The Choice I Never Made...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
When I said something like that a few days ago, I see that I got a new rep. However, in spite of being a +rep, the content said, "Get the fuck outta here atheist scum, we dont need your fucking lies" and it referred me right back to my reply to beardo. Ironic that beardo now talks about immoral behavior without a god yet those that claim to follow him seem to demonstrate the worst that mankind has to offer.
Lol, yeah I got a rep from this thread that said "why dont you go shot yourself jackass, get your stupid shit out of here"


Well-Known Member
hey, have you all heard about the 3 guys and 1 hammer thing?

What about those dudes? What you all think about what they did? were they driven internally or were they just being dumb?

Do you think they are religious or are they atheists?


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I think they are clearly psychopaths and have no ability to empathize with other humans. That kind of personality is dangerous whether they are believers or atheists.


Well-Known Member
I know dude, those fuckers are insane! did you watch the video?

I was just off of youtube and saw some reaction videos of people watching that video and they are horrified!

I dont have the stomach or the mind to watch those types of things, i just cant do it captain!

whoa, i dont what i did that got all these quotes in here, sorry, quotes are not part of my reply, please ignore quotes...

Lol, yeah I got a rep from this thread that said "why dont you go shot yourself jackass, get your stupid shit out of here"
When I said something like that a few days ago, I see that I got a new rep. However, in spite of being a +rep, the content said, "Get the fuck outta here atheist scum, we dont need your fucking lies" and it referred me right back to my reply to beardo. Ironic that beardo now talks about immoral behavior without a god yet those that claim to follow him seem to demonstrate the worst that mankind has to offer.
I think they are clearly psychopaths and have no ability to empathize with other humans. That kind of personality is dangerous whether they are believers or atheists.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I know dude, those fuckers are insane! did you watch the video?

I was just off of youtube and saw some reaction videos of people watching that video and they are horrified!

I dont have the stomach or the mind to watch those types of things, i just cant do it captain!

whoa, i dont what i did that got all these quotes in here, sorry, quotes are not part of my reply, please ignore quotes...
I assume you were talking about these guys

Yes I saw the leaked videos.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, dude, how can you watch those things?

Ive always said, yea i will watch em' but then at the time to hit play i back out!

Yeah, those fuckheads! The maniacs!

If it was up to me, i would post a stake out in the middle of the land where no shade is at just nice hot searing heat! Tie them up with chains, bury them waist deep and leave them there so the vultures can pick at their flesh till they die an agonizing death...

I assume you were talking about these guys

Yes I saw the leaked videos.


Well-Known Member
Right there with you GI.

Hey oly, you think that's bad, go find 'two girls one cup' or 'one guy one jar' or the bme pain olympics. That should add up to an interesting morning!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Right there with you GI.

Hey oly, you think that's bad, go find 'two girls one cup' or 'one guy one jar' or the bme pain olympics. That should add up to an interesting morning!
Or check my hard drives. I would have some serious explaining to do if anyone ever found some of the shit I have on there. I'm sure lots of people have very morbid curiosity though, I can't be the only one.


Well-Known Member
Nah man, I cant watch that stuff! I just cant stomach dat shit(no pun)!

I googled last nite, the worst thing on the internet and alot were talkn bout 3guys 1hammer, does it take the cake so to speak?

Right there with you GI.

Hey oly, you think that's bad, go find 'two girls one cup' or 'one guy one jar' or the bme pain olympics. That should add up to an interesting morning!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
So being desentisized makes you a pshycopath?

Just kidding!

Was it really gruesome like they say on youtube?
It was. It's been a couple years since I saw it. They stabbed the guy in the stomach with a screw driver, and also through the eye I think. I think they also hit him with a hammer. He was still alive through all that.


Well-Known Member
I will have to pass on that link, thanks though!

It is just so crazy that no matter how hard they try in movies to make it seem so horrifying and gory, it is nothing compared to these types of videos!

is it because we know what the person feels or is going through or is it because we know it aint fake! Whatever it may be, i just cant for the life of me watch stuff like that...

for you guys that can, do images come at random or do you have a hard time trying to fall asleep? I know i would, lol! first time i watched the exorcist the old one, man did that make me scared to sleep at night! i was 6, so you can imagine...

Seems like a lot of the video sources have been taken off line, I get lots of dead ends.

Here is one, but the sound is fucked up. It's even more disturbing than I remember (except I remember having audio with it before - you can hear everything going on)




Well-Known Member
i dont know if you are being sarcastic, but if not, i just got tired of people going at each other... there was nothing productive going on and i thought that might 'lighten' up the mood a bit!


Gotta say man, I appreciate the direction you've taken the last few pages oly.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I think the fact that I know it was actually real makes it so much more disturbing than a scene from a movie like hostel or saw or something.


Well-Known Member
I give lots of rep but no likes, so I might have given you guys rep but my rep plus is all lagit when I like something said and I try to always sign my name. I will leave a comment with my rep but the fuck you rep is not my M.O.