The Great Kush-Off of 2023 - Who will be crowned?


some more seed failures. some started. with the exception of one strain still eluding germination and one last minute stand in on bubba kush, this year's grow is off and running. everything that started on round 1 is doing great and working on 2nd and 3rd set of leaves.

Looks like humboldt OG Kush is putting on the bulk in training camp, but seems to be skipping leg day as it's stem is twisted and a bit weak. ended up making a crutch for it to keep it steady during some of the winds we've been having.
seedsman can't be counted out though as it is still healthy and growing... though not a humboldt's rate.

starting to see blimburn PK pulling ahead of the pack slightly. seedsman CPK has done great to catch up, but still shows signs of being a week behind. still quite healthy and came to play. kannabia is healthy and steady.

seedsman has tapped out of the bubba kush race. blew all 5 seeds in the pack. none even cracked.
barney's farm has shown up on round 2. looks healthy.
newcomer and alternate shoreline bubba bx (reg) has popped and done it's dirtburst. cotyledons and first set showing. a very healthy dark green. get some!

blimburn blackberry kush - doing well and progressing with the rest at pace.
blimburn purple bubba kush - this is the 2nd plant that has developed a gimpy stem down at the dirt line. this one needed a crutch as well.

blimburn Godfather OG is still dominating. will be the first to need a transplant.
barney's farm strawberry lemonade - doing well
blimburn silver surfer haze - doing well
candyland - got a seed to pop on round 2. has done it's dirtburst. cotyledons and first set showing.
blimburn gg4 - blew thru first 3 seed pack. nothing. started 1st seed of 2nd pack yesterday. fingers crossed this 2nd pack has some viable seeds.

for the photos i had to pull everything inside as the wind is pretty bad and it's been threatening rain all day with some pretty heavy cloud cover. had some clean space inside so moved them in out of the storm.

Photo 1 - L to R, top to bottom
top row
seedsman OG Kush, humboldt OG Kush, blimburn blackberry kush

middle row
blimburn purple kush, kannabia purple kush, seedsman critical purple kush

bottom row
barneys farm bubba kush, shoreline bubba bx, blimburn purple bubba kush
week2 kushtenders.jpg

Photo 2 -
gog candyland, blimburn godfather OG, barney's farm strawberry lemonade, blimburn silver surfer haze (in the back)
featured to the right: GDP from Ken for a different indoor project.
week2 additionals.jpg
oh... so the cuttings aren't rooted yet? just cuttings kept moist in paper towels and you have to root them?

For stealth and quick shipping, this is the way. Instead of clone shipping containers, there is some sort of really small glass tubes that you fill with water/cloning solution and stick the tip in there. Then wrap it up in a Ziplock and good to go.
the saga continues with seed start failures. all are going but 1 now. GG4 is this year's problem child.
i can't seem to get GG4 to go. i have one seed left... number 6. i thought #5 was a go. seed cracked tail formed, popped it in soil. still nothing. going to start number 6 (the village (the prisoner) reference!) tonight in the usual way. if that doesn't pop, i have been trying to come up with a good alternate. i have many to choose from, but gotta stay focused on the (medical) strain hunt... decisions, decisions.

the WEATHER has played havoc in training camp. we had some unexpected hailstorm that absolutely ~pummeled~ the crap out of some of the seedlings. the godfather got hit the hardest. had a pyramid shaped piece of hail strip off an entire side of leaves and branches. embedded itself in the soil and sheared a bunch of roots on the entry. had even frozen itself to the side stem. it got pretty beat up and has been recovering very slowly. others took damage from the hail, but not nearly as bad a the godfather. they tried to get her, but failed. the retribution will be legendary.
i will go on record (and so will the wife) saying those were the largest hailstones i have seen (to this point) in my lifetime. oddest shaped as well. angular. crystalline/cubed like salt or sugar. not snowlike. not snowball. some were normal ball shaped, but a lot were strange shaped. the one that hit the godfather was so angular it could be called spiky... weird sh*t. (conspiracy theorists... start your engines!)
beside the hailstorm, we have had nothing but rain, overcast skies and high winds. stuff we normally get in the fall. the high winds are REALLY bending the f*ck out of the seedlings... and they are tall enough now they are poking over the sides of the wooden box so get tossed about in the wind. yeah yeah... it's natural... it strengthens them... blah blah... but they're still my babies... (don't act like you don't know)

if i have the time (early) this coming week, i will start transplanting them to their permapots.

