600w Perpetual Ebb & Flow Dyna-Gro Barneys Red Dragon... Help plz... Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna make some butter out of the trimmings/lower popcorn buds too. Hoping I can do that on Friday. My friend is coming back from the Marines on Friday to visit for 5 days so hopefully I'll have some good party stuff.... He can't do anything like that, but other people will.

On a side note. The buds seem to be drying a day or two slower since the humidity is quite a bit higher.


Well-Known Member
hey man aussie grower here

nice grow dude keep it up

got any upto date pics of ya grow mate


Well-Known Member
hahaha. Yeah. Just for you I'm gonna go take some pics of the update.... I chopped them because my surge protector kept trippin on me, and I'm going out of town for the holiday this weekend. (our independence day), I was getting paranoid about too much power going to my circuits. I'll BRB with some pics....


Well-Known Member

Little naration. I made some Turtle/carmel brownies, and some regular brownies out of some cannabutter for the weekend, and I just chopped probably a 1/2lb (dry estimate), or .1/4 kilos this weekend. I will trim them on Monday when I get back from out of town. I've never made the brownies before, so I'm looking for a buddy to test them out for me.... Free brownies for all hahaha. Anyway, that is some bud I chopped a few days ago, and it will be smoked this weekend. Hope that made sense.... I'm a little out there right now if you know what I mean? Right? Alright.

Special thanks goes out to shnkrmn for his help on this grow, and many more to come. He was very kind to my newb like questions. Thanks again man....There will be more specific journals to come as I get it more dialed in, and get my strains chose.https://www.rollitup.org/members/shnkrmn-32298.html



Well-Known Member
If anyone wants to know my camera is the Cannon sd1300. Awesome investment. I got it for around $100. You can get it for less if you shop around...


Well-Known Member
They've been real good I would totally recommend htgsupply, they have dealt with any probs I've had.... I just figured out there are other outlets wired to that circuit, that are on the opposite side of the house. I flipped the circuit, and my TV across the house went off... Crazy electricians... I'll get it sorted though.

I'm dreading my electric (A/C bill). Though.


Well-Known Member
woooah fuck yeah man they look awesome nice grow

hey man did you just fower the in that flood and drain tray in those lilttle pots with the clay balls mate?


Well-Known Member
woooah fuck yeah man they look awesome nice grow

hey man did you just fower the in that flood and drain tray in those lilttle pots with the clay balls mate?
Yessir. You should look at AlBfucts thread in the hydro section. He is a fellow Aussie if I remember correctly. He is my idol... Mine and many others that is. I basically took his version, and converted it to Hydroton (the clay balls). He uses Rockwool. You can scale his grow to any way that fits your life style. I chose 600 watts due to efficiency, and basically cut his grow in half.

I WILL get 1lb a month in the coming year. I just need to dial in some better strains. This was more of a "kush" strain, and had golf ball sized buds. I'm working with some more indica strains that will yield quite a bit more later on here.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah thats nice little system i grow in soil or coco might do a couple more grows an when i got the funds try this out looks like a good system


Well-Known Member
OMG Hydro is so hassle free it's unbelievable. Change to flood and drain now, and never look back. I've been messing with soil for years and now I'm wondering why I waited so long....

The numbers are the same for everyone, so it is way easier to "dial" in. You know? I just bought another exact table to go with this one, and all my mothers are going to a CAP type ebb. and flow system.


Well-Known Member
yeah nice man i'll do another couple grows before i go down that routa mate im still learning.

but yeah looks very nice great job i like the look of the setup small pots more plants

i got a 400 and a 600 watt so i could prolly get a good system going


Well-Known Member
Ended up with around 5 ounces dry. Hoping to get at least 8 zips on my next grow, and hopefully get that closer to a lb a month when I get more under my belt. I'll see if I have any mold problems like I've heard of... with chronic anyway. The blue cheese has a real nice bag appeal also.


Well-Known Member
Actually it was probably more like 6 oz because I gave some to my sister, cousin, and a couple friends. And I have about 5.5 oz here.


Well-Known Member
I've got the mold fixed. But if you don't have reasonable control of your atmosphere it will be a problem with Chronic. I discovered that not only was my humidity way high, but the cold water line to my RO filter runs right over my grow, so the cold pipes would condense the humid atmosphere and drip down RIGHT ON TOP OF MY BUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAgh. One 500 dollar air conditioner later, all fixed. My grow had been sagging a little and now at 50% RH and 75 degrees, my plants are starting to RUN!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I have an ac in the small room they're in. Hopefully the Humidity is under 50%, but if not I can get a couple mini dehumidifiers to control it I think. How many weeks do you run the Chronic? I need to put my hygrometer in there to see the humidity, but it feels a lot drier in there than the rest of my house. Slowly but surely...


Well-Known Member
An air conditioner dehumidifies the air; it's partly how it works to cool you so you shouldn't need to run a dehumidifier as well. Plus dehumidifiers pump out WARM air so they'd counteract your a/c.


Well-Known Member
Good point on the AC drying the air. I think I'm getting closer to where I want to be, but I always knew it would take 1-2 years to get it totally dialed in. I'm approaching the 1 year point...