The Great Kush-Off of 2023 - Who will be crowned?

Just snip a couple lower branches when you're cleaning up the lower area. Then put them in a root cube like the pic shows. Toss a bag on it and spray the inside of the bag with a mister or spray bottle. Toss it under the canopy of the bigger plants for shade and leave it alone for a couple days. Then check if the root plug is dry and if it is give just the plug a light spraying. Usually takes about 10-14 days but can vary depending on strain. Best of luck with your grow and if you ever need some help with the garden just message me and I'll do what I can.
for cloning, i was following the technique of taking cuttings from fruit trees.
coco choir medium. lay them in the medium at 45* angle. cut the cambion layer at a diagonal. slather with the rooting gel (powder). cover with the medium. water soil/medium. cover and wait 12 days under low light (checking to make sure moisture didn't leak out).

my sh*t has room for improvement.
paper towels eh? i use those for germinating my seeds. never thought to use them to root cuttings.
i'm retarded. feeling pretty baby huey right now.
Your way works good too. I just don't use Coco so I didn't want to buy any just for clones. I've gone straight to soil after letting the snips soak in a cup of water for a bit to make sure they're hydrated. There's a ton of ways to get the job done and lot's of cool techniques to try. Learning by doing is the best teacher for me so I'm always playing with new styles of growing. Sometimes the results are good and others are best left in the trash bag they ended up in.
Your way works good too. I just don't use Coco so I didn't want to buy any just for clones. I've gone straight to soil after letting the snips soak in a cup of water for a bit to make sure they're hydrated. There's a ton of ways to get the job done and lot's of cool techniques to try. Learning by doing is the best teacher for me so I'm always playing with new styles of growing. Sometimes the results are good and others are best left in the trash bag they ended up in.
actually, my way sucks as i suck at it. if it weren't for technoflora and i was still using that useless powder i'd still be lucky if any of my cuttings lived. technoflora was a game changer for me, but i still have troubles with rooting. maybe i'm taking my cuttings too small or too early. i dunno. i just keep f*cking with it and trying. i really HAVE to get better at it.

my last successful cuttings were from the peyote gorilla plant. i made one clone from the mom and then took for cuttings from that clone. 3 of those 4 lived. that was super impressive for me. (*pats self on back but it was all about the strong genetics to begin with*) they are all still alive too... and since they don't really factor into this year's outdoor grow, i was thinking i might use those to attempt to reverse one of them and make my first batch of fem seeds. if it works, great (cuz that stuff is great!), if it doesn't will learn some lessons from the failure.

i gotta try a paper towel now. i bet it will work pretty good... though might have issue if the roots get all tangled in the towel? sometimes the seeds i germinate burrow into the towel material... gotta be careful draggin' 'em out.

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The paper towel is just for shipping to keep them moist. I fold a paper towel and spray it until it's really damp and toss that in the side of the Solo cup to add humidity to the cup. It's not wrapped around the plug so once the roots come out you can just plant it in whatever media you're using.
The paper towel is just for shipping to keep them moist. I fold a paper towel and spray it until it's really damp and toss that in the side of the Solo cup to add humidity to the cup. It's not wrapped around the plug so once the roots come out you can just plant it in whatever media you're using.
oh i'll try your method too for sure. something has got to be better than the sh*t i'm doing now. i NEED to up that game and increase my percentages.
space is the issue right now. i have very limited indoors. the missus likes her closet space and is willing to shank me repeatedly if i take any more indoor room for plants or mead. she's south american, so i take these threats seriously. i have a sour diesel auto finishing up in my garage space. (i don't have any of those fancy tents. everything is bargain basement "80's A-Team" Built... cobbled together with spare lumber or parts.)
the a team.jpg
"hey hannibal. hand me that piece of string. we gunna make a nuclear bomb..."

the space works... i've grown some strong sh*t in them, but they are 'inelegant' as f*ck.
once that auto finishes up, i'll have some space to dick with those peyote gorilla clones and take some more cuttings... try some new methods. i have a plethora of solo cups and ziplocks. always wash and reuse. (fight me gucci growers... i'm saving the sea turtles)
My wife's Filipina so I get you on the fear of blades. It's a common occurrence for women to castrate their men if they cheat over there. She's reminded me on several occasions that she knows where I sleep lol. Been married almost 25 years and no nicks, punctures or missing member so I guess I'm doing something right :bigjoint:
My wife's Filipina so I get you on the fear of blades. It's a common occurrence for women to castrate their men if they cheat over there. She's reminded me on several occasions that she knows where I sleep lol. Been married almost 25 years and no nicks, punctures or missing member so I guess I'm doing something right :bigjoint:
congrats on the 25.
Filipina. nice. it's easy to be a good boy when you have a good woman. ;)

got back from work and checked on the seedlings. everyone is out. some required a bit of help removing their helmets. one required some field surgery with the trusty edc knife. all are free and ready to rock. taking to the sun just fine. (better get used to it... it's going to get brighter and a lot hotter right quick!)

have not checked seedsman's second attempt at entering the great kush off of 2023. that will be tomorrow (have the morning off). will update.

pics below of the round 1 contenders:
left box - check the stem squiggle on barney's farm bubba kush (top row right).

right box - the last straggler with helmet welded on located on the right is GG4. mostly my fault. planted a bit too deep. this one required the surgery to remove helmet.