seedsman decided to have a growth spurt, but not in a typical OG Kushy way.. it's getting tall. sativa tall. LONG spacing between internodes tall. but... ok...
humboldt took a beating from the hail. seems to be recovering slowly like the godfather. on a side note, the rehab on it's dirtline stem seems to have worked out. it's a lot stronger and a bit more straight.

seedsman has decided to be the true comeback kid. started late, took a solid beating from the hail and has come back harder than ever. i'm really impressed with the vigorous spirit this plant has (might need to pull some clones... something i don't normally do with outdoor plants). it is clearly pulling ahead in the purple kush race.
blimburn pk is second. still healthy and vigorous.
kannabia moving at expected rate. healthy. content.

barney's farm seedling got MASHED by some hail and is taking it's sweet time
shoreline bubba bx (reg) is still a nice healthy dark green color. working on 2nd set leaves.

blimburn blackberry kush - took a beating from the hail but bouncing back like the seedsman CPK. getting big and bushy. needs a transplant.
blimburn purple bubba kush - gimpy stem getting better, but still not 100%. it is getting beat on today by high winds. :(

blimburn Godfather OG is recovering from severe hail damage.
barney's farm strawberry lemonade - very healthy
blimburn silver surfer haze - very healthy
candyland - working on 2nd set leaves. looking healthy so far.
blimburn GG4 - have only one seed left. 1-5 were no gos. :(

the kushbox. L to R, top to bot.
seedsman og kush, humboldt ogkush, blimburn blackberry kush
blimburn purple kush, kannabia purple kush, seedsman critical purple kush
shoreline bubba bx, barney's farm bubba kush, blimburn purple bubba kush

blimburn godfather og, blimburn silver surfer haze, barney's farm strawberry lemonade
garden of green candyland
blimburn GG4 (#5 no show)

tune in next week. should have some in permapots (and my anti-dog garden spot rebuilt).
Lots of things happened outside of gardening that kept me from gardening, so update a bit slap-dashed. one of our old dogs blew out his back leg knees running around like he was a pup... been having to lift him around in a sling for him to do his business outside as he can't use his back legs. he had his surgery on the worse of the 2 legs on monday. poor old dude is all drugged up and just jelly in the sling. at least he knows to let it all out when i take him out instead of trying to get around and mark up the yard.

anyways... between hounds and alzheimer's patients, it's been a rough week. trying to fit the gardening in on top ended up being an after dinner into late night affair each time i had a moment. finally finished them all last night. the exception being the replacement for GG4, The Spice! from 2020 mendocino. That's still a bit too small for it's permapot, but the soil is made and bucket is waiting for it's transplant when the time is right.

Both Humboldt and Seedsman OG Kush have been transplanted to their new 7Gal permapots. Humboldt looks nice and healthy and stereotypically Kushy... Seedsman is looking like a completely different strain... and certainly not indica dominant. but whatever. it's in the pot and going to do it's business and show up for the fight sometime in october...

These are some GOOD looking plants. all of them. Kannabia now kicking in and caught up with it's rivals. this is going to be a great fight. we've got some scrappy contenders. will be interesting to see which one have issue with transplant. i do my best to make sure i mykos the roots directly when i transplant... seems to help a lot with transplant shock. its been a few days, so far, so good on all.

