400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
As listed, this is my first grow. I have a thread in the 'Newbie Central' section of the forums but I feel i'm not a newbie anymore... everytime I go to that section I see ridiculous questions that two minutes of browsing would answer so, here am i am.

If you want to catch up on things you can check it out here :

I have five plants, one is a seedling that I am doing 12/12 from seed, just to mess around.

I started flowering on July 4th, my strains are : Desert Dream [Blue Dream x Platinum OG], Hindu Kush, Master Bubba, and Northern Lights.. the seedling is just some bagseed the rest I got as clones.

400W Setup, running General Hydro nutrients and taking this one step at a time really.

Heres some new pictures from today, the desert dream is the only one with actual bud sites coming in, the rest are a day or two behind.

I have all the smaller more indica strain plants on books and whatnot to even out the canopy since the desert dream is just taking off like a normal sativa.

I've also got them all in 5GAL pots with FFOF Soil and about 20-30% Perelite mixed in.

Desert Dream, no close ups and it's kindof blurry sorry, only got a cell phone camera :/
Hindu Kush, been through hell with this plant.. from giving my tent spider mites to it just being a pain in the ass, but its picking up really well now :]

Master Bubba, my favorite of them all. This is the plant that i'll be smoking when I harvest, rest of the plants I really don't care for.

Northern Lights, the runt of them all when I first purchased them.
Now it's the biggest and bushiest... only contender to the Desert Dream.

This bagseed was from a strain called "Redbull".. very earthy taste and a shit ton of red hairs.....not expecting much of this plant just felt like experimenting a little bit, hopefully it comes out somewhat like the bud I got it from.


Well-Known Member
Feel free to leave feedback, but try not to quote pictures or flame the thread please so others can freely browse pictures and updates without having to go through eight pages like most threads :P


Active Member
honestly i didnt even read any posts, took one look at the photos, that 400watt isnt gonna penetrate deep into the canopy, only about 12 inchs in, so id cut all those lil fan leafs, small shoots, anything on the bottom third as it will be useless.


Well-Known Member
Alright i'll do that right now, so pretty much all the little growth coming off the main chutes cut it off? and all the pointless clutter of fan leaves?


Active Member
yep trust me, in the long term the plant will put its energy into the top buds and not those shitty ones, also helps increase airflow and what not.

yes anything on the bottom 3rd of the plant thats coming off the main stem cut it off.

other then that, everything looks good


Well-Known Member
Yea I got what you're saying I was going to do that anyways... this wont make my plant hermie though will it?


Well-Known Member
Nice grow dude they look nice and healthy. +rep escpesially for growing 5 plants for your first grow I only had 1 plant for my first, having 4 or more becomes a lot of work sometimes


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it, atleast from doing this i've learned that the next time I have a first grow [lol] to only do one strain, cause four is a pain in the ass.

thanks man :]

and jagle, I also did this to the northern lights... but thank you for telling me to do so... it opened my eyes and I can totally tell what I should and shouldnt cut off... I mostly cut off all the branches that didnt have bud sites forming since all the ones that are getting alot of light have huge bud sites, and i just cleaned things up.. I could of made like 40+ clones though :/


Well-Known Member
Yea I went ahead and cleaned up all of my plants.. my hindu kush is happy cause my northern lights was blocking some of the fan from her, but now that shes trimmed up the hindu kush is getting lots of air.

I swear, this morning my bud sites were formed, but probably the smallest they could be... now they are biggggg! and the smell off of them is getting stronger, and stronger... i need a carbon filter soon.. any suggestions?
Going to post pictures of all I trimmed at 6 PST


Active Member
I use the small one from HTG and it's on its 6th month of almost constant use and working well, as good as the day I opened it...ONA gel for other times like harvest...Ask alotaball how much his place reeked at chop......


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant man.

I hope you have some good head room for stretching. Don't want to burn those tops.

+ rep for a first grow, good job.


Well-Known Member
I found the can9000 [which i was interested in] for 70$ at the local hydro store, also the can2600 which they said was ideal for 55$.... they also have a phresh carbon filter on sale for 75$ for my size tent...

not sure which I should get o.o

and sorry I couldn't post pictures again today, lights went out before I got a chance to snap photos.
will take some in the morning at lights on, going to be feeding the desert dream and hindu kush tomorrow water + nutes most likely, they are finally off transition and into their bloom stage :]


Well-Known Member
Heres some new pictures from this morning, watered the bluedreamxplatinumOG and hindukush this morning. the bluedream pheno by far has the most production this far... im rather happy with how things are looking. Didn't take pictures of the hindu kush though today just not worth the time nothings changed really hah.

Sorry about the HPS tint forgot to turn other lights on. this is the desert dream i cleaned up alot of the undergrowth
not the best pistil picture :X
this is where it's at, the master bubba... ohhh lordy do I have high hopes for this plant.
and it's already showing to be beautiful ahh!!

here the northern lights, also cleaned her up a lot.. just main branches that are growing bud sites i left behind everything underneith or struggling to get to the light got taken off...
again, not the best picture.. but i think this is the northern lights pistils.
my seedling :] it's getting pretty big and I actually made it canopy level this morning with the use of alot of tape. so it's not just sitting in the corner getting whatever light breaks through anymore. I think I see the sex of the plant coming in.. it's been more than two weeks so i'm waiting to see what happens.


Active Member
must agree.....look much better with the hair cut. =) make sure that you are sure on the sex as well.... it takes more than two or three weeks in my experience. I let my plants veg 6 weeks min. from seed and 4 weeks min. from clone. You really want to make sure they are mature....are you gonna clone?


Well-Known Member
They are all in flowering, the seed I have i'm doing 12/12 from seed like del66666, but not expecting as much.

He told me to keep an eye out around 2-3 week mark for the sex to show so just waiting, i don't want to eff up my other plants and if it came down to killing the seedling now I would lol

I keep seeing more things that are just stragglers on the plants, like they will barely be forming bud ontop and have nothing underneith.. so i clip it off, mostly on the sativa.
Just went out and bought a Can2600 and 4inch flange, but i love how they make it so damn easy to attach that flange to your filter.....not.
comes with 4 screws, but no place to screw them in, some foam and that its.

nothing duct tape couldn't fix though :P

and I would of cloned if I had rooting compound or rockwool cubes or anything of the sort, but I decided not to bother.
these are just some clones I picked up from clinics in the area that I wanted to fuck with on my first grow with my new system.
my next grow will be a little bit more serious, going to be growing from seed a strain my brother made i think its master mixed with purple, then he mixed that with oaksterdam OG or some shit o_O
with these i'll be making mothers and taking clones and doing that process.
i only want to do one or two strains at a time from now on to be honest, four is just a headache unless you have the knowledge/room/equipment to have a little more fun with it, and i dont have any of that so hahah.
thank you all for droppin in and sharin some feedback, much appreciated :]


Well-Known Member
Oh and its a shit ton easier watering the plants now that they don't have all that under-growth. Even if it didn't improve yield I think i'd still cut it off just for that simple fact lol.