Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!


Well-Known Member
well since I am growing for my wife I am thinking about just ordering more seeds and growing each plant from seed for her so she can smoke a variety instead of the same thing over and over again... she smokes for chronic migraines and anxiety. She seems to like Sativas more then Indicas. can you guys please recommend some good strains to grow?


Well-Known Member
So the smell was getting through my carbon filter... so I had to do something about it... and I could not find any real reviews ONA... so like everything else in my grow... got some got 4 ONA Block PROs... on on the intake, one on the exhaust, one in the closet, and one downstairs in my living room... and let me tell you... this shit is amazing. absolutely a must have for a sneaky grow. I LOVE IT!!!! ONA ONA ONA ONA!!!! if you have smell and need something to hide it... buy ONA and an ass load of it!


Well-Known Member
yessss....i love ONA as well...use the lil like 8 oz. cans...2 of 'em and you cant smell anything cept. fresh have a very very promising set up...if you fal dsam i will slap i;d kill to be able to have a grow tent, and cbn. scrubber...would make my life so much much did your tent run you?


Active Member
i am a nooob...and i have the same excitement as you do about ur grow... i can actually paint a mental pic of you sitting on the comp typing really fast with a huge s*it smile on ur face... im the same way.. i have ,my first grot ever..see sig (not hi-jacking :]) i think im gonna make a tent.. but a egit tent... im gonna sub to this... this is fun.. i feel ur excitement.. me excited (no homo) about my grow and ur grom.. Love and peace JoeyBozz


Well-Known Member
yessss....i love ONA as well...use the lil like 8 oz. cans...2 of 'em and you cant smell anything cept. fresh have a very very promising set up...if you fal dsam i will slap i;d kill to be able to have a grow tent, and cbn. scrubber...would make my life so much much did your tent run you?
Got it on Craigslist two tents, one 3x3x6 and one 2x4x6 came with carbon filter, 6" fan, 400 lumatek ballast, hydrofarm reflector with hps bulb and all kinds of ducting and clamps for 900 its a big investment but a great price for everything nearly new used for less then one grow. Oh and a 4 bulb 4' t5 fixture for the other tent with 6500 bulbs. So I can eat the cost for everything I would have bought in the long run anyways... they are hydrohut tents quality is amazing. Loving it so far can't wait to get the other set up after our family leaves and I get our second bedroom back!


Well-Known Member
Update time!! alright so here is whats going on... hope you all enjoy!!

First Up is the SAGE... looking super healthy and happy. tried to FIM it let me know what you think if I did it right or not. :)


Next up is Dwarf Red Hair! looking so good and happy! 2nd full week of flower almost done.


Here are my DINAFEM Fruit automatic tests and so far the coco and the African Violet soil are the best the Organic choice is not doing as good...


Here is my first run at clones... they are 4 days old and still looking super happy! I am so glad they are not all dead means I must be doing something right! also what my clones will be going into when they have rooted so I can get some real root growth on them! :) one of these will tell me to chop or flower! WOO WOO


Full Frontal and group shot!



On the shelf in the closet
In front of the intake fan
On top of the light

Shelfs nutes ect...


Active Member
holy hell man.. and to think i asked a ? about auto flowering seeds in my post.. lookin good man... loookin good.. im gonna start building my tent as soon as i get some $$$ check out my grow, i added some new stuff.. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah bro your grow is looking good!
haha rly out did yourself on those onas... I was under the impression that the absorbed odor into the actual container and released a fragrance, if thats right one on the front of your intake would be unneeded, but I am not sure.

your babies are looking great tho, hows the clones doing now?


Well-Known Member
man the clones are doing great!!! they are 5 days old and still standing tall! so proud of them! a few more days and I am sure I will see roots on them! cant wait to find out if it is a male or female.. if its female I am going to say screw the autos and just switch the light to 12/12 and flower the shit out of the sage!


Well-Known Member
new week new nute mixture. new pics in a few days! super stoked! (all looking great too btw.)


Well-Known Member
looking absolutely amazing dsam...i am proud of you. been here since post 1, and i hafta say i am impressed with you bein able to keep them fan leaves all looking super good, and healthy...thats key man. keep the "feed leaves" and your good. i'd try to keep 'em green all the way to harvest... i know, i know, some people say that a little yellowing is the norm. i say BULL SHIT!!!


Active Member
dsam! checkin up on ur babies! lookin good man.. that coco is a crazy medium, i think i may use it in my blackjack grow when i get the seeds.. the only shitty part is i have the BFB (big fuckin bag) of FFOF but i like it.. my baby is starting to stink and get gross and what not.. all the characteristics of dank budz.. got some new pics up, cant wait to see ur new pics!!!! love and peace, Joey Bozz



Well-Known Member
Yeah FFOF is great! I like it cause I can veg for 4 weeks with absolutely no veg nutes. on the flip side to that my coco medium holds no nutes for the plants and doesn't supply any... so it is an easy way to feel like you are using hydroponics cause you are watering with what would basically be in a hydroponic reservoir and considering how happy the plants seem to be... looks like maybe a hydro set up next.


Active Member
well to be honest with you, when i transplanted my baby from that BS miracle grow to the FFOF, i used the FFOF with about 35% of straight pearlite (added to the already mixed FF soil), so i kinda screwed that up, but on the bright side i transplanted when i switched to 12/12, so i kinda had a soil setup for veg, and now i have a kinda hydro cuz i effed up on adding too much pearlite but shes still alive and smelling awesome.. so i guess its whatever.. but if u look at the new pics, i think i just answered my root question (my roots are starting to grow out the bottom of my pot...) we shall see what the future holds for my "penny-furr" Love and peace, Joey Bozz

oh yea, i finally figured out how to subscribe to threads.. and i sub'd to urs! thanks for the love on my page man..


Well-Known Member
Nice thanks for the sub... I will keep it updated weekly now. So no worries. You can follow along with me.


Well-Known Member
clones are showing roots!! 7 days later!! WOO WOO!!! sorry for the cell phone pics. as always let me know what you think!
