Saying that money wants to become our God is personifying money and money..isn't alive. We are the ones controlling it and adding the evil to it. People used to use cows as "money", does that mean cows want to become our god?! Money doesn't want anything, we want money. Money brings power, things, etc. to people. Wanting more money is really just us constantly wanting more of everything. Anyway, money isn't evil but as the saying goes.. money is the root of all evil.
And cageybee, you seem to be in support of communism even never works! Living without money is and communism is idealistic; it will never work. And we don't just create governments to protect money. Even a country without money will need a government to maintain order. Also, that plan you were talking about sounds a little flawed. How is being in control of the money and then just giving it back going to change..anything?? Or better yet, how do they figure on controlling all that money without any resistance? I'm sure if someone tried to "buy out" the U.S. government that money wouldn't become the issue anymore. The issue of power will take over and the US would just organize a military operation to get that money (and that power) back. And how long would they plan on sitting on all this money? I doubt people's views are going to magically change just because the government has no money anymore. The only way to fix the evil that money creates is to change people's views on money and their desire to always want more, but I don't think that plan would ever accomplish that.