The naked chick avatars

what do you think of sexual avatars?

  • clean it up.

    Votes: 100 44.6%
  • i degrade women and like it.

    Votes: 124 55.4%

  • Total voters
yeah the poll seemed extremely biased to me even though it was funny
some people have their avatar for their own personal expression its like a less serious tattoo considering some people have vague things for their background that is unique to them or tells a story thats important to them
idk im just saying
and i associate alot of avatars with people
like when i see those sunglasses i know its natmoon i dont have to look at the name
i want people to see this white kid hittin a blunt and know its mynameishead
i really don't think there is any way we could implement any type of "rule". i think in the end it does come down to the members and how they want to portrait themselves.

i have a hard time understanding what the person is trying to say by some of these av's. to me it seems like they are just giddy with the fact that they can do it. i don't want to say childish but that word comes to mind.

I think you hit it there. It's proof of a pretty low degree of maturity that the single statement they choose to project about themselves is "huh huh, boobies."

I think it's tacky as fuck, but I've never been one to infringe on the rights of others to behave foolishly when it's not costing me. They way I figure, if I want the right to be arrogant and condescending, I can only respect your right to be ignorant and immature...
well complet nakedniss or any penitration should not be aloud but females dressing in little but still covering parts is fine
I think you hit it there. It's proof of a pretty low degree of maturity that the single statement they choose to project about themselves is "huh huh, boobies."

I think it's tacky as fuck, but I've never been one to infringe on the rights of others to behave foolishly when it's not costing me. They way I figure, if I want the right to be arrogant and condescending, I can only respect your right to be ignorant and immature...

this says it all right here. :peace:
Why stop at porn? Why not include other offensive avatars, what about violent images or pictures of dead people? Personally I cringe every time I see FDD's avatar, it seems to encapsulate everything that is wrong with America.:blsmoke:
yeah, blow it up into something huge.

the chicks have a half gallon of come on their faces. this is a grow site. what's the relation?
i have a question about my plants. while i ask it take a look at this chick getting ass fucked. yeah, sure, i'll help you.
i have a question about my plants. while i ask it take a look at this chick getting ass fucked. yeah, sure, i'll help you.
hey if I can help a person with a question and they have a person getting their brains fuked out I'd still help em because I help any one that I can help
i have a hard time focusing when i'm getting visually raped.

Seriously, that shit just jumps out at you. I saw enough porn when I was 13... Time to grow up. Unless it's on my lap, I don't want to see it.

It just makes RIU seem immature. Might as well change their sig to "I like masturbating over real sex"
what a democratic vote pointless? I'm sure that's what Stalin said.:blsmoke:

do you know what you are even voting on? what if the "clean it ups" win? what will happen next? i already stated that i can't force anyone to change any nor would i ask. pay attention, that porns gone to your brain. it does that. :mrgreen::peace: