Help bugs (Pics)


Well-Known Member
i was wondering if they will hurt my plants, i guess they are the adult form of the bugs in my soil????? i dunno



Well-Known Member
that is the best i can do with the pictures
any else ...................pleaseeee


Active Member
They look like Fungus nats. If they get to be a pain in the ass spray them with the soap water solution. Or buy some insecticidel soap at Home Depot. Read the FAQ abouts pest.


Well-Known Member
100% they are fungas Gnats. They are bitches to get rid of them completely. Tap the side of your pot and you will see them hop out. They can do minor damages to the plant in the long run. They will stunt the growth a little bit. Try putting some sticky paper on top of the soil. It will atract them. You can also water your soil with any product that contains pyrethians. It is derived from another plant and works good. Best of luck.


Active Member
what do u grop dope with hmmmm lights true what are mosquitos attracted to hmmm lights they want ur light and ur blood not ur bud


Active Member
hard to tell with pictures, but if they are super tiny, then i might have the same things. is your camera super good? is it just able to take pictures of tiny insects? or are they larger than a tiny speck? funny because there is one on my screen right now, so i can compare pic and actual thing at the same time. lol. sigh. f@d3d. haha

nvm. fungus gnats is correct. ^^^^^^


Well-Known Member
they are not mosquitoes i went in the room with no shirt on for a hour and nothing attacked me, and i can't get no organic insecticide reasons i'm poor #1, 2 no hydroponics shops their is one but he is never ever open (assholes at father nature hydroponics), and walmart doesn't have organic shit.

should i put my (soil)vegging plants in a bubbler hydroponic setup, when the budding plants are done. and throw out all soil???? i know it will be hard to take them out of the soil, i dunno what to do