Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil


New Member
hi littletruck, thanks for stopping by, i'll be watching your grow also.

hi folks, here is another update. my big widow looks like its got male flowers forming on 3 nodes, although they are very small im pretty sure its male. im going to keep it anyway to breed from. i just hope one or both of the others are female.
pics 1 & 2 are widow #1, this i think is male, i'll get some pics of the sacs when the camera can pick them up clearly. its grown an inch taller and wider since i took pics yesterday. its 24 days old.
pics 3 & 4 are widow #2, its grow half inch wider and quarter inch taller since yesterday. the lower growth is forming well now and the leaves are vizable.
pics 5 & 6 are the rhino, its grown the same amount as the #2. both are 15 days old.




New Member
hi folks i just noticed this, its the rhino and its got 2 leaves on one node an one on the other. i just thought it was a big leaf until i had a real close look at it ( check the 5th pic in the above above post ). its on one branch but it splits into 2 leaves. the next new leaves look like its just 2 ( as in normal ).
has anyone else had this ?




New Member
wow thats neat hustla, plants bushed out sence i was here last looks nice
hi kaya, thanks for coming by. the big 1 has grown alot since you were last here, unfortunately ive found balls on it. im hoping they dont all turn out to be males again.



New Member
hi guy's, the first 2 pics are what i think are balls, sorry i cant get it any clearer in the pics. i have had a look with the magnifying glass and cant see any pistills on them, these look like my last plant did. they are still too small to get a good look at though.
pics 3,4 &5 show the difference of nine days between the big 1 and the 2 smaller ones.




Well-Known Member
not sure wot they are yet bro,, mite be male but give it a few days just to be sure man.. are you sure its not just the calyx growin outa there.??


New Member
im not 100% sure bro but it just looks the same as my last plant that was male. ive had a close look with the magnifying glass and cant see anything other than the pod. theres no hairs showing or anything else. time will tell though bro.



New Member
yet more pics lol,
1-3 are widow #2, as you can see its growing well and staying nice and short. its spreading out alot but not much in height.
4-6 are the rhino, its growing in height more than width, but its still very compact.
7&8 are widow #1, im still unsure what the growths are at the nodes, looks like its male sac's but 1 has a hair like thing ( green in colour ) coming from it, the camera wont pick it up and i cant get a good look with the magnifyer. i just watered it thats why its drooping in the pics.

any comments or questions ?




New Member
well bro i hope there not males, I know some plants autoflower, but that seems pretty quick 17 days but with weed ive found out anything is possible. other than that they look great very green and lush. check out my harvest.



New Member
well bro i hope there not males, I know some plants autoflower, but that seems pretty quick 17 days but with weed ive found out anything is possible. other than that they look great very green and lush. check out my harvest.


hi salt, the one that is showing those balls is 26 days old. the smaller ones are 17 days old. i had a look with the 60-100x scope but even with that i cant see them properly, apart from not being able to hold it still enough they are very small still. i'll give it a few more days and have another look to see if its any clearer. the last plants i grew in soil showed about the same age and they turned out males, just hope its not a repeat of that, hope i get atleast 1 fem from these 3 plants. thanks for stopping by.



New Member
hey hustler im sure this will be my last message on this site. since the moderaters are pieces of sh it. For some reaon everytime I post now it wont go to new post it will just go to the catagory it in like growjournals. So im gonna go to a new site and leave these clown moderaters. I mean what a joke they are to do that to me Ive never done anything wrong to hurt any one on this site, ive never talked sh it to anyone and they treat me like this fu ck them. im gonna go to they give a shit about there growers and dont pull sh it like this. So hustla if you want to talk or keep in touch ill be on that site you should check it out.



New Member
hi salt, sorry you feel that way about rollitup, i think its a great site and i have found alot of great info here. ive also had a lot of help from the great people that run this site and i have no reason to leave. good luck on your new ventures salt. keep growing.



Well-Known Member
well hustla how ya been? things have been a bit crazy around here but for good reasons:)

o yea salt its not just you it is everyone at roll it up. Most of us are having changes in how our post show up. Take a pill...... rollitup is the place to be iv tried some of the others.

i want to see some new pics, did you see my new little chicks they are growing like weeds, i think i have to many:) hope you and plants are well


New Member
well hustla how ya been? things have been a bit crazy around here but for good reasons:)
hi kaya, im not too bad thanks for asking, its been crazy here too lol. we have the flu and the kids have the same lol. we are getting over it but its taking its time. the plants are doing fine although i think i have 1 male, the other 2 are too small yet to know what they are but i have my fingers crossed for atleast 1 female.



Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that i hope you all feel better soon, i hate that lingering part of a cold.

i hope you get females too, are you going to keep any pollen if you get any males?


New Member
sorry to hear that i hope you all feel better soon, i hate that lingering part of a cold.

i hope you get females too, are you going to keep any pollen if you get any males?
hi kaya, yea i hope so too so we can get back to normal,
yea if this 1 turns out to be male i'll keep it and hope for a fem out of the other 2 so i can cross them. i was going to try and breed at somepoint but i know that you cant keep the pollen for long ( ive heard its approx 1 month ) in the freezer. so if i get the chance i'll do it this grow, so i know the pollen is fresh. thanks for stopping by kaya.



Well-Known Member
hey hustler im sure this will be my last message on this site. since the moderaters are pieces of sh it. For some reaon everytime I post now it wont go to new post it will just go to the catagory it in like growjournals. So im gonna go to a new site and leave these clown moderaters. I mean what a joke they are to do that to me Ive never done anything wrong to hurt any one on this site, ive never talked sh it to anyone and they treat me like this fu ck them. im gonna go to they give a shit about there growers and dont pull sh it like this. So hustla if you want to talk or keep in touch ill be on that site you should check it out.

no body did anything to you....but now your banned.....keep the piece..:peace:


New Member
hi folks, yet another update lol. the small widow is now 6" wide but not much taller, its getting a good thick stem and is quite bushy now.
the big widow is getting alot wider and taller now. i still cant see if these are balls or not, i think they are but im not 100% sure yet.
the rhino is not as wide as the small widow but its getting slightly taller. the lower growth is forming well. the double leaf i spotted the other day is looking weird lol, its 2 stems growing as 1 and the leaf seems to be joined too, so its 1 leaf with like 20 fingers lol, i will try and get a good pic of it when it gets a little bigger as some of the fingers are hard to see.




New Member
i want to see some new pics, did you see my new little chicks they are growing like weeds, i think i have to many:) hope you and plants are well
hi kaya, which journal are your pics in ? i had a look at your journal in your sig but they are not there. if they are in that journal i must have missed them lol.
