Did I already kill 7 plants?

This is my first indoor grow im using 5 gallon buckets that have been drilled and are sitting a top a 1/2 of another 5 gallon bucket that I sawed to stack them to use for drainage. THere are filled with Miracle gro Indoor potting mix and are in an area of 6'x2' under a 300watt LED.

I ordered seeds DNA Genetics Chocolpe and out of the 5 seeds I germinated all 5 germinated the tails were about the lenth of my fingernail and I put them each into the bucket about a fingernails depth it is 4 days none have sprouted

I also ordered G13 Labs Pineapple Express out of the 4 seeds I germinated all 4 germinated the tails about the lenth of my pinkie (same amount of time as the Chocolope) I put these into the buckets aabouta fingernails depth 2 sprouted, 2 didnt.

At 4 days do I give up hope and is there anything I do to make sure this doesnt happen again.


Active Member
just be patient dude all plants pop out at different rates just hang fire and wait to see what happens


Active Member
I wouldnt give up, give it a few more days. they will pop through!
for future reference...
1. dont use Miracle grow soil (you should be fine, but there ar e much better alternatives.)
2. Place seed into soil only 1x the depth of the seed.

Do you have any kinda light on the seedlings? if not turn one on.
Did you place the seeds with root pointing down? if not this could very much slow things down.


Well-Known Member
Keep the temp warm, give it another 2 days, did you plant the seed root pointed up?


Well-Known Member
I just popped some pineapple express and it took about 5-6 days to get all popped after planting sprouts.One of them went 7 days, and it looks like the strongest one out of the bunch.If i might make a suggestion though,plant sprouts in a smaller container and as they grow transplant to a bigger container.also loose the miracle grow.it tends to burn veging plants let alone sprouts

Pat Man

Active Member
I would be patient some seeds will take longer. I had this problem during my second grow as i placed the seeds in my soil the same exact way you did but when i watered them, the seeds sunk into the soil and never sprouted...i waited 1 1/2 weeks to 2 weeks and gave up.

a good tip to make sure you don't do what i did is to soak the soil with water right before you pot the seed. just gently place the seed on top of the soil and push it down a little. truth is you dont need to put it very deep at all, in fact i practically just placed it on top of the soil and it did its thing as long as the soil stayed moist and the lght was there for it to grow.


Well-Known Member
ill tell u how i germinate...
plant seeds into moist soil. keep the pots (i use little plastic seeds starter trays..you've seen them)on a heating mat and soil temps about 70 f
water as needed. its the warm moist part that is important. u must have dried those seedlings out. try a humidity dome. and or mist a lot

try MG organic choice. it WILL work.WON'T burn...unless you add fertilizer to it.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
It's just because it's to strong for the seedling. a seed has 12 day worth of nutritions to live on before the roots start to grow in search of food. you then have until the cotyeldons( the first rounded leaves to sprout) start to turn yellow. they are the plant food also. I have just learned this lesson myself. also if the soil is to wet the root will not grow is search of water. make sure it is just moist enough as not to dry out the root. i used a spray bottel 2x a day and only sprayed till the top layer was moist. I also use a a dome for humidity.Give it a few day you still have time/


Well-Known Member
"burn" is a term used to describe when you give your plants to much nutrients.

MG is perfectly fine to grow in. People don't like it because they don't know how to use it. They try to feed with a regular feeding schedule when you don't need to. MG Potting Soil has time released nutrients in it that are activated every time you water your plants. However that means you have to be careful to not over water your plants or flush them. MG Organic is a good choice because it doesn't have time released nutes in it, so you wont burn your plants unless you add to much nutes yourself.

For seedlings I would start them off in MG Seed Starting Soil. It's great for starting your seeds off and doesn't have much nutrient in it, so it wont burn your seedlings. Hope some of this helped you out.

Also you don't need a light on your seeds before they sprout. You only put a light on your unsprouted seeds as a source of heat to keep the soil warm. Seeds and roots love warm environments (try and keep the soil in the 75-80F range) and thrive best in them. Your soil doesn't have to be kept warm, but it will greatly increase your success rate and help your seeds develop roots faster and bigger.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt give up, give it a few more days. they will pop through!
for future reference...
1. dont use Miracle grow soil (you should be fine, but there ar e much better alternatives.)
2. Place seed into soil only 1x the depth of the seed.

Do you have any kinda light on the seedlings? if not turn one on.
Did you place the seeds with root pointing down? if not this could very much slow things down.

Don't listen to the comment about not using miracle grow, people on this site have run test showing miracle grow can out perform fox farms.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to the comment about not using miracle grow, people on this site have run test showing miracle grow can out perform fox farms.
Mind throwing up some links? I can pull out tons of them that show nute burn from miracle grow but haven't stumbled across the types of posts you are refering to.

There is ssssoooo much information here it is hard to sift through what is true and false some days...


Well-Known Member

these people don't see to have a problem with miracle gro.
Honestly, MG probably isn't the best soil for your first grow because you will probably burn your plants because you over water. Don't put seeds into MG Potting Soil, use their Seed Starting soil and then transplant to MG if your gonna go the MG way.

The reason people have problems with MG is because they burn their plants or they want to grow organically. If you don't over water, and you don't add any nutes until around a couple weeks into flowering you shouldn't have any problems not burning your plants. You can throw all the links in the world around saying that MG sucks, but unless you have actually tried it, you wont know.

Do you have any pictures and a story to go along with them from a personal grow you did and have complete control over to prove that MG sucks? Or are you just going to go off everything you read online?


Active Member
Gratz bro! I actually used MG soil as well, and had no issues with burning or anything. Though, I kept to a strict 3 day minimum watering scheduling based around how dry the soil felt to me. I have only added a light dose of additional ferts once, and they are growing pretty rapidly. Just don't overdo it!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
I us Mg water soluable. I have used it twice and burned almost all of my plant but therer is one that has taken to the nutes perfectly it is only2 inches tall( measuring from cotyledons) but has 5 nodes and is 7 in across. now the other one i have is at least 2 week older then the other is 4 1/2 inches tall and has 7 nodes but is only 5 1/2 inches across. Mg will out perform as long as you are smart about using it. It's not the companys fault newbies over water and over feed it's the caretaker. Guns don't kill people people do!!!! I have learned my lessons with MG and will keep on using it. you can't deny that it does work. That would be like me saying that fish is gross and everybody should believe me and not even try it.( it is BTW!) but that is my opinion it's not a fact! I may be a newbie my self but it really ticks me off that all i ever read is MG bashing going on around here. not everybody has 30$ or so to spend on good product. I am sure they would if they could but in the mean time MG work good enough. not to mention that a newbie being told that the soil they just planted there precious children in is going to kill them will cause panic and they will then try to repot seedling causing stress and in the end kill them. sorry for the rambling just sick of the racesism twords a good product at a good price!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't automatically blame the soil for the spider mites. They could have came in on your clothes. If it was fungus gnats I would say it was probably say it was the soil. Neem oil is very effective and lasts a while.