If You Own A Cat, You Need To Read This


Well-Known Member
Ever smelled burning hair? Smells horrible. I don't want that in my lungs.
If you're just vegging a plant, feel free to have fun with your cat in your garden.
But during flower, please keep the effin' fur away from the medicine!
I hate pulling hair out of my buds:cuss:
ditto, have also had a cat decide it was time to maul a plant. All pets should be kept out of grow rooms at all times IMO.
My first seed I planted got eatten by my cat about a week after it broke out of the soil. He ate it in the middle of the night. Since then, no animals have been allowed into the room that my grow closet is in.
No, no, no!
You have it all wrong! Take some fine swiss cheese for example.. smells like fresh ass, tastes like peanut butter!
Some concept with cat hair. I personally like some pussy on my buds!
tell that to this cat :)) [video=youtube;W461djpQl2s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W461djpQl2s&feature=related[/video]
My first seed I planted got eatten by my cat about a week after it broke out of the soil. He ate it in the middle of the night. Since then, no animals have been allowed into the room that my grow closet is in.

Better a week old than chewing up a quarter oz of quality nuggets off a plant 8 weeks into flower!
Female cats like to sit in the heat and brightness of the lights. It can trigger their reporductive cycle. I had a female cat that would go into heat at unusal times of the year as a result. At one time she was in heat for 4 months solid.
My first seed I planted got eatten by my cat about a week after it broke out of the soil. He ate it in the middle of the night. Since then, no animals have been allowed into the room that my grow closet is in.

YEs ! YES ! Cats eat marijuana leaves like there is no tomorrow ! !! my Main-coon ate 3 clones and tipped over a mother and chewed ALOT of the green off of it ! ! !
all different some eat some destroy some just ignore but most cats have the floter hairs the go everywhere i have a cat and a dog niether go near my tent but hair always on buds i think come in through vents dont know but i always have to inspect them dont want to smoke them either
yeah if you own an animal with fur, it is almost impossible to make sure there is no hair anywhere. smoking a few of the hairs never killed anyone but is does make the bowl you just packed taste like ass. just gotta be careful when you are breaking up buds. ime the hair usually comes from the place you are smoking not the place where the buds were grown.
Female cats like to sit in the heat and brightness of the lights. It can trigger their reporductive cycle. I had a female cat that would go into heat at unusal times of the year as a result. At one time she was in heat for 4 months solid.

LMFAO... thanks for the factoid.
Keep your pets outta your rooms altogether, they can fetch in many unwanted unwanted guests. And the worst hair I ever found in my Bud once was a grey pubic hair, and I had bought the bud so it wasn't mine that made it even more yucky lol
Keep your pets outta your rooms altogether, they can fetch in many unwanted unwanted guests. And the worst hair I ever found in my Bud once was a grey pubic hair, and I had bought the bud so it wasn't mine that made it even more yucky lol

Id take that back.. thats discusting! Another reason to get away from buying bud! I've always wondered what the guy was doing while growing the shit I was about to smoke. Maybe he was one dirty mofo.
Luckily, my cat hates the smell of weed. If I'm smoking it, she runs away cuz she knows I'm about to try getting her stoned. I took her punk ass down to the grow room and she freaked out started crying n shit. She won't go near the basement door anymore lol
Id take that back.. thats discusting! Another reason to get away from buying bud! I've always wondered what the guy was doing while growing the shit I was about to smoke. Maybe he was one dirty mofo.

lol yeah probably there are some dirty minded people out there, then again nude growing could be quite liberating for the budding nudist lol.
I haven't had to buy any "street" weed for ages so it's all a distant memory now.
My pubic hair isn't grey, but I can't definitively say I have never scratched my nutt sack before tending the ladies, erroneously depositing pubic follicles. Hopefully none of you ever smoked my ball hair... :-\ I guess that too strengthens the argument that everyone should grow their own weed. Afterall, if I am going to smoke someone's nutt hair, might as well be mine.