If the tax cuts really were the cause of all the economic bad times, then shouldn't the bad times have started way back in 2001 with the cuts? Instead we had growth and in some areas ( Equities and housing) we had a huge GROWTH SPURT ( they call those bubbles). So the Tax cuts probably started inflating the bubbles, and when those bubbles popped the global economy went in the shitter right? But they had to rescue us from the Dot Com bubble of '95-'00, so thats why they started inflating in the first place, and it DID save us. Now here we all are bitching about having to take the medicine again, refuse the medicine and the disease only gets worse with time. Eventually the Medicine will be ineffective and the host will die. Everyone knows what the medicine is...Tighten your belts, buy things on sale, throw convenience out the window and do for yourself if you are able, Grow a garden, work a under the table job, pay off debt, stop borrowing money, become more self sufficient, put some cash away for a rainy day. And thats what the average person is doing, its necessary to rebuild capital so that we may invest again in the future when the outlook is not so bleak. The government sees it all another way, they want to try and blow another bubble somewhere to save us from ourselves yet again, to kick the can down the road and refuse the Medicine due to its bad taste and political weight. The government wants to use itself as a surrogate consumer to replace what everyone stopped spending. In order to do that it needs to tax each worker approx $14,000 each year to balance ins and outs so that the Debt no longer increases.
How I came up with the $14,000 figure was this:
113 million employed in the USA, this years deficit is $1.65 trillion
1.65 trillion divided by 113 million workers = $14,601
I hope everyone is saving more than that every year, cuz thats what it costs. All Payments will be born by the taxpayer, if not you, then your children and grandchildren, With interest to boot!
If you are just going to take it out of folks who are making more than 250k a year, well then about 1 in 50 workers makes that much, so approx 2, 260,000 people in USA making more than 250k. so 1.65 trillion divided by 2.26 million = $730,088 is going to have to be collected from those few people.
Is any of this really possible?