911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

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It was not the impact of the two jets that brought down the towers. These were long flight jets and each had 30,000 gallons of jet fuel in the belly. For support and weight reduction, the building floors were attached to the support columns around the perimeter of each tower. The jet fuel created a blast furnace and melted the floor attachments. First a floor dropped and landed on the floor below. Then the next did the same. Then you started the domino effect. Then the sidewalls collapsed.

This is simple physics. Bin Laden had learned (as many US engineers understand) that the fire suppression was different on the top third of the buildings. The bottom 2/3rds were covered in asbestos, a far superior insulator. So he had told the team of killers to aim at about floor 60; for maximum thermal effect.

The collapse of building 7 is had to explain. Simple cause and effect theories do not seem to apply. Which is why uneducated conspiracy merchants have a field day with the 911 tragedy. If you cannot explain the loss of building 7 then the CIA blew up the twin towers. Right? Also, the collapse of the Murrow building in Oklahoma has real conspiracy overtones, so people would suspect the government as being involved with 911.

So how do you explain pilots that couldn't even pass flying tests on MUCH smaller planes, being able to swerve huge jets through NYC right into the WTC (have you seen the flight paths of the jets!). How do you explain the complete disintegration of the jet that hit the pentagon, and the jet that fell in MD. How do you explain the pentagon immediately going and confiscating every surveillance tape that could have showed a jet hitting the pentagon, and none have ever been seen since. There is no explanation for WTC building #7.
You forgot to include abortion.


Yes, you are correct. And also birth control pills and condoms. Not to mention vaccines and medicines that are not quite right. Pharmaceuticals that help, but have serious side effects. And other methods of population control as well.
So how do you explain pilots that couldn't even pass flying tests on MUCH smaller planes, being able to swerve huge jets through NYC right into the WTC (have you seen the flight paths of the jets!). How do you explain the complete disintegration of the jet that hit the pentagon, and the jet that fell in MD. How do you explain the pentagon immediately going and confiscating every surveillance tape that could have showed a jet hitting the pentagon, and none have ever been seen since. There is no explanation for WTC building #7.

I did not attempt to explain very much, only the destruction of the Towers. So don't involve me in the side questions.

The "pilots" were only interests in level flight and maneuvering. Take offs, landings, and navigation were of no concern. The learned what they needed to fly into the Towers, nothing more.

If you are asking my opinion, I would speculate that terrorists struck these targets and some sort of a government conspiracy was developed in an ad hoc fashion. The result was greater government control of our lives.
Whew, I guess now that the government has saved us all, I can take down the duct tape from all my windows, what a load of crap. I wonder how many hours of waterboarding it took to get this Info.?

You should bring your caravan on to pimpmyride fix you up with some propa windows no duct tape wow :hump:
Well it seems this poll is getting more accurate all the time.
The poll so far is only surprising in that 37.28% believe we know the truth.
you guys are fuckin dumb no youtube videos or anything of the sort show any information of this being a government attack
IF it was a government setup... do you really think they would make it easy for citizens to figure it out?

Also, I just... can't see how "terrorists" could manage to hijack an American aircraft.

And, the towers collapsing seemed a little suspicious as well.
I dont understand why we could'nt scramble f-16's to take out the 2nd plane.

they could of been there in seconds. Smells very fishy, since we have the technology to stop pretty much anything comin at us with in a minute or two.

the only thing i think is total government BS is the plane crash in PA. an F16 shot that thing down and the reason i believe so is the engine was 7 miles from the wreck site.. a heat-seaking missile like the sidewinder would have blown the engine off. there was no "passenger rebellion" and even if there was they wouldn't have made it into the cabin, imo.

Wasn't there recorded cell phone calls from the passengers to loved ones on the ground prior to the crash that indicated a rebellion? Propaganda maybe? Dunno. I've thought the same thing a time or two.

yeah, there were a couple widows who reported that kind of scenario... i'm not saying they were lying but when all their hopes and dreams were literally crashing down it wouldn't surprise me one bit if imagination was used to pay a bit of a tribute to lost loved ones... (consciously or not)
