What Do You Tell Women When They Ask?


Active Member
Hide your shit better man,life is more important than growing pot and it shouldn't be a negative factor of it. It's gonna cock-block you until you hide it. And NEVER tell a woman until you put a ring on her finger/she moves in with you. Loose lips sink ships,and a new woman tends to tell their friends EVERYTHING about their new man. Don't reveal your vulnerability till your sure your safe cos growing is the biggest vulnerability you'll ever have.
This right here 100 percent. Man, bottom line is that, regardless of how much you like her, you do not know her. Say three months down the road, you decide you don't like her as much as you thought. You ditch her, she's pissed...ah, good way to get back at you. Or maybe not, maybe she is a really cool chick and would never rat you out even if you dumped her. But that's a secret, and people like to share secrets. But she only tells her best friend, whom she makes swear to tell no one. But that's a secret, and people like to share secrets. She tells two other people, and so on.

Think about the people around you. People LOVE to gossip, some really even get an endorphin high from it, as some do to shopping, sports, etc. Now the word's out there, and like it or not (I don't) or agree with it or not (I don't), this little hobby of ours is illegal in most states (like mine). I don't care what you think you know about this girl, you DO NOT KNOW HER. If you want to avoid signing your life over to those hypocrites with badges, the only person you should tell is someone you have a long-term relationship with, a relationship built on trust and mutual respect, not on animal instinct desires.

Trust me, dude, do not take this lightly. Freedom is too damn precious. If I were you, I'd seriously consider how to better hide your little hobby. Just my 2.5 cents. Best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Naked photos of a woman will only make your cellmate Butch jealous...just hide it until you LOVE that girl and wanna spend the rest of your time on Earth with her. Growing/dealing is WAY different to having a preference for a few smokes man. Think about it...she rings the cops "my ex smokes pot",cops says "SUUUURRRREEE,we'll get right on it". She rings the cops "my ex is a pot grower", cop breaks down your front door!

Seriously,hide it or ditch it if you wanna bring her home...or meet Butch!


Well-Known Member
idk and u could be right but im pretty sure if u say my ex is growing pot they might also say oh sure because they think ur getting back but best way to go is just hide it until ur sure


Active Member
I would be VERY careful about disclosing ANYTHING to ANYBODY. I mean, you never know when someone - or their best friend, or family member or WHOMEVER - is going to get into some trouble....and now they have a bargaining chip.
Paranoia can be your friend. As stated above, you are used to being a grower, but that is several rungs up the ladder for someone who may not even imbibe.
Jeez, don't any of my fellow stoners watch TV???
Redo your grow room so that it is not obvious. Until you do - DON'T BRING HER - or ANYONE ELSE - home. Unless you wanna meet Butch. Or spend $$$$ on an attorney.
Trust no one with your secrets...and your freedom.


Active Member
Approach the subject early on in the relationship. If she's MJ friendly, you probably have nothing to worry about. If she's not MJ friendly, don't waste your time. Nothing comes between me and Mary. She loves me long time.


Active Member
I am shocked at how many people are suggesting that the OP should tell her if "she seems to be okay with pot." No wonder people get busted doing this shit. Sheesh.


Active Member
I'm not suggesting he tell her all about his operation and give her a guided tour of his grow room. Just that he should bring up the subject and get a feel on her take of the situation.Unless you want to live a life of solitude, you're eventually going to have to trust somebody. Being cautious is one thing, being completely paranoid gets you no where.


Well-Known Member
fuck them on the sofa instead of your bed! keeps it down stairs. lol

on a serious note, do not tell anyone about your grow! every person thats knows increases your chance of getting caught by 10% and every 1 person that you tell tells another person! so that's one person you told about your grow turns into alot of people that know very quick, there's ways around every obstacle.


Well-Known Member
Hide your shit better man,life is more important than growing pot and it shouldn't be a negative factor of it.