GG4 post op. see where it's at tomorrow. a few more needed some help, but a fingernail sufficed. GG4 wasn't going to budge without a little fancy bladework. Doc B's still got a steady hand. ;)

all good news outside. inside will check tomorrow and see if second round seedsman came to bring it or to tap out early. they were 3 seed packs... :-\


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whelp. gave seedsman a round 2 with 3 days in the towels. neither showed up again. going to leave them in there and start the last seeds from the 3 seed pack. maybe they need a day or two more. will let them go 7 before calling it.
total bummer. not had this level of failure with seedsman germination to this point. many had complained of it. those particular seeds are less than a year old (kept in dry/dark/sealed contained at cooler than room temp) stored in same location as all my other seeds.
will see what the last in the seed packs has to offer, though pretty skeptical at this point. :\

round2 results1.jpg

really bummed about the critical purple kush... the three way purple kush off could have been cool... might still be with last seeds in pack... but...
nothing. no cracks. no tails. will give them a few more days.
round2 results 2.jpg

whelp. gave seedsman a round 2 with 3 days in the towels. neither showed up again. going to leave them in there and start the last seeds from the 3 seed pack. maybe they need a day or two more. will let them go 7 before calling it.
total bummer. not had this level of failure with seedsman germination to this point. many had complained of it. those particular seeds are less than a year old (kept in dry/dark/sealed contained at cooler than room temp) stored in same location as all my other seeds.
will see what the last in the seed packs has to offer, though pretty skeptical at this point. :\

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really bummed about the critical purple kush... the three way purple kush off could have been cool... might still be with last seeds in pack... but...
nothing. no cracks. no tails. will give them a few more days.
View attachment 5276216
I'd plant one or all directly into moist soil and just be patient with them. I'm personally not a fan of the paper towel method but if it works for you then go for it. Lots of ways to germinate, I've just never had great results with the towels.
I'd plant one or all directly into moist soil and just be patient with them. I'm personally not a fan of the paper towel method but if it works for you then go for it. Lots of ways to germinate, I've just never had great results with the towels.
i do my autos directly in soil.
i have tried a few different methods with my photoperiods. direct soil, peat plugs, rockwool cubes, cups of water... i dunno what it is, but i have the most success with moist paper towel inside ziplock on top of something warm (computer tower)

i know it's weird, and i don't advocate it for others. but it works for me.
i do my autos directly in soil.
i have tried a few different methods with my photoperiods. direct soil, peat plugs, rockwool cubes, cups of water... i dunno what it is, but i have the most success with moist paper towel inside ziplock on top of something warm (computer tower)

i know it's weird, and i don't advocate it for others. but it works for me.
I liked the premise of this ,and who don't like the dank kush goodness. It's a fun journey.I have a small Bubba Kush.
You mean ,like a sister city?
nah. just something for your small bubba to compete against.
have any old freebie seeds you never used that's a kush? put it up against small bubba and see who is the winner end of season!
(we'll ALL be winners with lots of fat sticky kush buds of course)

so... finally got some action from round 3 seedsman critical purple kush. sprouted a tail last night, and i let it roll till this morning. tail went from nub to about 1/2 inch overnight. it came to play and wants to grow. i put it in its starter pot and tossed it outside with the rest. better get used to the sun lobsterback... your rivals have several days head start on you.

still no word from seedsman bubba kush. have started 3 seeds with no call no show from the contender. i made an error earlier and thought it was a 3 seed pack. it is a 5 seed pack. i was unable to edit the earlier post. so here is the correction. will start another one, but am rather skeptical at this point with this pack... :(

Seedsman Critical Purple Kush finally came to play... you've got some catching up to do.