BF Bubba is doing just great. it's obviously a few weeks behind the others, but nice and healthy and growing vigorously as would be expected of the farm...
Shoreline Bubba Bx is starting to get it's veg on. looking good as well. hope it's fem, but won't complain about having some BK pollen to play with.

blimburn blackberry kush - coming along nicely.
blimburn purple bubba kush - this plant in my opinion has some of the most good looking leaf shape/structure i have ever seen. it's a shame i had only one seed... :(

blimburn Godfather OG took a big hit from the hail storm. sheared off a lot of low branches. never grown this strain before, so wasn't sure what to expect. thin sativa like leaves, but dark green color like indica leaves. it wants to throw branches out there, but they a little t-rex branches... so far. nothing can be tied with LST yet.
barney's farm strawberry lemonade - doing well
blimburn silver surfer haze - doing well
candyland - getting it's veg on just in time for transplant. i'm rooting for this one to be useful to alz patient.
blimburn gg4 - all 6 seeds were no-go. blimburn GG4 has completely tapped out of the contest. disappointing.

2020 Mendocino The Spice! will take the place of GG4. decision was based upon 4 factors:
1. it is a strain reported to help with loss of appetite
2. it is a strain to assist with insomnia
3. i was listening to Dune audiobooks while i was mixing soil out in the garage
4. the sleeper must awaken

never grown any 2020 mendocino before, but have heard of their reputation. true to stereotype, the seed popped within 36hours and did it's dirburst within 48. seedling is out, cotyledons and first set growing. checked it this morning, it looks healthy and first set leaves are filling out already and i can see microscopic2nd set leaves forming. nothing wrong with it's vigor... Shai Hulud would nod it's gigantic head in approval and the navigators guild are drooling with high hopes that this will break the spice monopoly held by Muad Dib.

for the photos i put the perma pots up on the viggie scaffolding to get them up out of the rain... yeah... it's raining again. but ok... we can use it after last year's drought. i ~did~ the everything transplanted, but weather and life prevented me finishing the fencing to keep the hounds out. Aussie is already diggin holes. *shakes head*..

Photo One
our final addition to this year's outdoor grow. The Spice!
you are taking the place of GG4 so hope you bring your A game kid... the navigators guild and house carrino have a lot of money riding on you!

Photo Two
The Contenders - Great Kush-Off 2023. May the best Kush Win. and hopefully some/many of you are a good fit for Alz Patient.
Top Row (L-R) - GDP Clone, Peyote Gorilla Clone, Barney's Farm Strawberry Lemonade, Blimburn Silver Surfer Haze, Garden of Green Candyland
Bottom Row (L-R) - Seedsman OG Kush, Humboldt OG Kush, Barney's Farm Bubba Kush, Shoreline Bubba Bx, Blimburn Purple Bubba Kush
Back Row (L-R) - Blimburn Purple Kush, Kannabia Purple Kush, Seedsman Critical Purple Kush, Blimburn Blackberry Kush, Blimburn Godfather OG

Photo Three
Better look at the back Row
blim PK, kann PK, sdsm CPK, blim BBK, blim GFOG
Back Row.jpg

Photo Four
Bud Porn - Grandaddy Purple - 7th week flower. nice and frosty but small. GDP great medicine, but lower yields. :( still got 'em nice and frosted up. almost ready. they smell good. a lil wet from the rain.

Photo Five
Bud Porn - Peyote Gorilla - 7th week flower. weird burst of new growth after the last top dressing. a little weird, but i'm ok with it as they continue to fatten up and no hermies seen. i dig this strain. easy to tend, easy to clone, vigorous growth, smells good, tastes good and the high is very good. it's popularity is catching on... hard to find the seeds anymore... :(
i cloned the h*ll out of the seed mom (only had one seed!) and glad i did. got this clone finishing up outside and 3 more clones inside in 5th week flower.

