Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure it was a calmag deficiency... they got watered with some last night so should see that change today!


Well-Known Member
boy oh boy... so got out of work early... got home and decided that I am going to have a soil grow contest... you will see when I update with pictures later!


Well-Known Member
Alright so... I have been reading a lot of mixed reviews on growing MJ in MG... so I am going to put it to the test... I germinated 3 Dinafem Fruit Automatics... I am going to grow one in MG Organic Choice, one in MG African Violet, and one in COCO Mix... and we will see how much of a difference it really is when grown side by side in the same environment. wish me luck... here are some pics!


now just to wait and see how this works out! :)


Well-Known Member
Alright so... I have been reading a lot of mixed reviews on growing MJ in MG... so I am going to put it to the test... I germinated 3 Dinafem Fruit Automatics... I am going to grow one in MG Organic Choice, one in MG African Violet, and one in COCO Mix... and we will see how much of a difference it really is when grown side by side in the same environment. wish me luck... here are some pics!

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now just to wait and see how this works out! :)
Make sure you water each one precisely, down to the ml, so that there isnt to much variation. Also make sure the same light is hitting all the plants.

Great idea!


Well-Known Member
gonna throw the SAGE in the small cab I built so I can have only Autos in my main Cab... :)


Well-Known Member
niiiiccce...gunna be a good comparison. on to some bad gets kinda warm in my room at night, and the air seems pretty stagnant, and i woke up this morning to find my OG super limp, and the top fell over...i also found 2 baby NL's doin the same thing...i think they suffocated...i am sad :-(


Well-Known Member
oh no gobskill... cant bring em back huh??? I would be sad too... look at it this way... another lesson learned to have more bomb shit next time! :)


Well-Known Member
Did some work on my cab this morning... pretty excited about it! let me know what you think! also updates on my experiment already as well. I am using the bottom part of the cab to do veg but there are only two T8 bulbs down there... I think I need to get on it and put some T5's down there ASAP. :) anyways I put the three babies down there till I can get a small portable AC unit... I keep my house at 70 day and night and I cant run a 400 Watt MH or HPS cause my cab temp rises and stays at about 89. So I am going to get a small portable AC and pump cold ass air in there that should fix any and all issues. anyways like always let me know what you think!



Well-Known Member
alright just threw my water together for this week... this is what it is looking like... (this is only for the older plants) babies will get plain distilled water for a few more days...
All products are Botanicare

CalMag - 4ML
Grow - 15ML
SilicaBlast - 3ML
Liquid Karma - 7ML

PH - 6.0-6.2

I dont have a PPM tester or a digital PH tester so I am having to do by hand... I think that my plant with the bright green leaves is suffering from CalMag Deficiency so this weeks watering will take care of that for sure.


Well-Known Member
well since I got some more fans in there I decided to try out the 400 Watt HPS and see what kind of temp readings I get... My red hair dwarf has pistols she has shown she is ready! so awesome! i will keep you posted on the temp... it is no higher then normal so far but we shall see.. I am still going to get a little portable AC next week but for now I just want it to stay under 86... ill post some pics!


Well-Known Member
Alright so might sound like a dumb question but do I start bloom nutes now or stick with grow nutes for another week then switch?


Well-Known Member
I love talking to myself... well the cab got way to hot last night... doesnt look like the plants were affected but still bothers me... got all the way up to 90... gotta get that light out of there till I get the portable AC...


Well-Known Member
dsam, what up things looking good

hey bro, i once had heat problems like that growing cactus, and what I did for temporary fix was take 2l bottles and fill them up with water then freeze, id put them in small plates and set them close to the plant. believe it or not, brought temps down by 10 degrees... I used three and has a 250w hps and 1 100w mh.

Also, I havent been able to read through your journal last week or so, what week are you on? And are they photos/autos


Well-Known Member
I just took the HPS out and put the T5's back in and temps are back down to mid 70's... the only plants in the cab are autos... I tool the one photo out and put it into a small cab upstairs... I will snap some pics tonight! :)


Active Member
Here is my two cents=I've been following your progress and perhaps i can help with the heat issue, as i just solved that one in my own lil' closet. Anyway i know you have a cool tube for your 400hps but what about putting another thin glass barrier between your lite and plants? I found a "thin" piece laying around the house and put it between my lights and plants with an active fan above the glass blowing heat out and a passive air intake below to draw cool air over the plants. In your case you would have two effective heat barriers and as long as you vent properly above the glass everythings aces. I lowered my temps by as much as 10 degrees this way. Maybe? hope to help


Well-Known Member
thats a great idea... only problem is I dont have any glass lying around and its really expensive here... so I am just going to get a tent and call it a day... at least with that I know that I can get the ventilation I want. thanks for the advise though!


Active Member
Well it was a thought ,glad you have the resources so you don't always hafta make stuff yourself -diy style. I just re-did my grow closet with the above mentioned glass and its 86 above the glass and 76 below-cool beans. Anyway i'm new here but will continue to follow your grow, sounds fun.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome! I am really glad its working for you... I hope that others that might need the same thing read this and see your post! anyways my dwarf red hair is showing white hairs on every node now! so pumped!