Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

18 mm. Just PM when it's done, and we'll work out payment. Coo?

edit: How much are these things, btw? You said you'd do them for $10 all day, but do you want to, is the question... or did I miss it and you said more? :peace:

i was hoping to get the 60 dollars everyone else gets. ;)

let me try to bust a few out and see how much trouble it gives me. if it's as easy as it appears then somewhere around 10 dollars may be reasonable. :cool:
I need to see these $10 dollar dome setups you speak of haha. If the domes are straight you can put me down for a 18/18 for a 90 Degree joint forsure. The dome would have to fit my Highly educated V2 nail though. on aqualabs site it says there 1.75" inches tall.

does the nail rest on the edge of the fitting?

a clear fitting is a clear fitting. how much different could it really look? ;)
Diameter is important too.. PMW

If it doesn't fit a tinail.. you'd hope it would come with a glass nail ;)

what diameter? the diameter of the fitting?

the t-nail should be made to fit the fitting. the fittings come premade. if a nail doesn't fit the fitting it is because the nail was made wrong. ;)
The nail heads diameter inside the dome...

Sure it may slide through the glass on glass fitting, but the dome could narrow/pinch slightly right after the GOG making it so the nail can't go past the fitting and into the *fishbowl* part of the dome.

This was the case with my friends worked 14mm dome.. I brought my TI nail over to try but the actual dome piece was too narrow and the nail couldnt Fi tpast the 14mm fitting
I need to see these $10 dollar dome setups you speak of haha. If the domes are straight you can put me down for a 18/18 for a 90 Degree joint forsure. The dome would have to fit my Highly educated V2 nail though. on aqualabs site it says there 1.75" inches tall.

I've got my SOV glass which is 90, too. . . that's the one I'd be in for the dome on. Not sure if that makes any difference, but figured I should prolly speak up now, right?!?!?!?! hehehe. . . :peace:
what diameter? the diameter of the fitting?

the t-nail should be made to fit the fitting. the fittings come premade. if a nail doesn't fit the fitting it is because the nail was made wrong. ;)

Ah yeah i didnt think of that verde, good call. Yeah the nails will fit any 18mm fitting, but the head of the Ti nail is a huge 1/4 inch dish, lemme grab a video. I think he meant the dome cant get too narrow right after the GonG fittin - before the dome bubbles out.


Atleast that's what i think he meant lol. But i'm sure you know what you're doing lol
Yes thats what I meant.

a little difficult to explain on my end.....

like you said im sure he is aware of this.... but i figured it was worth mentioning!
This is unrelated to any current topic, but this thread has been so active it just made me noticed this glass thread has made it to 128 pages.

I then shed a single tiny tear of happiness. I still have some faith in this place

if ur dome is too narrow to fit a ti nail then thats a janky ass dome! lol ..but ive heard some male to male joints have a smaller inside diameter than others(some are thicker than others),so ti nails with counter weights wont fit in some joints!... not all joints are the same,yes they do the same job but some are janky as fuck lol..
Hey FDD...I know you don't do the request thing and all but since you're gonna bust out domes for the guys I figured I'd throw this out there....that piece you have on the site titled "so close" is sweet man...If you ever felt like doing one of those again I'm in!!!
Hey y'all, just wanted to stop in and show off my OG her name is wonder woman cuz she is red whit and blue, curvy, and will keep ya flyin high.
Thanks verde, It works with buds as well. Maybe not as well as it should but it does work, at least it did with some g13 I had
So I just paid for a SG bent neck stemline.... an alt oil dome and tinail...18mm all the way, finally!

looking forward to welcoming her into my little family... :)