That's all for this week folks. i think i'm going to do updates bi-monthly now that contenders are in their permapots. veg is veg is veg is veg. we've all seen it. any changes will be more noticeable every 2 weeks IMO.
Good luck with your grow there. Too bad on your Seedsman Bubba Kush not popping. Grew her and didn’t much stretch in flowering but she was bushy. Not bad smoke but might of messed up my dry for a real good smoke. Their Critical Purple Kush is pretty strong, not too bushy,good purpling, but stretched over double maybe even triple her size in flowering. I would suggest Amnesia Lemon Kush - Garden of Green for a wonderful after stroll with some music and a dog. Trying to get a Banana Kush Cake - Sensi Seeds seed to pop and start going for my outdoor summer grow. Tried to get a Banana Kush - Anesia Seeds to pop on my last tent grow but all 3 were duds.
Good luck with your grow there. Too bad on your Seedsman Bubba Kush not popping. Grew her and didn’t much stretch in flowering but she was bushy. Not bad smoke but might of messed up my dry for a real good smoke. Their Critical Purple Kush is pretty strong, not too bushy,good purpling, but stretched over double maybe even triple her size in flowering. I would suggest Amnesia Lemon Kush - Garden of Green for a wonderful after stroll with some music and a dog. Trying to get a Banana Kush Cake - Sensi Seeds seed to pop and start going for my outdoor summer grow. Tried to get a Banana Kush - Anesia Seeds to pop on my last tent grow but all 3 were duds.
yeah... i was bummed about the seedsman bubba kush as well. never had a full pack of seedsman not pop. had high expectations for that one.
to make matters worse that particular strain has been out of stock and off the website since early march. :(

thanks for the heads up on critical purple kush. good to know. it's growing really strong to the point i think i want to clone it (i never clone outdoor plants, but this plant's vigor has been very impressive.) sadly, was the last seed in it's pack so cloning may be required.

have you grown any other seedsman strains? i've got a bunch in storage i'm itching to try, but time/space and strain hunt keep me away from them. been wanting to pop some of my black sugar seeds.
There must be thousands if not many more kush mixes and hundreds of branded seed stock being sold.

I think bubba was old school, and the ghost OG was as close to the original out there. im sure since then people are tracing og's back and claiming otherwise. I know Abusive, SFV, Tahoe, Alien, King Louis, True OG, White Fire OG, the Jedi ones (Yoda, Skywalker, Vader OG, etc) then the planets (Pluto, Mars OG, etc) and a whole bunch of others were big in Cali circa 2012, passed around and available as clones in dispensaries. There were many more that I think became more well known later.. pure og, face off, godfather, the list goes on...

Just dropping some history - you can find a lot of those strains at pacific seed bank and other seed banks...

I also recommend Bounty paper towels for seeds. They're real thick, soft, soak up the water and allow air in, i have much better results than with generic ones... but good luck with your grow!
have you grown any other seedsman strains? i've got a bunch in storage i'm itching to try, but time/space and strain hunt keep me away from them. been wanting to pop some of my black sugar seeds.

Tried Black Sugar and cloned very easily, but sadly my outdoor grow of her got full of seeds. So I have no real opinion on her, but did stretch double in flowering. It was the first legal year in Canada for outdoor growing, everyone tried but some male plant pollinated her. Their White Widow is wonderful and not much stretch when I flipped her to flowering. Lemonchello Haze is probably my favourite of there‘s that I grew. She stretched double at least in flowering but she is a great afternoon walk the dog with music strain. Forgot their Bruce Banger, which works well for me and my mom for inflammation/pain. That too didn’t stretch on me too much, but got real bushy. I still have seeds of The White and Bad Azz Cookies I need too try
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There must be thousands if not many more kush mixes and hundreds of branded seed stock being sold.

I think bubba was old school, and the ghost OG was as close to the original out there. im sure since then people are tracing og's back and claiming otherwise. I know Abusive, SFV, Tahoe, Alien, King Louis, True OG, White Fire OG, the Jedi ones (Yoda, Skywalker, Vader OG, etc) then the planets (Pluto, Mars OG, etc) and a whole bunch of others were big in Cali circa 2012, passed around and available as clones in dispensaries. There were many more that I think became more well known later.. pure og, face off, godfather, the list goes on...

Just dropping some history - you can find a lot of those strains at pacific seed bank and other seed banks...

I also recommend Bounty paper towels for seeds. They're real thick, soft, soak up the water and allow air in, i have much better results than with generic ones... but good luck with your grow!
i have in posession, but haven't started yet:
Ghost OG
The White OG

Currently running 2 Louis XIII clone moms in a small indoor project. they just exploded into full veg this week. tied them down with LST yesterday. have high hopes for these. supposed to be good for appetite and sleep.

Never tried SFV or Tahoe. interested tho...

bounty. got it. and yeah, i agree with some working better than others.

Luck with your grows as well.
Tried Black Sugar and cloned very easily, but sadly my outdoor grow of her got full of seeds. So I have no real opinion on her, but did stretch double in flowering. It was the first legal year in Canada for outdoor growing, everyone tried but some male plant pollinated her. Their White Widow is wonderful and not much stretch when I flipped her to flowering. Lemonchello Haze is probably my favourite of there‘s that I grew. She stretched double at least in flowering but she is a great afternoon walk the dog with music strain. Forgot their Bruce Banger, which works well for me and my mom for inflammation/pain. That too didn’t stretch on me too much, but got real bushy. I still have seeds of The White and Bad Azz Cookies I need too try

hmmm. that's a bummer on the unexpected seeds. :(
will have to see what black sugar can produce when i can circle back around to them.

i have grown their white widow. it was a vigorous plant. my cure was crap so the smoke was meh at best. made great edibles tho. based on that experience, i am ambivalent on growing again. i have some seeds left. just low on priorities list.

i have a bunch of white and bad azz cheese to try. they were letting them go pretty cheap so stocked up. i have heard good things about the white.

Spectators roughing up the competitors, Photoperiods acting like Autos, and friggin drones...

so. had time to finish up garden zone1, all the fencing up, access door buttoned up. got some veggie planting done, moved everything around and of course - the dogs ate my homework.
the foster pitt/choco lab mix seems to really like when i defoliate so it became the joke of making him a "salad" when i toss the leaves on the ground. he eats the plucked fan leaves. so now, he apparently thinks he can pick his salad fresh and taught the other dogs how to nibble the leaves off. him and two others "pruned" a few of the plants really hard. ended up having to supcrop and LST a bunch of them in attempts to save some lateral branches. asses have been kicked, but the wife has a sh*tload of boarding dogs here (there are 11 boarding, 1 foster and 4 house dogs here) and they're all over the place. thankfully none of the plants were tooled on enough to be total loss, but some got a lot of laterals stripped off. i know they will grow back with a vengeance, but it's still cringeworthy to see your babies maimed...

seedsman Limited Edition OG Kush (photoperiod) has officially tapped out and pulled a "lia thomas" and decided to transition to an AUTO. it has already started flowering, and it's calyxes are the darkest dark purple to be almost black. looks like humboldt OG Kush is going to win by default... i have another set of OG Kush seeds from NASC that could be entered as a late contestant. but i'm already concerned about my setup. gotta protect from land (dogs, squirrels, bugs, narcs, nosey neighbors) and now it seems i need to protect from the sky... which brings up the next topic...

DRONES... friggin drones. they keep flying directly over my house, hovering over my garden for LONG periods of time then leaving. it's a bit unnerving at this point. last one that flew over, the crew was in the field behind my house calibrating their sh*t (it drops off packages from the local walmart) in the church field behind the house/alleyway. i was out watering, so know it was above me for at least 10 min. when i came out garage to water the grapevines in the alleyway they finally wrapped up their sh*t, waved at me and left. i did not wave back.
drones man... and helicopters last year. f*ck.

now i have to build a clever garden zone2 with air cover. f*ck. >:(

as stated above, humboldt will be winner by default in it's 1v1 bout with seedsman. i am unsure if i will start the NASC OG Kush as replacement or not. much to consider with drones and plant counts... :\

these guys escaped the worst of the dog pruning. so are probably the most healthy looking. they have all been supercropped and LST'ed. if i were to say any gaining frontrunner, i would say that kannabia stepped ahead before the supercrop/LST. blim PK would be 2nd, seedsman CPK 3rd. going to keep topping and tying down till end of july.

BF Bubba is a healthy plant. i see differences in leaf structure between the BF and shoreline bubbas. sadly shoreline got munched by the dogs so needs some recovery time. BF bubba got supercropped and LST'ed.

blimburn blackberry kush - quite healthy nice lateral branching. really picked up since last update.
blimburn purple bubba kush - responded well to topping and LST. not popping out any big fans anymore. too bad. the big fans were nicely shaped.

blimburn Godfather OG - supercropped/LST. looks like this one had a bit of stress from transplant and dog munchings. i am not sure if it is trying to flower or not... still healthy though.
barney's farm strawberry lemonade - got munched pretty hard. tied down what was left.
blimburn silver surfer haze - dog munched. tied down.
GOG candyland - dog munched. tied down.
2020M The Spice! - 4 internodes. topped. will transplant when i see some action on response from topping. the plant took a bit of a faded color to leaves. unsure if nute deficiency (isn't it a bit too young for that? how could a seedling possibly be that hungry?) or nute poisoning (still running my regular organic mix that i run ALL my plants/seedlings/transplants/clones on...) keeping an eye on it. it's a little wonky IMO.

Photo 1
The purple kush from L to R : blim, kann, sdsm

Photo 2
L to R : blim blackberry kush, blim godfather og, blim purple bubba kush

Photo 3
L to R : shoreline bubba bx, barney's farm bubba kush, humboldt og kush

Photo 4
L to R: humboldt og kush, seedsman limited edition og kush (AUTO), gog candyland (the dogs mangled this one...)

Photo 5
L to R : gog candyland, barneys farm strawberry lemonade, blim silver surfer haze. all of these guys got dog chewed the hardest.

Photo 6
2020M The Spice! seedling. yellowed and discolored leaves. :\

Photo 7
seedsman limited edition og kush WEIRDNESS!!!

next update will be midmonth.
good luck with your grows.
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Out of state, spider mites, black thumb wives <3

whelp... july has been a difficult month for the competition. was out of state for work most of the month. somewhat unexpected. i hustled and got the plants top dressed, defoliated, LST'd etc before i left. Boy came with me on this trip, so tending the plants was left to the wife - who is a certified plant murderer. got back the 26th to mixed results. she did her best and the outdoor crop is still quite alive and healthy looking despite the 100F and above temperatures the entire time i was gone.
the 2 indoor spots were a different story. one area is completely overrun with spidermites. i have had to tear the entire area apart and cull the entire grow. nothing she could have done about that. very bummed.
the other area was in flower when i left. i came back to one of the plants in great shape and the other was overwatered and sickly. have corrected the drainage issues and plant is responding well, but the damage is done. the buds are still intact but the leaves are yellowed. will see what i can do before harvest... looks like another 4-5 weeks to go... but not really part of the kush-off.

i was never able to finish the outdoor grow zone before i left. hopefully have some time this coming weekend to get it going. i have most of the materials on hand. august usually brings about those special changes outdoors. will be good to have that in place before flowertime goes full bore. hottest part of the summer still to come here... was 104F today, but thankfully the cursed humidity has started to go away.

despite the ribbing, i AM grateful to my wife for tending the garden while i was gone. was another thing added to an already full plate. she called me most every night before she went out to water all apprehensive to make sure she was doing it right.
she's great. i am blessed.

- seedsman limited edition OG Kush - this one acted like an auto despite being a photo and has subsequently been harvested upon my return. i took no pictures in it's shame. it has been washed and hung to dry.

- humboldt OG Kush - winner by default. not necessarily the way most competitors want to win, but it's still a W. now as far as how it is growing, i would say that it was a slow growing spindly plant before i left. was somewhat disappointed. i came back to someone born again hard. it took very well to the defoliation, LST and supercropping i hit it with before i left. it's filled out, branches got thicker and it's laterals have responded well to the training. get some!

- blim PK - looking healthy. has been consistent in it's growth. steady. i like the internode spacing it's displaying. starting to see some fem traits showing.
- kannabia PK - this one IMO was the one PK that seemed to handle the Texas sun the best. always remained a nice LUSH dark green. it still is. this one is VERY healthy.
- seedsman CPK - this one was the catch up kid, and seemed to slow down a bit, but i notice it is putting a lot of energy into it's laterals. getting thick. putting some extra time in the gym and bulking up the branches. is it all in prep for some spectacularly dense/heavy flowers? we shall see.

