Northern Lights + Blackberry Kush Coco Grow

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. The Northern Lights are fully dried and are curing, and we just cut down some top colas of BBK today; the rest should finish within the week. We'll post some new pictures soon.

So to all you growers who use less expensive light bulbs because you don't like to fork over $100 for an HPS bulb, what are some cheaper brands you prefer? We are thinking of acquiring a few more lights and we'd like to know what bulbs some other growers find successful. Thanks :]

I love this bulb if you are using a magnetic ballast. Great bulb, very cheap, absolutely love it. Best enhanced spectrum you can buy for the price, better lumen output than the Hortilux costing 3x as much. Flickers if used with digital ballasts though. The 600w is $35 and the 1000w is $40.

If you have a digital ballast, the Digilux (made by C.A.P., who make all-around great grow products) Enhanced Blue Spectrum HPS is the way to go. Best spectral chart, decreased lumen depreciation over the life of the bulb, warms up in 3 seconds...overall the best Digital bulb you can buy. And the price in the link below is $20 less than I paid, and I still think I got a great deal. Just the best bulb available.

I wanted the most blue spectrum I could get in a sodium bulb and that one is the winner. The light appears much more "white" than the standard HPS "yellow." HIGHLY recommend both of these products from experience!


Active Member

I love this bulb if you are using a magnetic ballast. Great bulb, very cheap, absolutely love it. Best enhanced spectrum you can buy for the price, better lumen output than the Hortilux costing 3x as much. Flickers if used with digital ballasts though. The 600w is $35 and the 1000w is $40.

If you have a digital ballast, the Digilux (made by C.A.P., who make all-around great grow products) Enhanced Blue Spectrum HPS is the way to go. Best spectral chart, decreased lumen depreciation over the life of the bulb, warms up in 3 seconds...overall the best Digital bulb you can buy. And the price in the link below is $20 less than I paid, and I still think I got a great deal. Just the best bulb available.

I wanted the most blue spectrum I could get in a sodium bulb and that one is the winner. The light appears much more "white" than the standard HPS "yellow." HIGHLY recommend both of these products from experience!
Thanks Jerry! We are using digital ballasts so I will check out the second link... :]


Active Member
Hey everyone. Here's the end to this grow. The first two pictures are Blackberry Kush, the second two are Northern Lights, and the last is them both. Due to a lack of a nice camera we can't get a nice macro shot this time, but the tric count is off the wall and the smell of them both is truly incredible, and organic! The Blackberry Kush smells like a pack of permanent markers, or even nail polish remover, but with a strong berry base. The Northern Lights smells like straight fresh-baked pot sugar cookies. We have several jars like this full... we yielded just under a pound this time. Next time we will be expanding likely by three times. Thanks for reading. :]



Active Member
nice grow, how'd you pull off bunching the plants so close together w/o causing a mold problem
Thank you. Actually, we noticed a spot of pm early in the process. With this setup and size, we regularly took the plants out and gave them an overall check and diagnosis. We also used routine prevention treatments with neem oil and daily nutrient foliar feeding until flowering. After finding that spot it wasn't difficult to basically eliminate the problem. We brought down our humidity to below 50% because pm generally ceases to spread at lower humidity levels, and we only had six plants to work with so examination and treatment was performed pretty easily. Also, it seems as if the Blackberry Kush has a really great natural defense against a lot of things, especially because the leaf to bud ratio is small.


New Member
Thank you. Actually, we noticed a spot of pm early in the process. With this setup and size, we regularly took the plants out and gave them an overall check and diagnosis. We also used routine prevention treatments with neem oil and daily nutrient foliar feeding until flowering. After finding that spot it wasn't difficult to basically eliminate the problem. We brought down our humidity to below 50% because pm generally ceases to spread at lower humidity levels, and we only had six plants to work with so examination and treatment was performed pretty easily. Also, it seems as if the Blackberry Kush has a really great natural defense against a lot of things, especially because the leaf to bud ratio is small.
Hello my friends ...stopping in to say high and that I asm back...1 part milk to 10 parts water spray the infected pm plants and pm is gone...for real



Active Member
Hello my friends ...stopping in to say high and that I asm back...1 part milk to 10 parts water spray the infected pm plants and pm is gone...for real

I have heard that before, but I think you're a more incredible source so that's good to know! I also heard that sometimes people complain about a smell? And that if you use skim milk there's no smell?


