The Choice I Never Made...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
@ pad, do you think islamic terrorists' are a part of the ppl u do not like?

Is that why you say when "religion hurts people?"
Exactly right, man! That's a perfect example of the way a persons religion harms other people. There are many of them, some don't cause physical harm, like blowing people up would, other examples cause mental distress like passing laws that fuel the fires of discrimination against homosexuals and their equal right to the same opportunities as heterosexual people.

Pain is pain, right? Be it physical or mental.


Well-Known Member
I understand your point. Is it possible that you too can understand that not all religious people are like the ones you have just mentioned. THere are exceptions to everything.. Everything has an action and reaction, some religious people promote peace while others are against gay marriage... Some atheists' promote peace others promote hatred towards religious people...

There will always be opposing sides, but if we can understand each other here today, that would be something i can be proud of.

Exactly right, man! That's a perfect example of the way a persons religion harms other people. There are many of them, some don't cause physical harm, like blowing people up would, other examples cause mental distress like passing laws that fuel the fires of discrimination against homosexuals and their equal right to the same opportunities as heterosexual people.

Pain is pain, right? Be it physical or mental.


Well-Known Member
I understand your point. Is it possible that you too can understand that not all religious people are like the ones you have just mentioned. THere are exceptions to everything.. Everything has an action and reaction, some religious people promote peace while others are against gay marriage... Some atheists' promote peace others promote hatred towards religious people...

There will always be opposing sides, but if we can understand each other here today, that would be something i can be proud of.
One thing to keep in mind is that disdain for religion is not the same as hatred of religious people. I think many atheists debate so passionately with believers is because they see otherwise intelligent people bypassing their normal reasoning ability and evidence filters in favor of something that is highly questionable. These same atheists are just as outspoken about medical quackery, claims of alien abductions, Nessie and Sasquatch. Most of us are skeptics about any extraordinary claim that appears to violate the rules we have learned as to how the natural world works. There is good reason for that because skepticism has been instrumental in helping mankind progress forward as a species whereas credulity has stagnated progress.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kar, but nah, I do not have the "guts" to visit those sites!

I think it is horrible to kill someone and some ppl do it for fun! Freakn crazy people!
I'm with you on that brother. I have difficulty watching that kind of stuff. I think that's good though. It means that aversion to killing another human is probably very deeply hardwired into our psyche along with other taboos like incest. There are some very good evolutionary explanations that help explain why we have these negative feelings and none of them require that we are taught it, either by another person or a deity.


Well-Known Member
When I said something like that a few days ago, I see that I got a new rep. However, in spite of being a +rep, the content said, "Get the fuck outta here atheist scum, we dont need your fucking lies" and it referred me right back to my reply to beardo. Ironic that beardo now talks about immoral behavior without a god yet those that claim to follow him seem to demonstrate the worst that mankind has to offer.
I have been given rep twice from beardo, and he signed his comments. I was given unsigned rep stating "who do you think you are, you have nothing good to say", a comment which was later expressed nearly word for word by oly. Circumstantial I suppose.

Whoa, dude, how can you watch those things?

Ive always said, yea i will watch em' but then at the time to hit play i back out!
I agree Oly, I think it's a terrible thing for a person to waste such technology on. Our home computers are many times more powerful that what man used to go to the moon, yet many people take this technology and use it for the most morbid and unworthy things. I have been tricked into watching a few snuff films here and there, and their imagery always sticks with me for several days; truly disturbing. I am probably one of the few people I know who has not seen the 2 girls 1 cup video. I was at a friends house once when they put it on, and promptly left (and have not been back) and once people were hanging at my house, and one expressed that we should watch it, and I asked him to leave, then insisted on it. I simply do not tolerate morbid petty sensationalism beyond initial curiosity and those who do are not invited to my life.

Are we expanding from beliefs youre ashamed of to hobbies or interests youre ashamed of? I'll have to give that some thought.

I have not overlooked your question Karri0n, but need time to construct a response.


Well-Known Member
i really dont know what you are talking about... Can you please be more clear?

I used that to show pad that there are some fucked up people in this world and not all of them are religious... SOme could be atheists' themselves while others can be religious, i just dont see how that can be related to things i am ashamed of...