Exactly. Life and love are much more important. If it comes down to a choice I'd sure pick life and love and quit smoking or growing. Priorities
Just move that shit if it's getting that serious!(if you can)....And if you did tell her, wait till your first argument she will use that shit against you until its gone!...


Well-Known Member
I'm not suggesting he tell her all about his operation and give her a guided tour of his grow room. Just that he should bring up the subject and get a feel on her take of the situation.Unless you want to live a life of solitude, you're eventually going to have to trust somebody. Being cautious is one thing, being completely paranoid gets you no where.
Hence why we're suggesting hiding it for now,he's not marrying her,she's not his "soulmate",she's (at least for now) just the new squeeze and should be treated as such.

If eventually it heats up and they're together and can ACTUALLY say they trust each other he can tell her that not only does he smoke (which I assume at that point she'll have long known about) but he grows his own too. At that point you should be able to gague how she'll take it. Just don't be a fool for now!


Active Member
Hence why we're suggesting hiding it for now,he's not marrying her,she's not his "soulmate",she's (at least for now) just the new squeeze and should be treated as such.

If eventually it heats up and they're together and can ACTUALLY say they trust each other he can tell her that not only does he smoke (which I assume at that point she'll have long known about) but he grows his own too. At that point you should be able to gague how she'll take it. Just don't be a fool for now!
Exactly. I'm not suggesting he not tell anybody ever. I'm suggesting he not tell someone he's only known for a short time (aka does not really know). Only one person knows about my grow: my wife. We've been together for 17 years and married for 12. I know I can trust her every bit as much as I know I can trust myself. No way anyone can say that about someone he's been dating for less than a year a couple weeks or a couple months.

The criteria I establish for anyone I tell is this: long-term relationship with established trust and mutual respect. This could mean a wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, friend -- but trust is the essential element, and that's not always easy to know with relative certainty. I have some friends that I enjoy and smoke with and share my life with but that I still do not share my grow with because I'm not certain they can control their tongues. It's not paranoia; it's simply smart.

Telling anyone who does not fall into the above category is foolish, IMO. But hey, it's your life. If you think that's overkill, you can tell whoever you want. Just know that you are very possibly putting yourself in a precarious situation.


Well-Known Member
totally agree with dudenextdoor wife or long time girlfriend should be the only one that knows! i wouldn't even tell a long time friend, he will probably tell his other long time friend! and so on.


Well-Known Member
he is right. best bet is to go gay. that way u can just kick each others ass if your fighting. problom solved.
If you just can't find a butt buddy or something just holds you back from going that route and the girfriend finds out you just have to kill her. No other way


Well-Known Member
im married and dont have that problem but if i was dating i wouldnt even mess with a girl who didnt smoke cuz the next thing you know she wants you to quit smoking and give up your previous life just to be with her just to find out shes fucked up in the head and its just a big headache
just let her in.and if she says anything or has a problem kick her ass to the curb and go roll a blunt.most girls like pot anyway so she might be into it u never no.


Active Member
Just be serious and look her into the eyes and say with a firm voice. If you EVER mention this to another person or threaten me with my hobbies I will become your worst fucking nightmare. Well, I told mine I would beat the shit out of her until she wished she were dead then I would bury her out back in the tulies. Ya know something along those lines scare the shit out her from the very get go. It's worked for me mine wouldn't dare tell anyone. And I'm a very nice person to her we fight alot but I take good care of her. Idk what else to say it would depend on her personality how you could handle it. OR you could just say that the one room you have your grow in is YOUR room. Your hide away room and nobody should enter under any circumstances. Put a good door knob on it with a good lock install it the right way and make it strong and keep the key with you. Dont put a dead bolt on it or anything out of the ordinary and make it look all fortress n shit. just something simple yet strong that should send the message home. in between grows clean it up all nice and tidy put "manly" things in there and let her come in JUST ONCE. She will see what you got going on in there and nothing to spike her interest with will subside any interest she might have had before to get in there and snoop. Once she sees its nothing but your manly stuff and its your hideout she wont have the urge to break in anymore. Get where i'm coming from?