Trouble Staying Asleep, Starting To Think Psychotic Thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I jog in the morning, I don't drink caffeine and I don't eat at least 3 hours before I go to sleep. I rarely even watch TV before bed. I have no problems falling asleep because I am tired as motherfuck. But I can't stay asleep.

Saturday night I went to sleep around 1:00am and woke up at 4:30am.
I stayed up all day, went to sleep at 11:00pm and woke up at 2:00am this morning.

I've been up since then, I'm fucking exhausted, and I can't just go to sleep because then I'll be sleeping all day and staying up all night. Plus I start a new job soon so I need a solid sleep schedule.

This has been going on for the past few weeks now.. I'm starting to think differently, and not in a good way. Thinking about shit that people would be institutionalized for doing. And I keep catching myself having out loud conversations with myself.

I went out to dinner with some friends
I went grocery shopping thursday I think
I always get fresh air

But I still feel insane, like I could just walk outside and gut someone in broad daylight and smile about it as I walk back home with a bloody knife in my hand.

And I can't take tylenol pm (liver) and I used to be addicted to sleeping pills so I can't take those either. what the fuck should I do?


Well-Known Member
Test the theory... walk outside and gut someone in broad daylight. See if you feel any different... Take appropiate action. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
When I was younger I took like 500 25,000IU vitamin A tablets to try to off myself.
Didn't work, fucked me up on the inside pretty bad though.

And I have melatonin but it doesnt work, how about oxycodone?


Well-Known Member
i always have fucked up thoughts. i recommed seeing a professional. i do not take my own advice, well i did but the guy was a complete quack who wasted my time and kept asking me to come back. it became really unproductive and i had to quit seeing him. anyways, some good did come out of it, i got a script for ant-ianxiety pills. i think an antidepressant could probably help shift your psychotic thoughts. i wouldnt take any of those narcotics, they are addictive and may make things worse


Well-Known Member
ahh well yeah the oxy's have 325mg apap each so I wouldn't gamble with that, my liver could die on me at any time.

I would if I had the money for a psyc, but I donlt usually feel this way. It's just recently now that I never get more than 4 hours of sleep, usually not even 2.


Well-Known Member
just take an ambien. i would neer sleep if i didn't take an antianxiety or an ambien. i usually go 3 or 4 nights without sleeping and then i take a pill and sleep like a rock and the repeat the cycle. no biggie.


Well-Known Member
I went to rehab for ambien, my whole family takes it once a night.

I was stealing theirs and taking 5+ a day. I went about 2 months in a whole different mindset.


Well-Known Member
oh damn. my family doesn't sleep as well. it must be genetic. i onnly take them when i HAVE to. you could try an OTC pill but wiht your liver you have to be careful. i would definitely consult a doctor.