New Member
yes...forgot to tell you that...the smell is from the fats going rancid but fat free or skim no fats to go bad....but really it works great...and btw the harvest girls got da greenthumb for sure



Active Member
yes...forgot to tell you that...the smell is from the fats going rancid but fat free or skim no fats to go bad....but really it works great...and btw the harvest girls got da greenthumb for sure

Thanks so much man. That's really good to know. Luckily we won't be running into any more problems with it since we're expanding our grow next time and will have more space and ducting to help with temps/humidity. Thanks for reading everyone :]


New Member
Thanks so much man. That's really good to know. Luckily we won't be running into any more problems with it since we're expanding our grow next time and will have more space and ducting to help with temps/humidity. Thanks for reading everyone :]
And please inform ous of the new grow as it is a pleasure to witness your work and the product from it



Active Member
Just activated my account, and thought I would share my first try with northern berry. Im blooming both babies in a few days. These are pics from 6/11.
Having t[/ATTACH]rouble uploading from my phone. Bbs.
That's really cool, we've never heard of Northern Berry! Keep us posted on this. It will be exciting to see what this looks like. :]


That's really cool, we've never heard of Northern Berry! Keep us posted on this. It will be exciting to see what this looks like. :]
Well, northern berry is easier to type than northern lights crossed with blackberry kush, but that's what is on the left side. The right side is afghooie .....afghan crossed with...geez, it slips my mind right
anyway...I have pics of my last few experiences, but finding this site cumbersome when using my phone to post them.
Any advice to make it easier?


Well-Known Member
Plants look very healthy, question about your method,
I seen in the past post on the buds alone you cut the tips off the leaves.? Is that a way to increase your flower production on the buds? I was curious because for the longest time Ive been reading here to not cut the leaves, due to the fact that your energy is derived whne you cut the fan leafs off. Just interested in your Opinion. :)


Active Member
Plants look very healthy, question about your method,
I seen in the past post on the buds alone you cut the tips off the leaves.? Is that a way to increase your flower production on the buds? I was curious because for the longest time Ive been reading here to not cut the leaves, due to the fact that your energy is derived whne you cut the fan leafs off. Just interested in your Opinion. :)
Thank you :] Well we used to think that as well before a pretty seasoned grower suggested that we trim the leaves around the colas during growth to allow more light to penetrate further into the canopy. Then, we learned that you need to leave at least 50% of your foliage, or you will see stunted growth. Also, if you chop off whole leaves at a time you might notice slower growth, so we learned to cut off half the leaf, then wait a week and cut the leaf as close down as you want it. This way you create less shock. Some people also say that if you cut half the leaf, the nutrients will reach that cut and shoot back down the opposite direction, back toward your flowers. So, in a nutshell, we do prune our leaves a bit, but we only cut half the leaf at a time so we don't stunt any growth.


Plants look very healthy, question about your method,
I seen in the past post on the buds alone you cut the tips off the leaves.? Is that a way to increase your flower production on the buds? I was curious because for the longest time Ive been reading here to not cut the leaves, due to the fact that your energy is derived whne you cut the fan leafs off. Just interested in your Opinion. :)
@passthat... thanks these babes are now one week into flower stage and very healthy!
I do not cut off leaf tips on the bud unless there is a problem like burnt, damaged...etc. I have found, with my system, to increase bud production it is important to identify which branches are the most viable. I wish I could explain quickly how to make that determination, but I believe if you treat the lower branches like they are the main stalk...they act like the main stalk and produce great kolas. I tie down lower branches to promote upward growth...its a cool I did a "final" trim yesterday and removed lower "sucker type" growth. The only trimming I will do from now on will be maintenance...removing the occasional yellow or damaged leaf. No bud leaf trim tho...besides I end up with "mucho sugar" on those leafs. 2011-07-15_15-15-41_902.jpg2011-05-15_18-19-11_147-1.jpg one of these pics show the type of bud I grow...and that's a normal beer bottle size. The other pic was taken less than 15 minutes ago.


Well-Known Member
IMHHO cutting leaves hinders not helps....foliage feeds $0.02

I knew it. i was told by TLD to keep all your leaves no matter what technique you think works. Fan Leaves= food
i just ran into a wall of mag. deficiency more and more of my fan leafes are yellowing and browning. i just gave my plants some epsom salt.
hopefully i can save the rest of the fan leaves. im just over the halfway into flowering.