No Mercy! direct to training camp. f*ck your jet lag. (photobomb appearance by the obligatory dog hair)

all that remains is getting a 2nd bubba kush going. i have 2 seeds left in the pack. will start one after this post.

as far as everything outside is concerned:
Godfather OG is still the frontrunner as far as health/growth are concerned. evidently she felt the need to "preside" over the prize money despite not being involved in the bouts...
the others are moving along as expected. none seem to have adverse reaction to the sun (yet). it does get pretty brutal. all display a nice healthy green. cotyledon and first set leaves developing. none are leggy. tracking and bending to sun as expected (even the problem children a tracking)
the two problem children seedlings, candyland and gg4 seem to be trying to unf*ck themselves. candyland has cotyledon leaves showing, but i don't see a 1st set leaves forming yet. gg4 is still trying to unfurl it's cotyledon leaves. that was the one i had to surgically remove the helmet. the cotyledon leaves have finally separated themselves, but still trying to orient itself to open to the light. pretty sure it will look better at end of day.
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calamity in the bubba kush race! Barney's Farm Bubba Kush has fallen to some foul play. found slumped in his dressing room. clear damage to the main stem above the soil line. these causes were NOT natural despite the coroner's "official" report. we believe the godfather may have been involved. sources say the godfather placed a large bet on the underdog seedsman (who STILL hasn't shown up for the fight) who has been a no show after 4 rounds. Barney's Farm was a shoe in for the win by default if seedsman didn't show up by round 5. Godfather certainly has the motive for preventing a win by default....

In other news, latecomer Seedsman Critical Purple Kush finally decided to show up to the fights on round 3. (last seed in the pack!) and show up he did! i have never seen a seedling catch up that fast with others that are a week or more ahead. this one did. respect son. respect. showed up to fight!

back to our main story. bubba kush seems to be a cursed race. until the stem "shanking" occurred, barney's farm was the only bubba hanging in there. i had 5 seeds in the seedsman pack. i started the final one last night. 1-4 have all been duds. :(

also last night started another barney's farm (#2 of a 3 seed pack) bubba to have at least ONE bubba running.

as a wildcard fighter, i have introduced a newcomer from Shoreline Genetics "Bubba Bx". this is not a fem but a reg seed, soooo.... could go either way. but hey... we'll hope for the best, and shoreline being shoreline, i will be happy for some male bubba pollen if that occurs. either way. i'm pretty sure barney's farm will show up for round 2. i have had good luck with barney's farm. (for real, something DID happen to the stem above the dirt line. dunno if a squirrel jumped up on that table and squashed it... the dogs KNOW better at this point... not sure if it got cracked, or squished. but it's dead as dead can be now... with roots still intact. some kind of trauma to the stem)

seedsman popped out first and had the lead for a bit, but it looks like humboldt's leaf structure is a bit wider, so size wise has a bit of an edge. both are really healthy tho... like the soil and the sun. (despite shitty overcast weather for the last week)

i don't really see a clear standout here. all are nice and healthy and seem to be moving a same pace now despite blimburn's initial germination vigor and dirt burst. see some slight variations in leaf shape.

all current contenders are either no-shows or "departed" (said with boston accent... dee-PAH-ted)
seedsman bubba kush - round 5 started. last seed in 5 seed pack. (skeptical at this point)
barney's farm bubba kush - round 2 started. 2nd seed in 3 seed pack. (expecting a solid performance from here on out.
*wildcard fighter* shoreline genetics (REG) "bubba bx". going to start one of these if seedsman is a 5x no-show.

blimburn blackberry kush - healthy and happy, keeping pace with the rest
blimburn purple bubba kush - healthy and happy, keeping pace with the rest

blimburn Godfather OG is still dominating... and shanking mofos that get near the prize money.
barney's farm strawberry lemonade - healthy. bigger than the kush. not in the contest. wtf.
blimburn silver surfer haze - healthy. bigger than the kush. not in the contest. wtf.
blimburn gg4 - never seemed to recover from it's helmet removal surgery. victim of the shrunken head. zero markable growth in last week. started replacement seed last night. will cull the one outdoors when replacement seed pops.
garden of green candyland - this one had also required some helmet removal assistance. it grew out it's cotyledons but never any first set leaves. zero progress in a week. started replacement seed last night. will cull the one outdoors when replacement pops.

Photo one
Starting top row, left to right:
Seedsman OG Kush
Humboldt OG Kush

2nd Row
Blimburn Purple Kush
Kannabia Purple Kush
Seedsman Critical Purple Kush

Bottom Row:
Blimburn Blackberry Kush
Blimburn Purple Bubba Kush
KushBox Wk1.jpg

Photo Two
Top Row, Left to Right
Blimburn Godfather OG
Barney's Farm Strawberry Lemonade
Blimburn Silver Surfer Haze

2nd Row
Blimburn GG4
Garden of Green Candyland
AdditionalsBox Wk1.jpg

Photo Three
Barney's Farm Bubba Kush - Victim of Foul Play! (*godfather chuckles maniacally*)

tune in next week for another exciting edition!
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