First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed


Well-Known Member
can any tell me if im watering it too much right now? ive been watering it once sometimes twice a day (in the morning b4 work and if the soil feels dry ill water it at night) with a spray bottle but i hav a feeling im over watering. i know that once it sprouts and starts getting leaves i shud only water every other day maybe 3 times a week but wat about before that?
You are overwatering. I have never, ever, ever had a need to water twice in the same day under any conditions, for any reason.

When you water, you water thoroughly. Let a bunch of water run out the bottom so you know the medium is saturated. Having proper drainage in your medium and containers ensures you cannot overwater by simply using too much water!

Then you let the pot dry out till it "feels" empty. None of this "put your finger in the soil" shit you will probably read elsewhere, that's bogus advice. Especially during veg, you want that pot to dry out pretty well so the roots stretch out looking for water.

The exception to all of this is with your sprouts during the first week or so, water them lightly to encourage root growth!


Well-Known Member
thats the point im at though. in the first week i mean. they just barely sprouted roots. no greenery yet or any kind of stem. its still a seed with a baby root comin out. thats why figured i shud keep it a lil moist because when its in the paper towel the paper towel is pretty damn wet haha but that makes perfect sense to keep it dry to make the root look for water. thats pretty much what i was thinking but since im new to this i figured itd b better to just ask then to assume you know what i mean?? but thanx a lot man =D


Well-Known Member
Think about how tiny that plant is, and how tiny the little root hairs are. They can find the tiniest bit of water in your soil and keep on truckin. So it doesn't take much.

The problem with the watering you're doing now is you're spraying the top of the soil, which dries out really really fast under the hot lights. With a more thorough (light) watering with a tiny bit of runoff even you can be sure that the soil at the bottom is being watered too. And then like I said, you let it dry out.

In my opinion, if you've never wilted a plant before you probably haven't figured out how to correctly water. This is ot to say that wilting is normal or desired, but you almost need to push that limit to find out what dry really means, and then water right before that wilting ever happens. And different varieties are more fussy about drought than others....


Well-Known Member
ok thank u soooo much haha o i jus got done looking at the pictures of the 2 plants that u almost got 6oz from back in '08. daaaamn dude even with that bud rot that was A LOT of bud. too bad it did mold tho that suux but i give u MAJOR props man very nicely done...i hope to grow a plant that good one day hahah


Well-Known Member
ok thank u soooo much haha o i jus got done looking at the pictures of the 2 plants that u almost got 6oz from back in '08. daaaamn dude even with that bud rot that was A LOT of bud. too bad it did mold tho that suux but i give u MAJOR props man very nicely done...i hope to grow a plant that good one day hahah
Wow, in retrospect I think I overestimated that yield lol! Some of those folks called me out, they were right I think. What a dumbass I was/am.

It was more like 2oz a plant. And it (Strawberry Cough) was the most delicious pot I've ever smoked. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh and yeah, the bud rot was heartbreaking. I bet I chucked like 15-20 grams of the very best nugs down the toilet.

Some dude was arguing with me the other day about how bud rot cannot occur in low humidity conditions. Bullshit!


Well-Known Member
Wow, in retrospect I think I overestimated that yield lol! Some of those folks called me out, they were right I think. What a dumbass I was/am.

It was more like 2oz a plant. And it (Strawberry Cough) was the most delicious pot I've ever smoked.
that still a shit load of bud man thats awwsoome

Oh and yeah, the bud rot was heartbreaking. I bet I chucked like 15-20 grams of the very best nugs down the toilet.

Some dude was arguing with me the other day about how bud rot cannot occur in low humidity conditions. Bullshit!

oooo my goodness haha id b livid if i had to throw away that much bud =''(....really?? wtf haha even as inexperienced as i am i would call bullshit on that to haha


Well-Known Member
Well the guy pulled the science card on me, says mold can't live in low-humidity conditions. I can't really argue either way, and I would tend to agree with him in general, but I think there is a shitload of moisture inside the buds and close to the stem that will provide a fine environment for mold to thrive in (especially inside a beercan-sized cola). That's my theory anyhow.

But the main problem in my case is my fan died near the end of the grow and I was too lazy/ignorant to replace it. I was heaving watering (flushing) for the last 2 weeks and those buds were super wet. And then when I noticed the mold I was too stupid to freak out about it, and it got worse. Not even sure I knew it was mold...

Alot of mistakes.


Well-Known Member
aahh i see..but hey atleast now u have the knowledge to know what to do incase this happens again and u still got a fat sack out of it haha


Well-Known Member
aahh i see..but hey atleast now u have the knowledge to know what to do incase this happens again and u still got a fat sack out of it haha
True! Don't worry, you'll do just as well... just make sure you have the CFL wattage to make it happen. Keep those lights close! That grow -- my temps were high, humidity low, the mold problem... and I still did well.


Well-Known Member
fer sure! my next check im gonna get one of those 125 watt cfls and then a couple 42 watters for when i flower....i wish this wasnt such a long process haha


Well-Known Member
fer sure! my next check im gonna get one of those 125 watt cfls and then a couple 42 watters for when i flower....i wish this wasnt such a long process haha
Sure you don't want to just get an HID? A 150W or 250W isn't much more expensive than what you'd pay to outfit all of those CFL's... and I can promise that the 150W won't put out any more heat than all those CFL's combined. The 250W is hotter but not difficult to manage.

If I could go back in time, that's what I would do. If you keep growing you'll probably be doing that eventually anyhow...


Well-Known Member
im jus worried about electricity bill and gna do an lst grow (i cant remember the persons username but they had an awsum idea) so i can keep it at a minimum space for now but i found a 125w cfl for 32 bux online thats including shipping and a 4 pack of 42w bulbs for 33 and i can always buy those plug in adapters 97 cents at wal-mart and just plug them into a power strip or 2 and go from not really tryin to go TOO fancy since its my first grow but well see where this takes me haha


Well-Known Member
im not doing a pc its a cabinet. i think its like 2 and a half feet long. 2 feet tall..amd maybe a foot deep? idk the exact measurements but ill find out tonight and post it up 2marrow morning


Well-Known Member
im not doing a pc its a cabinet. i think its like 2 and a half feet long. 2 feet tall..amd maybe a foot deep? idk the exact measurements but ill find out tonight and post it up 2marrow morning
Yeah with that kind of space stick with the 42W CFL's I think... even the big ass 125W+ CFL's might be too much for that space. Have fun man!


Well-Known Member
right thanx a lot man! im sure ill b comin to u with a few more questions in the future if u dont mind haha


Well-Known Member
fer sure! my next check im gonna get one of those 125 watt cfls and then a couple 42 watters for when i flower....i wish this wasnt such a long process haha
Yea really long it seems like sometimes. Solve that buy growing multiple plants :D. Just watching my 1 big female all the time makes it seem like its not growing at all


Well-Known Member
sooo last night after work i went home to check on my plants..still didnt sprout. so i dug them up to see if theres nething wrong and there was. they got all dried up and stopped growing. so my over watering problem was probly a lack of water problem haha. my dumbass was using nothing more than a spray bottle to water them because i thought itd be..idk much more gentle i guess. i salvaged a seed with a pretty long root and then soaked all the soil in water until it stopped draining out the bottom and then replanted the seed. i hav 4 more seeds germinating again so hopefully i dont mess this up again... :-(:wall: