Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil


New Member
hi folk's, this will be the last daily update. i am going to update this journal weekly from today on. as its the 1st day of 12/12 i dont want to disturb the plants too much, and we will see i bigger difference in the growth.

pics 1-4 are the rhino, its doing well after i took some disscoloured leaves off it. the other disscoloured leaf doesnt seem to be getting any worse but i'll keep a check on it. the lower growth is coming along nicely and the stem is getting thicker too.

pics 5-8 are of widow #2, its getting alot bushier now, the lower branchs are getting longer and more leaves on. the stem is thick like a pencil now.

pic 9 shows the size difference between the 3 plants.

pics 10-12 are of widow #1, its almost 10" high now and getting very bushy, the lower branches are growing out to the edge of the canopy to get the best light. in pic 11 you can see the suspected balls but as yet i still cannot determine if its male or female.

thanks for looking. any questions and comments are welcome.




Well-Known Member
lookin good hustla i to am going to be updating the journal less often cause i go back to school this weekend. I am sortta looking foward to it as growing and rollitup has taken over my life:)
I look foward to visiting the grows i have been watching less frequently so i will realy see a diffrence, looks good what do you think is going on with the rino?


New Member
lookin good hustla i to am going to be updating the journal less often cause i go back to school this weekend. I am sortta looking foward to it as growing and rollitup has taken over my life:)
I look foward to visiting the grows i have been watching less frequently so i will realy see a diffrence, looks good what do you think is going on with the rino?
hi kaya, thanks for stopping by, im not sure whats going on with the rhino at the moment. the leaves started to turn brown and crispy on the edges but its not from heat as the other 2 plants are fine ( temps are 79-84 ). im not sure if it just doesnt like the nutes im using or if its something im not seeing. its getting the same nutes in the same quantities as the small widow and it doesnt have a mark on its leaves, its puzzling. the new growth and the other leaves seem fine for now but im keeping a close eye on it. i have other nutes that im going to try just to see if it makes a difference.



Well-Known Member
have you tried going weker on the nutes for that plant sounds like nute burn if its not heat? Some strains dont like the nutes as much? Still looks alright is it growing slower or planted later?


Well-Known Member
everytime a come here there gettin bigger lol.
not seen them in a few days n there lookin great.
keep up the gd work.

your rhino cud just be like mine bro n just not like alot of nutes. i burnt mine but its recovering nicely.
wont be long before that widow shows you wot it is,,. now your in flowering.



New Member
everytime a come here there gettin bigger lol.
not seen them in a few days n there lookin great.
keep up the gd work.

your rhino cud just be like mine bro n just not like alot of nutes. i burnt mine but its recovering nicely.
wont be long before that widow shows you wot it is,,. now your in flowering.
hi kaya & menace, the rhino is the same age as the small widow, it sprouted on the same day. i have been giving the 2 smaller plants a half dose of nutes compared to the big widow which is almost full strength now. im going to give it just water for the next week to see how it does before i give it any more nutes. the pics here were taken this morning. it looks all burnt round the edges. the leaves abouve and below are fine, its just the bigger leaves its effecting.




New Member
but if I had to make a guess id say male...
hi cali, thanks for the rep points mate. i was thinking its male but im not 100% sure yet, its so hard to get a good look at the sac's/pistils even with a loop and scope. i'll keep you posted as soon as i see for definate.



New Member
hi bong, thanks for stopping by. i had my suspisions that it was male but i wasnt sure. lets hope the other 2 are female.



New Member
hi folks, the big widow is definately a male plant. i checked on it this morning and there are balls on the top nodes. these have grown since i checked it yesterday. i will get some pics later today when i have some time.
it looks like my breeding program might be taking a step forward but now i have to wait and see if i get a female from the other 2 plants, as yet there is nothing showing on them. the big widow started to show at the same age ( just over 3 weeks ) as the smaller ones are at now so it looks promising so far. fingers crossed guy's.



New Member
hi guy's, here are the pics of the male plant. its not very clear but at each node there are 2-4 little balls. im going to prune it back abit now so it doesnt get too big and keep it to the side until i see what the other plants are.
thanks for looking.




New Member
hi bwinn in ok thanks, how have you been ? we are all just getting over the flu here.
the plants are doing fine also, i have 1 male so far and hopefully 2 females but only time will tell. going to give the 2 smaller plants another week to get abit bigger before i put them onto 12/12. keep watching as hopefully there will be alot more pics coming soon lol.