If you did not read my previous posts, i stated that i am too horrified to watch those things... I dont find those things amusing like so many do, i think it is so disrespectful for people to watch the last few minutes of the life of a person and then make it viral! Just not sane!

oh and i have not seen that video either, that 2 girls and a cup thing, with stewies reaction on family guy, i think was enough to sour my taste...

I have been given rep twice from beardo, and he signed his comments. I was given unsigned rep stating "who do you think you are, you have nothing good to say", a comment which was later expressed nearly word for word by oly. Circumstantial I suppose.

I agree Oly, I think it's a terrible thing for a person to waste such technology on. Our home computers are many times more powerful that what man used to go to the moon, yet many people take this technology and use it for the most morbid and unworthy things. I have been tricked into watching a few snuff films here and there, and their imagery always sticks with me for several days; truly disturbing. I am probably one of the few people I know who has not seen the 2 girls 1 cup video. I was at a friends house once when they put it on, and promptly left (and have not been back) and once people were hanging at my house, and one expressed that we should watch it, and I asked him to leave, then insisted on it. I simply do not tolerate morbid petty sensationalism beyond initial curiosity and those who do are not invited to my life.

Are we expanding from beliefs your ashamed of to hobbies or interests your ashamed of? I'll have to give that some thought.

I have not overlooked your question Karri0n, but need time to construct a response.


Well-Known Member
I understand your point. Is it possible that you too can understand that not all religious people are like the ones you have just mentioned. THere are exceptions to everything.. Everything has an action and reaction, some religious people promote peace while others are against gay marriage... Some atheists' promote peace others promote hatred towards religious people...

There will always be opposing sides, but if we can understand each other here today, that would be something i can be proud of.
Enviromental Change? I think so and you are the one responsible.

If more Christians had a mindset like yours, to evolve past their fears, the face of Christianity would have a better ground to stand on in the public's eyes. You confronted them and found out that there was nothing to fear at all.

I'm proud of you Oly.


Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to Obey God
Deuteronomy 17
If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

I think their should be a push to have the bible become law and to enforce its teachings and punishments.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to Obey God
Deuteronomy 17
If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.

I think their should be a push to have the bible become law and to enforce its teachings and punishments.


Well-Known Member
Now now beardo, what about the separation of church and state?
I think it actually says they shall make no law prohibiting religious expression or practices which I think would allow people to practice their religion.


Well-Known Member
Maybe so but it is in the bible- Basicly it is saying anyone who doesn't worship the true God and his follow his word has commited a capital crime.- Their is a war among religions with one another and also with aetheists and their can only be one victor.


Well-Known Member
Beardo, ever imagine a world where you could discuss your views in an adult and understanding manner and not get openly or passively chastised? It would be a whole lot cooler if you could! ;)


Well-Known Member
Beardo, ever imagine a world where you could discuss your views in an adult and understanding manner and not get openly or passively chastised? It would be a whole lot cooler if you could! ;)
That's why we need to get it on and after who ever wins was right and they will all agree and be able to live in peace.


Well-Known Member
Maybe so but it is in the bible- Basicly it is saying anyone who doesn't worship the true God and his follow his word has commited a capital crime.- Their is a war among religions with one another and also with aetheists and their can only be one victor.
There's a war with atheists? Do you think that atheists want to keep you from believing whatever you want? Because that's what it sounds like you would like. You want others to believe what you do or exterminate them. You are one sick fuck if you really think that way and not trolling like Guy suggests.


Well-Known Member
There's a war with atheists? Do you think that atheists want to keep you from believing whatever you want? Because that's what it sounds like you would like. You want others to believe what you do or exterminate them. You are one sick fuck if you really think that way and not trolling like Guy suggests.
Yes you are trying to plant doubt where their can be none.
What you call a sick fuck I call a follower of God. Gods work must be done. If they are not with God they are with Satan.


Well-Known Member
i really dont know what you are talking about... Can you please be more clear?

I used that to show pad that there are some fucked up people in this world and not all of them are religious... SOme could be atheists' themselves while others can be religious, i just dont see how that can be related to things i am ashamed of...

If you did not read my previous posts, i stated that i am too horrified to watch those things... I dont find those things amusing like so many do, i think it is so disrespectful for people to watch the last few minutes of the life of a person and then make it viral! Just not sane!

oh and i have not seen that video either, that 2 girls and a cup thing, with stewies reaction on family guy, i think was enough to sour my taste...
No Oly I was simply agreeing with you and telling a story of my own. I do not hold grudges.