Well-Known Member
Gates wants us to stop breathing- and he is putting huge money into vaccinating people and talking about lowering population.
What do you think the military is for? I know their are supposed religious people at all ranks but I view the war machine as a Godless one with no true men of God at it's head.
Marriage is legal and religious it is done by a preist in a church united in the eyes of God- I believe in gay legal partnership if they are unable to quit being gay and have the gay gene or whatever but leave the Religious the term marriage and the use of preists and churches. Atheists shouldn't be allowed to marry either.
Eating people could reduce world hunger and remedy over population It could reduce prison populations and health care costs. People probably taste diffrent from primates because of less excercise and a diffrent diet.
bill gates does not want you to stop breathing. you have a problem with him spending millions of his own money to vaccinate africans? show me where he said he wants to lower populations.
religious people have just as much of an ability to kill a man as does an atheist/agnostic. believing in god does not suddenly give one the ability to be more humane. actually, history shows that the religious are WAY more violent because they can easily be talked into killing/torturing in the name of god
marriage can be without a priest. you can go to the office and file paperwork, and bam youre married.
gay people cannot quit being gay by choice. otherwise the thousands of christian gay people would switch to straight and get on with their lives. they cant, so they live in torment, torn between their religious views and their sexuality.
what you are proposing is a separate but equal society, based on religious and anti-homosexual views. what gives you the right to be legally married, but an atheist is not? that is the government establishing a religion.
would you be okay with them saying only muslims are allowed to be married now? and the christians have to go through a different legal process? that is essentially what you are doing, except you give your own religion the advantage. i wonder why...
we are not going to start eating humans man. stop talking about it please