 1.2m tent still in veg at the min, i'm about to put my mesh up any day now :weed:
hi mate looking good! it will be full in there by the time the stretch is over, keep it up i cant wait for the results, my setup is just about the same as yours so i have been keeping an eye on yours, i have 5 chem dog in 1.2m tent still in veg at the min, i'm about to put my mesh up any day now :weed:

Thanks man I can't wait either. Sounds great man, good luck with your grow! You gonna get a journal going?

Finnally able to get on and post after a pretty hectic week. I'm 11 days in to flowering now. I had to move to a downstairs apartment the last few days so the poor girls had to spend a day in a box! I think they'll be alright don't seem too be shocked.

FINALLY got my new PH meter in and unfortunately it was ALSO BROKE! terrible luck man. DO NOT purchase the Milwaukee PH55. So gotta send it BACK in on monday and i'm going to receive a new Hannah. But they did send me a Free PPM meter. So without a PH, PPM, meter and tearing my grow tent down twice so far this grow I can't complain too much.

I feel I should have seen some more stretching so far but there are definitely some imperfections that have occurred this entire grow so it's all good. Other than that everything should be smooth sailing from here....I'll keep everyone updated.


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maybe i was thinking about starting one but not sure yet, i may just show the results at the end. i don't think them being in a box will stop them, on my last grow i had some skunk no1 3 weeks into flowering an they were in the dark for about 48hrs before i noticed an they were fine it didn't even seem to affect them (not that i noticed anyway) if your growing in soil i would not worry about a PH meter 2 much when i used soil i never had a PH meter an i never had any problems, i use a meter now because i'm using coco but i dont have a nutrient meter because i stood on it :wall: will have to wait till i get paid before i can get one.

good luck mate :bigjoint:
Damn another week already....fortunately times is going by pretty fast. Everything here is going pretty good as usually I'd say. No huge worries. Kinda just sit and wait......flowers seem to be progressing. Pistils shooting out nicely. We're inside of week 3 now gettin' there slowly but surely. Fortunately just a few days until the supposedly new PH meter comes in. Be able to dial in the PH exactly then. Other than that it's sit and wait....


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