500 Watt Blackstar LED Grow- 6 OG Kush


Well-Known Member
I think I'm more interested in this one than the Fire.

This is the 100 dollar? I think I wouldn't mind growing that, friend.
Yezirr, this is the $100 OG Kush from West Valley Care Givers in Canoga Park. Its a great strain of the OG Kush, but the clones I got this round were severely deformed! Clones growing sideways, double stems, dwarfed... My plants had to spend the first 2 weeks growing the right way or recovering. Nevertheless, they turned out pretty good with the rushed job (Flowered in Week 3 of Vegg, and could of topped and train a bit more). The buds itself are much stronger than the FIRE OG Kush I grew in that growbox. Next round I was planning on going to your dispensary, lol! What is the name of it again so I have it for my records on this journal? I know its in WEHO somewhere.


That iis the first time I have heard of gonzo odor bags! I just might have to pick one up. Those plants are looking pretty furry!
With the amount of pm and issues you've had with this grow, if i were you, i would just chop now, cut my losses and turn this whole batch into a BHO run. You should be able to get a healthy amount of wax out of that.


Well-Known Member
With the amount of pm and issues you've had with this grow, if i were you, i would just chop now, cut my losses and turn this whole batch into a BHO run. You should be able to get a healthy amount of wax out of that.
Your nutz man. I have the pm under control, and there are no other "issues". Everything is going fine, I got 11 more days to go and I am not going to chop now! So you can keep your 16th post on this site to yourself
Funny how I was the one that said you should have topped and vegged longer. I guess you forgot that I posted that in your thread, might want to go back and read again? Ever since i said that you've been repeating it like crazy. Bitter... nope, Hater... nope, laughing at how defensive you got so quickly... yes! You knew exactly what you were implying when you said that, but hey, act like your weren't to save face on the internet. Talking about projecting insecurities and inexperience, HAHA! You did that for yourself rather easily i.e. this grow and your rebuttals.

p.s. still infested with pm via your last set of pictures. https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/grow-journals/1686873d1310448436-500-watt-blackstar-led-grow-dsc01079.jpg


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah. Im not letting you hijack this thread with your drama. So why don't you go somewhere else? I don't have to prove shit to you.


Active Member
nice grow man I have the same Blackstar500 in a 2x2 dwc with 7 plant sog. But I cant keep my temp below 90 with ac going during the day


Active Member
Jeez....! That dude is never ending... like never ending and shit! I think the buds look mouth watering delicious. =)


Well-Known Member
So today I made a hard decision that every grower hates to make. Cutting his losses.. I checked on the girls today, and I touched the 2 middle runt plants. The buds are not nearly as sticky, smelly, or much trichs. After closer examination, I noted that the PM really screwed the growth up on these two plants. So I decided to completely trash one plant, and I trimmed off most of the PM from the other one, and hung it up. Pretty pissed off, but the other 4 plants are really danky. Trichs galore, sticky, smelly and getting fat. The pm really slowed down the growth of the buds for those 2 plants that I chopped today. I didnt want to risk anymore infection, so I made the decision. So now I am down to 4 plants =(



Well-Known Member
yellow leafs on clones under blackstar 500 need help
Can you post pics? I need more information. How old are the clones? What nutes are you feeding them? It could be a PH imbalance making those leaves yellow. You might have nute lockout. Post more information and give me more of a background of your clones.


Active Member
Sorry to here about the bad luck with the 2 plants. I just received my Blackstar today and decided to just order the second one tomorrow. This is the first time I've seen a LED grow light in person and boy are the things bright as hell! Wow! Anyway good luck with the other 4 plants and hope all goes well.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to here about the bad luck with the 2 plants. I just received my Blackstar today and decided to just order the second one tomorrow. This is the first time I've seen a LED grow light in person and boy are the things bright as hell! Wow! Anyway good luck with the other 4 plants and hope all goes well.
Thats awesome Blackmesa! Did you get the two 240s or 500s? Ya I would recommend wearing sunglasses when you work in your garden. First few times I didnt and I saw white spots for an hour and had a bad headache. Cant wait to see that Grow journal!


Active Member
Thats awesome Blackmesa! Did you get the two 240s or 500s? Ya I would recommend wearing sunglasses when you work in your garden. First few times I didnt and I saw white spots for an hour and had a bad headache. Cant wait to see that Grow journal!
I bought a single 240 but am ordering another tomorrow because I am going to have to do a grow from some Northern light seeds and am starting 12. If I end up with more then 6 females I will yank any extra out and veg them for clones. Sucks I have to grow from seed when I don't have a proper veg area set up but my few friends who grow are incredibly stingy with their current strains Purple Kush and Raspberry Cough. The NL seeds I have are from a 10 year local outdoor strain but should do decent indoors being in Michigan and all. The next batch will be purple widow which should be exciting since LED light seems to bring on color really strong.

If everything works out as planned with these Blackstars I will either add a 3rd 240w or put a 500 like you have in the middle of 2 - 240's. I must admit I'm nervous about LED growing, not because they don't grow good plant but because there's much to learn and relearn since they are so different then HID. More excited then nervous but this should be a fun ride!


Well-Known Member
I bought a single 240 but am ordering another tomorrow because I am going to have to do a grow from some Northern light seeds and am starting 12. If I end up with more then 6 females I will yank any extra out and veg them for clones. Sucks I have to grow from seed when I don't have a proper veg area set up but my few friends who grow are incredibly stingy with their current strains Purple Kush and Raspberry Cough. The NL seeds I have are from a 10 year local outdoor strain but should do decent indoors being in Michigan and all. The next batch will be purple widow which should be exciting since LED light seems to bring on color really strong.

If everything works out as planned with these Blackstars I will either add a 3rd 240w or put a 500 like you have in the middle of 2 - 240's. I must admit I'm nervous about LED growing, not because they don't grow good plant but because there's much to learn and relearn since they are so different then HID. More excited then nervous but this should be a fun ride!
Well you will have to adjust with the lower heat, lower consumption of electricity, and the quieter operation. =) No seriously, you will have to adjust with positioning your light so all the plants are in the lights "sweet spot". Make sure you have ample Mylar everywhere.. Also, you might have to adjust the amount you water your plants, because LEDs do not dry out the soil as fast as HID. The added moisture in the grow area can create problems like I came across "Powdery Mildew". Next grow for me I will be using a dehumidifier to battle this. Hit me up if you have any questions. Don't worry about growing your plants start to finish with the LED. Goodluck! I am sure you will do well! Plus you have my two journals to learn from. Take care!