- shoreline bubba bx went male. i put in in the garage spot before i left. if it lived it lived. if it died it died. temperatures in the garage growzone can reach over 115. i wasn't expecting much. saturated it with water before i left and left it to it's fate...
it has produced a bunch of tops all full of balls. will keep watering and see if i can harvest some pollen. but many other things to do first.

- barney's farm BK - still healthy. responded well the the training before i left. have never been disappointed with a barney's farm offering i have encountered. expecting nothing less from this. just bummed my competitors are dropping out of competition.

blimburn blackberry kush - this one was going along nicely before i left. it seems to have slowed down a lot. showing sign, but not stretching? will keep and eye.
blimburn purple bubba kush - looking healthy, but seems to have slowed like the blackberry.

blimburn Godfather OG - decided to start flower early and has been creeping along having problems making up her mind... (shocking). still flowering, but still getting vegetatively bigger. *shrugs* get some? kinda weird, but i'll still smoke the sh*t out of those buds... and looking forward to it...
barney's farm strawberry lemonade - wishes to annoy me with it's sativaness. tall growing. gotta supercrop them again.
blimburn silver surfer haze - this one is the other plant that has always had the lush dark green color in the Texas sun. super healthy and another one doing the tall sativa thing on me. more LST in your future.
GOG candyland - looking healthy. was hoping it was going to do the sativa tall thing, but it has been marching to it's own drummer the whole time. always at it's own pace. but i will say it responded nicely to the LST and supercropping it got before i left. filled out nicely.
2020M The Spice! - late start = smaller plant despite the soil mix etc. getting spindly. needs to be tied down. hopefully gets a LOT bigger before the entire garden starts flowering.

Photos below are crappy due to the netting. apologies but will have better photos after i finish framing up grow zone 2.

photo 1
back row: Godfather OG, Blim PK
front row: 2020m The Spice!

Photo 2
Back Row: kannabia PK, seedsman CPK
Front Row: blim silver surfer haze

Photo 3:
back row: blim blackberry kush, humboldt og kush
front row: barney's farm strawberry lemonade

Photo 4
back row: barney's farm BK, blim PBK
front row: GOG candyland

till next time.
good luck with y'alls grows.

just a quick photo update. moved some things around the yard, took the netting down and repositioned everything. figured best to snap a few photos before the nets go up to keep hole-digger and leaf-eater away.

photo 1
back row: Blim PK, Kannabia PK, Seedsman CPK
front row: 2020m The Spice!, Garden of Green Candyland

photo 2
back row: Humboldt OGK, Barney's Farm BK
front row: rescued Blimburn Louis XIII clones from indoor project overrun by spidermites ( >:( )

photo 3
back row: Blim PBK, Blim BBK, Blim GFOG (flowering)
front row: Blim SSH, Barney's Farm STL

photo 4
front row: Hole-Digger

photo 5
front row: Leaf-Eater

That's all for now.

just a quick photo update. moved some things around the yard, took the netting down and repositioned everything. figured best to snap a few photos before the nets go up to keep hole-digger and leaf-eater away.

photo 1
back row: Blim PK, Kannabia PK, Seedsman CPK
front row: 2020m The Spice!, Garden of Green Candyland
View attachment 5315280

photo 2
back row: Humboldt OGK, Barney's Farm BK
front row: rescued Blimburn Louis XIII clones from indoor project overrun by spidermites ( >:( )
View attachment 5315281

photo 3
back row: Blim PBK, Blim BBK, Blim GFOG (flowering)
front row: Blim SSH, Barney's Farm STL
View attachment 5315282

photo 4
front row: Hole-Digger
View attachment 5315283

photo 5
front row: Leaf-Eater
View attachment 5315284

That's all for now.
I love the help.
Looking good. I grew the Seedsman CPK a few years back in a comparison grow for them on another forum. Wasn’t a big harvest but she stretched, medium size buds but FROSTY. Still have a few seeds and might attempt for another try next year outside. Currently have Sensi Seeds - Banana Kush Cake in my outdoor garden. I think she would have done better outside of a) got her out earlier and b) the dogs didn’t knock her of her can a week or so into the grow.

my BKC plant

My helpers Fozzie Bear(L) Buddy(R)
Looking good. I grew the Seedsman CPK a few years back in a comparison grow for them on another forum. Wasn’t a big harvest but she stretched, medium size buds but FROSTY. Still have a few seeds and might attempt for another try next year outside. Currently have Sensi Seeds - Banana Kush Cake in my outdoor garden. I think she would have done better outside of a) got her out earlier and b) the dogs didn’t knock her of her can a week or so into the grow.

my BKC plant
View attachment 5315333

My helpers Fozzie Bear(L) Buddy(R)
View attachment 5315335

Thanks. they have stayed healthy despite the 100F and above temps daily for several weeks now (this IS texas after all... it gets pretty f*cking hot here) most are starting to show flower signs or gearing up to flip.

looking forward to sampling all of them, but really interested to see which purple kush turns out best. bubba kush and OG Kush have no competitors anymore.

the dogs always find a way to help out in the garden. ALWAYS. (you didn't need those branches anyways)

i dig the trash can pots. i would love to grow monster plants like that, but gotta keep them small and discreet. :\
one of these days...
the dogs always find a way to help out in the garden. ALWAYS. (you didn't need those branches anyways)

i dig the trash can pots. i would love to grow monster plants like that, but gotta keep them small and discreet. :\
one of these days...

Thanks on the comments, and I’m totally with you on the dogs. The white guy in my avatar use to eat fans out of my hand like it was a delicious salad. If not I would see his slobber on some bottoms leafs with almost each new visit outside. He was a great dog, and he would share almost half a special cookie with my mom each night. No CBD but just THC and looked forward to it every night, especially last 2 with his cancer. Newest guy also seems to like chomping on the fans leafs. Just the other day I was playing ball with him, I picked it up by my plants and he just came running from behind them going all PAC-MAN on fan leafs on his way too me. :lol:
Thanks on the comments, and I’m totally with you on the dogs. The white guy in my avatar use to eat fans out of my hand like it was a delicious salad. If not I would see his slobber on some bottoms leafs with almost each new visit outside. He was a great dog, and he would share almost half a special cookie with my mom each night. No CBD but just THC and looked forward to it every night, especially last 2 with his cancer. Newest guy also seems to like chomping on the fans leafs. Just the other day I was playing ball with him, I picked it up by my plants and he just came running from behind them going all PAC-MAN on fan leafs on his way too me. :lol:

it's funny how some of the dogs like to get baked. eat the leaves and/or munch the roaches i leave on the outdoor table...

when i was a teen, there were several "that 70's show" style basements we would meet up in after school/work. most of them had dogs. lots of labradors. they ALL liked getting baked with us. one of them would come to you when it was your turn with the joint and put his head in your lap for you to blow your hit out at him. you would pass the doob and he would move to next person. black lab named Ace.


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just a quick photo update. had to pull everything out for top dressing. there had been some interest in the godfather og flowers, so i took some photos after the top dress.
it has been flowering pretty much since i transplanted to it's perma-pot... dunno if it was triggered by the heat or this was a strain that was mostly grown indoors and got triggered by the sun. not sure. it warred with itself as to whether it wanted to veg or flower. it did both regardless. no hermies from what i can tell... just doing it's own weird sh*t.
right now it's giving off minty and sour (diesel) notes... very contradictory to smell something that smells like B.O. and summer sun hot garbage dumpster with a nice cool minty breeze to keep it all in check. getting pretty sticky. not a lot of frost, some of the older calyxes are starting to turn a brownish color. lots and lots of fresh new white calyxes busting out all over. it's fattening up and starting to show signs of the fade.

excited for this one.
*queues the "anticipation" song by carly simon*

on to the bud pron.

photo 1:
giving the godfather what for.

(thermometer on tree showing 102F)

photo 2:
mega-cola right side is pretty big. and only getting fatter. get some!

photo 3:
hey fredo... let's go fishing.

untill next time.
good luck with y'alls grows.