When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

almost everyone today would love to sell their souls to money. People in Capitalist nations love money more than any one in the world. the more money the better. as a matter of fact, in 1913, US started a genius plan that would allow everyone to get a great credit so that they could borrow gazillions of dollars that don't exist and that hasn't been earned yet to buy all the countries in the world and create a one world government.

when Russians looked at US/UK as Evil and closed their country and brought Communism (because they thought selling their souls to Evil is immoral), Russia was frowned upon throughout the world in all propaganda media as Evil Soviet Communists that want to take over the world and ruthlessly rule all people without democracy.

money is the root of all Evil.
US has created a monster. after constant attempts of buying Russia, Russians got tired of US's slaughter and attempts to break communists down. they figured out that in order for them to have peace, they must loosen up the communism a little bit. give people some democracy, change the way they live a little, bring a new monetary system that would allow them to do the same and come after US by making strategic investments and developing strategic relationships.

Russians right now have an invisible state within the state of Russia. It is called FSB. rumors say that they have around 200,000 people working for FSB. All of them are intelligence agents, but they are also all military officers. They know all the secrets in the world. They control members of organized crime in Russia very strictly and they can influence and create terrorist organizations just like CIA can and does.

But, these guys can also be big Russian businessmen too. And in some case all 3: the angent, the gangster, and the businessman.

The Russian, Chinese, and few other secret agencies (the Asian tigers) are working collaboratively together on a secret mission to first take down us economy and then buy all of US's and all foreign dollar-dependent markets for pennies once they all crash. After that, they will give all the money to the people, money will stop to be our God and there will be one peaceful world with absolute love under God.
When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?............Funny, that's what women say about me!!!!:)
I earn my money fair and square...

Its not fucking taking over.. what to you want anarchy ?

say goodbye to internet, say goodbye to tv shows like ( family guy, simpsons, Lost, Weeds, House, Desp. Housewives...) food... ?

Hmm... I'd rather let my sould be brought, than have a shity life.... ^^

My soul is mine and noone else's ^^ You want it.. u cant have it....
And i have fun making my money, i love my work ^^ :P
well, at this time, it is pretty much irrelevant what anyone without importance thinks. whether you like it or not, the wheel was set in motion long time ago. it is coming fast and it will happen, because our economy is going down (i am not sure if you've noticed it with all the things that are happening.) but, if they win, they'll give it back to the people and everyone in the world will be happy and without greed. people will evolve. people's values will change. the true values of our life and our purpose will be the most important things for mankind. no longer being on TV selling sex, drugs, big cars, murder, poverty, and terrorism will be of value to people. people will unite and understand that the moment we start to love money - we start designing different ways to protect it, because someone is always after our hard earned money. we create governments, armed forces, weapons of mass destruction all in the name to protect money. we start wars under diplomatic covers like "war on terror" to hide the real reasons why we need to go after certain countries. once a country becomes not pro-American and becomes pro-Russian or pro-Chinese, we go after them. and that's how it is. if you want to read something that's very disturbing - read this story of one of our military Generals Annals of National Security: The General’s Report: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Saying that money wants to become our God is personifying money and money..isn't alive. We are the ones controlling it and adding the evil to it. People used to use cows as "money", does that mean cows want to become our god?! Money doesn't want anything, we want money. Money brings power, things, etc. to people. Wanting more money is really just us constantly wanting more of everything. Anyway, money isn't evil but as the saying goes.. money is the root of all evil.

And cageybee, you seem to be in support of communism even though..it never works! Living without money is and communism is idealistic; it will never work. And we don't just create governments to protect money. Even a country without money will need a government to maintain order. Also, that plan you were talking about sounds a little flawed. How is being in control of the money and then just giving it back going to change..anything?? Or better yet, how do they figure on controlling all that money without any resistance? I'm sure if someone tried to "buy out" the U.S. government that money wouldn't become the issue anymore. The issue of power will take over and the US would just organize a military operation to get that money (and that power) back. And how long would they plan on sitting on all this money? I doubt people's views are going to magically change just because the government has no money anymore. The only way to fix the evil that money creates is to change people's views on money and their desire to always want more, but I don't think that plan would ever accomplish that. :peace::joint:
Saying that money wants to become our God is personifying money and money..isn't alive. We are the ones controlling it and adding the evil to it. People used to use cows as "money", does that mean cows want to become our god?! Money doesn't want anything, we want money. Money brings power, things, etc. to people. Wanting more money is really just us constantly wanting more of everything. Anyway, money isn't evil but as the saying goes.. money is the root of all evil.

And cageybee, you seem to be in support of communism even though..it never works! Living without money is and communism is idealistic; it will never work. And we don't just create governments to protect money. Even a country without money will need a government to maintain order. Also, that plan you were talking about sounds a little flawed. How is being in control of the money and then just giving it back going to change..anything?? Or better yet, how do they figure on controlling all that money without any resistance? I'm sure if someone tried to "buy out" the U.S. government that money wouldn't become the issue anymore. The issue of power will take over and the US would just organize a military operation to get that money (and that power) back. And how long would they plan on sitting on all this money? I doubt people's views are going to magically change just because the government has no money anymore. The only way to fix the evil that money creates is to change people's views on money and their desire to always want more, but I don't think that plan would ever accomplish that. :peace::joint:

communism did not work because capitalism did not let it to work. unlike communists, capitalists have no respect for humanity. life in capitalist nations only great because we love to exploit other nations and get things cheaper than here. i feel so proud of my way of life here when i learn that my daughter is playing with a toy that some 13 year old little girl in China had to make for 26 cents per hour. when communists closed their country from hungry for money capitalists who wanted to buy up the whole Russia so that life in America and England could be even greater with fiat money from future (credit) that hasn't even been earned and doesn't exist, American capitalists got upset with Soviets and started demonizing them: calling them evil ruthless murderers. Communists were in rage and mad that they had to kill and murder their own people who were screaming: "life on the other side is greener" (without realizing that life is greener only because they take it from other nations and and those nations are being robbed off the future.) those that were victims of propaganda from Capitalists kept thinking that money is great, life is about money, life in America is the best life, but they never thought why life in America was great and why US wants democracy to be everywhere - let's face it, we need democracy in other nations so that we can buy or privatize (if possible) their capital and their resources for cheap while they are underdeveloped nations so that our life can be the greatest over here. Wow, how noble! All this great life while we take it from others and while they are hungry and poor and stay poor with no future.

But, at this time, it is really irrelevant even what Bush thinks. It is too late. The Asian tigers are coming. All the steps to take down the Beast have been taken. The endgame, the battle of Armageddon, is very near. Just pay attention to our economy. Once they will crush the Globalists that own all of American and English capital, they will take it and will give it back to people and Communism will be in the whole world under one true leader that loves his people and respects humanity.

People will be liberated from this possession by evil that calls itself money. This time, it is not a revolution. It will be evolution. And once everyone in the world will see the real beauty - the money will stop being our master. And there shall be peace for ever. The messiah is coming back.